new Plg powerlifting general

Listen up guys this is OHP and highbar and conventional deadlifts edition

Other urls found in this thread:


Sheiko Programs:

>Beginner (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Intermediate Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Intermediate Medium Load

>Intermediate Large Load

>Advanced Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Advanced Medium Load

>Advanced Large Load

reminder high bar squats are for real niggas only and sumo deadlifts are for fags

I'm a fag and I deadlift sumo but I'm switching to highbar soon so I can be a real nigga

ok good

Reminder that the formula for volume calculations is
V = SF ∧ (XR + YW) - 7

alright for all the shilling for sheiko that goes on here I'm kind of curious.
Why sheiko? What's the benefit? what kind of progress can you expect to make? Can you cut on sheiko or do you have to bulk?
just red pill me on the whole thing

sucking le coach gods meme dick

I'm not a fag but I'm also not a real ass nigga. Sorry friend

We saw your joke.

Unfortunately, women aren't funny. And men pretending to be women are ESPECIALLY not funny. Except for Eddie Izzard.

But you are not him.

how the hell can you comfortable put the bar that low on your back?

Sheiko is a program with lots of volume at 70-80% and you can do monthlong cycle or 3-5month long cycles depending on your level of advancement

You don't have to bulk but you will make more gains if you do as with any program

You can cut but don't cut too drastically or you will die

You can expect to make 5% increases on all your lifts if you're earlier intermediate but that will slow down as you get more advanced

The rate at which you get less and less gains is determined by your GDE-ness

Trial and error. It took me a week to find the sweet spot and once I found it I never looked back.

God Master Rippetoe would smite me.

According to whom? Are you shitting around or are those equations actually something?

new thread already blows thanks to the nigger

new one where trappy not allowed

What joke?

That is the actual formula, it's not a joke.

Cause it's good.
Benefit is you get stronger improve technique and don't get injured or burned out.
A lot of progress. People here have increased their wilks by as much as 40 points in one or two months.
Yes, we have had people successfully cut on Sheiko and still make ridiculous gains (as in adding 14kg to their bench press in 30 days while losing 6-8kg of bodyweight).

I'm not joking, that formula literally means "number of sets over RPE 7".
As for the sources on why volume works like that? Nuckols has a big metaanalysis on his website. Just google "strengtheory.com volume".

Nobody post in that thread trappy chan is a valuable friend and member of Plg and she is allowed here so this is the good thread

Currently I do BP:85kg , OHP:57.5kg, SQ:120kg , DL:140kg all for 5 reps @ 85kg bodyweight that I achieved using the program on the pic. Though I felt like shit and overworked after I reached these numbers . Now I took a break of 1 month and feel better but want to change programs. Was thinking to start 5/3/1 with the bodybuilding template. My main goal is to do 100kg BP,140kg SQ and 160kg DL for 5 reps as soon as possible. Which 4 day program would you recommend from you imgur ones ? Also I'm starting to bulk a bit too so
maybe things will go better with your 4 day tm style ? I really don't know. Thanks in advance,you are the best.

i had a look at all these spreadsheets and I don't see a single one that incorporates the OHP as one of the main lifts.

are you trolling me now?

>What joke?
>That is the actual formula, it's not a joke.

Since we're making shit up:

>Trappy =/= woman.

What's really funny, is that my equation is factually true, and backed my billions of data points.

Someone tell me why i shouldn't do smolov

I'll have to take a look at all this then.
How do you go about picking one of the programs? like what determines which one to do?
also, are those gains permanent or more of a peaking kind of thing? can you expect to maintain the gains?

>strengtheory.com volume
What do the variables mean?

you'll want to kill yourself everyday for 13 weeks

Hoping that some of the old trips (or at least someone who actually lifts weights) is lurking.

How do you guys address torn callouses? I did a rack pull with lmao6pl8 today and ripped a small chunk out of my hand, and I still want to be able to train while it heals.


Do I just use straps for deadlifts and stuff?

Because you're natty and weak.

Honestly, at the point you're in, my suggestion is either the beginner or intermediate medium/large load programs from here Do a prep cycle and then the first week of the comp cycle (where you test new maxes), then repeat.

You'll make insane progress.

They only incorporate OHP as accessory.
They are powerlifting programs. OHP isn't a competition lift.

I love how you use the pic made by bauer and alex, both close friends of mine, thinking it's gonna offend me. kekkkk

Injuries and feeling like shit.
If you wanna do high volume, do sheiko

why would i want to do your meme program

yes, and to prevent it happening again file down your fucking calluses

not old trip, do actually lift things
I actually found a solution to this years ago in drum corp with blisters, but it works for callouses too. Just patch the hole up with superglue, put one of the super strength or heavy duty fabric bandaids over it, then pull it out when you're done training.
it sounds crazy and it hurts a bit but it works like gangbusters. superglue was originally designed to be used to close smaller wounds in Vietnam, so its also got antibiotic/antiseptic properties

>thinking it's gonna offend me. kekkkk
I don't need to offend you to feel good.

