Strongman is a sport to see who has the best power

>strongman is a sport to see who has the best power

>powerlifting is a sport to see who's the strongest

Really makes you think lads

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Yeah, about how wrong you are

>>strongman is a sport
>>powerlifting is a sport

No they aren't.

Powerlifting most definitely is

>Powerlifting most definitely is

t. Fattington McBlubberberg

Powerlifting is literally autistic

There is no skill in it.

As is strongman

Strongman is a sport to see who is the strongest.

Powerlifting is a sport to see who can move the most weight.

waddling to a monolith and bending your knee once and comes back up doesnt mean you are strong

Are you triggered?
Strongman competitions are cool to watch, but that is about it. I can understand wanting to defend your 'sport', but this is a lost battle.
Powerlifting is far more impressive, and takes very specific aspects in order for an athlete to be successful.
Relative strength > Absolute strength

PL -
Strongman -

>powerlifting is a 'sport' in which you test who can unrack the most weight

If thats the case then why is a strongman holding the diddly lift record?
Checkmate autists

Isley, Isley, Isley

Ya neva learn

Powerlifting is just retards picking things up, it's not a sport by any stretch of the imagination

>powerlifting is far more impressive
Lmao no
Strongman, as it by necessity has a combination of disciplines in a contest, requires a broader degree of athletic ability as well as the same level of strength powerlifting demands.

bist binch m8

let him dream

strongman is overall strength, powerlifting is just S/B/D relative to your weight

you're a fat fuck now Isley gtfo

Weightlifting is the sport to see who has the most power.

Strongman is the sport to see who can move weirdly shaped heavy shit in different directions the best. Basically, CrossFit, only for strong people who aren't retards.

Powerlifting is the sport to see who has the most raw strength.

Equipped powerlifting is the sport to see who can best overcome their crippling inadequacies with loads of elastic bullshit.

when ya gonna lern meyte

Equipped lifting is harder, bb. Lot more technique, body control, and maintaining weight. Gear isn't cheap either. And you generally need a crew. Raw is just paying to do your gym lifts on a platform.

Oh, we're plenty retarded over in the Strongman scene. Getting hurt is the acknowledged price for being in the sport.


How would strongman not be?
Powerlifting is just working out. That's meme tier.
Strongman is literally doing heavy functional lifts using endurance, skill, technique, and so on.

>Iceland is green
>Greenland is ice
>Strongman mostly from Iceland

woke as fuck


>muh functional lifts
Bench may not be the most "functional" lift, but it is still a technical compound movement. And squatting and deadlifting 1rm is done in wl, pl, and strongman, obviously.

Of course, but strictly strongman lifts are much more sportlike than just benching, squatting, and deadlifting.
Strongman is done and featured like a sport, with the lifts aiding this.
Powerlifting isn't.

Powerlifting (and weightlifting, for that matter) are both sports. The fact they're super-specific doesn't stop that. So are most of the athletic events.

In terms of the amount of participants, governing bodies, revenue generated, industry support etc, strongman is tiny compared to pl. it's just more watchable on tv because they run around.

It's more watchable because it's more sport like. Powerlifting is fucking boring to watch.

Even then the amount of cuts they make to a day's events is high.

>bunch of dyels argue which sport they don't compete in and who would be destroyed in most any meet for anything, argue which sport is best

I compete in strongman comps for fun.

Strongman actually makes a fair bit of money compared to PL, since they've got quite a few 'big' events that can pull in a crowd like the Giants Live loop and the various Arnolds whereas even big PL meets are often money-losers.

>literal retard wrote this

I understand, I actually watch giants live, WSM, and the Arnold. Only 5 or so of those guys make any money. The rest still have day jobs.

And I agree about the meet situation, but there are some money pl meets like Olympia and the us open or whatever it's called. Guys get paid for breaking all time world records, especially in the bench.


When will this meme die

The US open is the non-IPF PL event at the US Arnold. It's not that much cash overall ($15k across all male and female weight classes, raw and equipped) but it is a consistent cash meet. There's more cash in the IPF-backed one (around 35k, I think) but that's spread unevenly across about seven different competitions.

grjóthaltu kjafti mergsugan þín.
láttu þér ekki detta þér það í hug að tala um ísland aftur, Aumingi.

Serious question, have any of you watched a powerlifting meet in person? Not to compete or anything, just to go there and watch guys bench, DL and squat. Because that sounds boring as fuck and not worth spending any money to watch.

At least with strongman they do kooky shit but I can't imagine myself traveling somewhere and paying for a ticket to watch some fatass bench.

I'm not a powerlifter but my buddy I work with is. Came to support him. Other than one guy he wanted me to see do like 3x his bw that had only been training 2 years, I could've cared less. I got way more out of talking with people who weren't lifting. Reminded me of an even longer version of wrestling tournaments, structure wise.

>. I got way more out of talking with people who weren't lifting

This I can understand. If a powerlifting meet is essentially a lifting con where instead of cosplayers competing there's guys in their lifting gear competing and its more about just chatting with a bunch of people that care about lifting I can see the appeal.

Well there's that, and generally, lifters don't exactly want to be a bunch of chatty kathys before they've done their 9 or so attempts.

It's also a moderately selfish endeavor. I've learned more about how to achieve my goals from guys who do fuck all what I want, but are willing to talk methodology and reasoning.

Weightlifting requires most power
Strongman requires a lot of endurance

>mfw the people criticizing powerlifting and strongman as a sport are 17 year old autists who lift because they can't get a gf

>I've learned more about how to achieve my goals from guys who do fuck all what I want, but are willing to talk methodology and reasoning.

That sounds pretty great. If someone told me that going to a meet is paying a fee to get into a room full of strong guys willing to mansplain the shit out of you I would have already attended one.

Ha. Yeah, that's one way to look at it. Just don't be weird. There's apparently a huge problem with people looking for "bears".

I'm pretty sure they only talked to me because I came with my friend, who's team is cool with most people in the area apparently.

>strongman is about power

powerlifting is to see who's the strongest
weightlifting is to see who has the most power
strongman is to see who is the most athletic doing weird meme stuff with heavy weights

powerlifting is pathetic
just think of all the faggots that do powerlifting, like isley for example. now imagine these faggots thinking they're so cool because they can squat and deadlift slightly more than the average gymrat.

you should try out those weird meme exercises

if strongman exercises are meme exercises then every other fucking exercise is meme tier.
you should be punched for how wrong you are

powerlifting is a bunch of fat bastards trying not to have a heart attack

strongman is a bunch of alphas performing herculean feats of strength

>strongmen don't have power
>men who powerlifts aren't strong

The people who come up with these names are retarded.

Several strongmans have died of heart attacks. Probably because they take all drugs they can see and have to squeeze into double deadlift suits whenever they lift something from the ground.

Why are you describing fatlifters?

>strongman is a sport to see who has the best power

that would be weightlifting user.

Have you seen how most (((pros))) bench, squat and deadlift?
>1 inch rom on everything
Mind telling me why he's using a deadlift suit and figure 8 straps if he's so herculean?

Also several strongmans have died of heart attacks, like Jon Pall and O.D. Wilson.

That's a Spanish youtuber. Strongman Tarrako, good shit. Basically tells you to stop being a pussy

Strongman, Weightlifting and Powerlifting are all cool.

Except equipped powerlifting which is a joke :)))))

Strongman is about strength and endurance. Powerlifting is about moving weight via ROM cheating.

He lifted 463kg without a suit, and 450kg beltless a couple of years ago. He manshamed Benni last year.
Eddie could literally smash powerlifting records yet will, quite possibly, never win WSM or the Arnolds