Stopped getting gains a couple of months ago

>stopped getting gains a couple of months ago
>got the idea in my head that I could use placebo effect
>inject myself with sugarwater before every workout so body thinks it's roids
>see a moderate improvement so think there might be something to it
>wake up this morning with sharp intense pain in my wrist
>hand wont stop shaking whenever I try to do anything with it

I'm too scared to go to the doctor. Does this sound severe? Or is it a temporary thing. If I stop using my placebo will it fix itself?

This is probably unrelated right? If injecting roids is harmless to your vain surely sugar water can't do any damage. Please calm me down bros

Other urls found in this thread:

You gave yourself diabeetus.

Fucking retard.

How would this give me diabetes? My insulin can still break it down


>injecting fructose into your blood
Dextrose (glucose) is the only type of sugar you're ever supposed to inject. Injecting table sugar destroys your kidneys and liver. Bro you need to go to the doctor.

fuck fuck fuck

thanks for the fast response. freaking out hard gonna go now

had no idea sugar was fucking harmful

Literally would have been safer to do actual roids you retard

wow you sound really smart for such a fucking moron

Probably bait, but I can easily imagine some retard on Veeky Forums doing this.

This is a joke right? Like I sympathize if you're serious but I really can't imagine anyone actually doing that


I'm just want to see where this goes. Also, this shit is ending up on Reddit. Add me in this screen cap . /r/music is trash. We get it you were bullied in high school. Make the title something Witty so I can find it fast.

Is this seriously fucking real
fucking hell nigga

>injects sugarwater into his vein

Dude.... Never go full retard!

>not injecting saltwater into your veins
You fucked up, breh.

Yes , it is , the way you did it , yes . Go and see a doctor RIGHT MEOW , and please remove from your noggin the following phrase :

"I'm too scared to go to the doctor"

Please , there is nothing wrong in going to see a doctor, i hope you get well soon.

Post something... ANYTHING hinting that this is true. Nobody can be this dumb.

Do you know what website you are on ?

>injecting sugar water to get an edge in the gym
nigga what the fuck

Please be bait holy shit.

holy shit

every time i think "that's it, this was peak retardation" someone has to go ahead and prove me wrong

and it's >always here

>injecting sugar into your arm
>not doing whatever it takes

pick one

Taxi is down stairs going to hospital now.

Will update you guys when I get back if this thread is still up

Thanks again to the user who explained the situation. I feel like I'm gonna fucking cry this was so retarded.

Nah this is fucking bait.

Don't forget to take pics jr. this is history in the making

Dude opie's gonna die.
Posting in an epic bread.
Include me in the screencap!

Dude, dont worry , i have made mistakes also , and probably everyone in this thread, you have to learn from them, we all do.

Now , get your ass to the hospital ASAP.

Just tell the doctor you fucking injected sugar or he won't be able to help you. It won't be the most retarded thing he's ever heard of, maybe. Make sure he realizes you're sane but just retarded, tell him you thought it would make you get big muscles.

fucking kill yourself my dude

The point of a placebo is you don't know you're getting a placebo.




you sound like a fucking nerd

I feel bad guys

Your point is valid, but lost on someone that thought it would be a good idea to inject himself with sugar water Forums/comments/5pn6m5/fitizen_tries_using_psychology_to_get_gainz/ Fuck you for not adding me in the screencap

What screencap?

plebbit fag get out

Seems like bait but crazier things have happened on fit. Remember when tyvd killed that kid? You're next op

OP will surely return, eventually.

Oh no he won't. Dubs and he dropped dead going down the stairs

dafuq did i just read.

Please be real, sugar user.


fuck me this cant be real

>user got to the doctor
>doctor is there something wrong with me
>you kill self with sugar i sorry
>you have month live, say goodbyes


Honestly his best course of action would be to flush out the sugar with a syringe full of air.

>got the idea in my head that I could use placebo effect
you knowing it's sugar doesn't make it placebo. next time ask your friend to inject you with something, hopefully his semen

>syringe full of air

Pulomary emboli (air) are fun!

Based user giving material for SIR's next comic already.

>Not on a maple syrup IV to get the edge at the gym
>Not cruising at 500mg of dangerous """placebo""" for those easy natty gains

In all seriousness, hoping for the best for OP though. Get well soon bro.

stop that we don't want him breeding

>be user
>Inject sugar in veins
>Get diabetus

CANT make this shut up

>Underrated post

This, nobody forget this shit come december

He's done it now boys, he's lost it completely.

Sugar is necrotic to your vasculature

You are literally destroying your gains by doing that. Like literally breaking down muscle and killing it for good

How many scoops of IV sucrose to leave humanity behind?

>injecting yourself with sugar so that the body will "think" it's steroids
This is some ebin bait right? Yoy can't be this stupid and if you are i suggest suicide because you ain't getting far in life

Is this you OP?