God did a WAY better job than I could ever have dreamed.

>They are powerlifting programs. OHP isn't a competition lift
>OHP isn't a competition lift
>OHP isn't a competition lift
>OHP isn't a competition lift
>OHP isn't a competition lift
>OHP isn't a competition lift

I appreciate the compliment, but the author of those is Boris Sheiko. :)

Superglue and tape over it.

E = RPE threshold = 7
F = Fatigue
V = Volume
S = Sets
W = Weight
R = Reps
X, Y = Constants

The formula for the RPE is still a WIP. No one seems to have put it into an actual equation yet.


If you're under 105kg pick either medium or large load.

If you're over 105kg pick any of the three loads.

If you want less volume, pick small load.
If you want mostest volume, pick large load.



Don't meme me about clean & press, you know I'm talking about powerlifting aka IPF competitions.

>file down your fucking calluses
Yeah. I forgot my pumice stone at home when I came back after break, so my maintenance has been less-than-stellar. I've been pulling for volume rather than weight (sets of 10ish), so it hasn't mattered much until today.

Cool, I might try that.

Thanks, guys.


Think if it this way, if it was God, then you can blame God.

If not, then you are just a huge genetic mistake.

I mean c'mon, you won't even procreate.

>powerlifting aka IPF competitions.
>IPF competitions

Interesting I take a look at the beginner spreadsheet and looks cool. The thing is , without wanting to sound like a whiny bitch, is there a possibility of making it 4 day or should I suck it up ? Even if I could add a 4th day after the 3 standard ones that I would do more accesory work like dumbell chest/shoulder presses,lat work,more back work with cables etc . Is it a bad idea ?

You guys are fags

fuck you

>You guys are fags
You're looking for
>trappy-chan !!VHnwMVjcWZi

>4 day

Just copy the 4day from the advanced large load spreadsheet, or do the 4th day of accessories like you want.

>you won't even procreate

I can if I want to.
Haven't really decided it yet, too young and busy for worrying about having children.

>then you are just a huge genetic mistake

Haven't they taught you how evolution actually works in school?
There's no such thing as a genetic mistake. Only genetic mutations.

How can F be anything but zero when the formula is 0^whatever?

Oh, also: I'll be in need of lifting straps soon. It seems like something that's relatively "disposable". Is it worth going for something nice, or should I just buy the cheapest ones I can find?

>you won't even procreate
>I can if I want to.

Just like you can go to the olympics if you choose?

Some things are NOT meant to be.

does it matter which prep program you pick? or no?
how do you cycle this?
this is a lot of damn configuring and planning just to lift heavy things and put them down again

Noob who is done with lp. Lifts at intermediate. Got second meet coming up. Texas method last couple months. Why switch to Sheiko?

my back recently healed so now i can deadlift and i got on canditos 6 weeks with a 345 squat and a 380 deadlift

can i expect a 405 dl by the end? currently just finished week 2

does sean really takes steroids? He looks natty
And do we have any face pics?

F is zero if RPE is under 7. Meaning the sets won't count towards the volume.

If RPE is over 7, then F is 1, which gets multiplied by the number of sets.

The difference between the straps is not in the brands, but the material and the shape of the strap.
Some people prefer cotton, some people prefer "seatbelt fabric".
Some people prefer the teardrop, some people prefer the unsewn, some people prefer the loop.

No way of knowing which you prefer without trying them out.

Cotton grips the bar like a motherfucker, but doesn't last as long cause the knurling slowly destroys the fabric.
Seatbelt fabric doesn't provide a grip as tight as cotton, but lasts forever.

Unsewn is prefered by weightlifters, as you can quickly let go of it.
The loop is the most common choice, and it's easy to wrap it and use it.
The teardrop is the choice of some strongmen and powerlifters. It is the strap used by Eddie Hall on his 500kg pull, for example.

prep 1 starts gently and slowly ramps you into the full volume.
prep 2 starts full throttle and doesn't wait for you.

you can do
prep 1 and test
prep 2 and test
prep 3 and test
or prep 1 then prep 2 and test
or prep 1 then prep 2 then prep 3 and test

Also, read pic related.

No, for the olympics I'd have to qualify and compete.

To procreate you just need cash.

Are wrist wraps for bench a total meme or what?

>when trappy gives the best advice to the person that was specifically avoiding trappy's advice


sean = trappy

Your replies are always so well thought out and typed.

You can dumb it down every now and then pls.


You mean WRAPS or STRAPS?

Straps would be a meme.

Wraps are useful to keep your wrist healthy under heavy weights.

Can you still make fast progress with TM?
If yes, do TM
If no, do Sheiko

>including any text in the sapporo post

Ruined the meme.

I'm too autistic and ESL to write in english like a normal person. :(

Could you write those down with a formula editor. I am a mechanical engineer and those make no sense to me at all.

I love how u write its very cute even when the subject is serious :3

Can you have a babby with yours and Felipe's DNA?

my niggas?

i wasnt able to diddle consistently for a long time

Probably. Expect the most gains on those two lifts.

∧ = logical conjunction
→ = logical conditional
¬ = logical negation

Makes more sense now? :P

I have no idea.

t-thanks y-you too

Yeah im doing some extra things on bench because ive heard that his program. isnt very good for it

It's notoriously bad for bench, but the two times I ran it I did have bench gains, but I think they were more from form.

ive noticed some improvement on bench so far but im mainly concerned with the diddle

Oh yeah you shouldn't have a problem with your deadlift. Pulled within 5lbs of my >estimated 1rm for a triple the first time I did it.

Who'd you march for?


i think ill have good success cause of how little ive been able to do it in the last while the only thing that might be an issue is grip

oh what lower body accessories did you do?

ive been doing snatch grip dl and pause dl but im never sure how much weight to use


Yesterdays training
Finally figured out that high bar is really the only way anyone should squat desu

Those were what I did for the deadlift variations. I mainly stuck to ab work and hyperextensions or leg press for the lower body accessories. For the deadlift variations I used about 60-70% of my entered max depending on how I felt.

How does coach trappy feel about that?

Did you ask his permission before you started squatting that way?

kys and trappy too please

Telling a 17 year old orphan to kys is bad and should make you feel bad.

leg extensions and curls are what i mainly do after the squats and DLs

i guess ive been unknowinly sticking to 60% of my entered deadlift and its been working


please kill trappy then kys in your 18th birthday

does sean really takes steroids? He looks natty
And do we have any face pics?

Trappy did not tell me to do this
Its just the most logical way to squat if you dont have baby tier quads and baby stability

Looks like coach trappy will be spanking a little bad trainee tonight

Atlas, Rise! is my squatting song.

Hardwired, Now That We're Dead, Sweet Revenge, and Confusion were all right, but I prefer Moth Into Flame, Spit Out the Bone, and Dream No More.

The one song I almost always skip is goddamn Halo On Fire.

>Trappy did not tell me to do this
"Coach" Trappy, please. I don't want you to get fired as a client/athlete.

You better be careful. I'm sure Coach Trappy would not be happy if you two missed out on those records that he wants.

God your squats are so beautiful

not a total meme
not totally necessarily though

i-i i don't feel so good lads.....

>get sick
>stop taking supplements
>cut and lose 5kg
>lose a lot of strength
>do meme programs that get me nowhere

so i'm back to SL 5x5 with slow progression, what got me strongest, and holy shit dead-lifting after 5x5 squats just totally sucks. I couldn't even do 140kg for five reps, i was doing so much more when i was dead-lifting without squatting first.

so my plan

3 months of slow progression SL5x5 3 times a week with some upper body accessories, then reassess.

I might go from SL5x5 to the powerlifting to win novice program, it's what got me the strongest before i had to move. Basically i'm going to stop doing meme shit and do what i know actually works.

thas a nice meme

y not

my new program has me squatting and then deadlifting and it sucks dick i wish it broke up the days

low mood
light head feeling
not hungry

Do you oversleep at all? Like 10+ hours?

You might have low testosterone

Or maybe you're depressed

Eat more.

Just eat more.

I have advice for you too, it's eat more.

Have you tried eating more?

wow thanks no ones ever told me taht before

even after i tell them i get at least 3400 a day and im only 5'7 185lbs

yer sometimes. but mostly i don't get enough. usually around 6-8

volume day is really killing me

I don't know who you are, but you should eat more.

It's just, my legs are already fucking killing me and then i'm deadlifting, i hope it gets easier as i get used to the program.

I HATE squatting. it's the only lift that makes me think "why the fuck am i doing this?"

>4,200 calories a day
>eat more bro

k brah

>eat more

OK, time for a shake in addition to my chicken

squatting isnt that bad but its hard on my hips

by the time im starting to deadlift i already feel like ive had an entire workout

There's still more for you to eat.

That's the spirit!

this kek

why is everyone retards go to advice just to 'eat more'