Is there any martial art that can make you Veeky Forums?
Is there any martial art that can make you Veeky Forums?
compared to the typical normie? Yes. All of them.
Nothing beats a well placed pipe bomb.
how the fuck do people get fit on karate and shit though, its all just practicing form
itd be a waste of protein
>all just practicing form
what McDojo do you go to that your classes don't involve bodyweight training exercise and live sparring?
couldnt you just do bodyweight at home then?
if you don't rack discirprine, sure.
Karate, Kung fu, wushu and overall most East Asian martial arts are a vast majority of cardio, bodyweight and some light weight training over the course of an hour to 3 hours. If you do that 3 times a week, you will see results, they won't be massive gains but there will be results.
Boxing, judo, Thai boxing and kickboxing, BJJ. MAs that primarily deal in sparring and/or sport will get you Veeky Forums. It may not be the mode Veeky Forums worships and fawns over but you will be fit.
>not getting fit and lean
>not doing MT
Monster Trucking?
A martial art class should be a warm up followed by skill training and that's fucking it.
If you spend your money to goto a class and waste time doing pushups and cardio you're getting ripped off. Do that shit at home for free.
>Boxing, judo, Thai boxing and kickboxing, BJJ
Tossing in Tai Chi. Not the ornamental BS little girls do in the park: there is an actual combat version complete with weights involved. I personally know a guy who started doing this five years ago and he has turned into a freaking BEAR. It's hard to find a good teacher on it, sadly.
Posting this chart i found yday here
Personally I do boxing, OP, and it's GLORIOUS for cutting.
Btw anyone has experience with Kempo? Is it useful or just a meme?
>all this shooting and MMA bait
I get that these are supposed to be inferior to a gym but come the fuck on
kek'd and check'd
Multiple Trannies?
I really miss doing Taekwondo when I was in middle school.
I had a legit black belt instructor that worked us to the bone while teaching us a lot.
He had us go over forms so often they literally became reflexes.
>Goofing off with some friends at school when I was 13
>one of them throws a fake exaggerated punch at me
>even though I know we are just fooling around my body takes over
>fast as lightning I grabbed his wrist pulling him towards me as I throw a right jab right into his face
I felt so fucking bad.
Well there's usually a warm up with jogging and sprints and things. I have to admit I knowingly go to my Ju Jitsu school because it's so easy it doesn't really negate a rest day but genuinely kicking and punching all class let alone throwing or even lifting heavier dudes does take its toll on the body.
Any of the more western martial arts. Boxing, wrestling, fencing. All fucking GREAT cardio workouts. Judo too actually.
Kung Fu depends massively on the teacher I have genuinely massive respect for alot of Kung Fu people i know and the training when it's good it's great.
shaolin monks are literally full-time athletes
>crawling up a thousand stairs on your hands and feet
>hanging upside down and transporting water with a teacup from one bucket to another
>practice forms all day
>insane flexibility
isnt cardio the devil tho?
Only if you're retarded.
Wrestling helped my core lifts immensely simply because of the mentality i learned.
So all in all, martial arts are just a supplement to lifting?
Missed a Capoeira joke in here somewhere
I've been practicing karate for about 5-6 years now at a somewhat reputable notMcDojo and I'm a first rank black belt. It's all about being incredibly anal about clean form from the beginning. Kata is a bit like gymnastics in that way. Then, as you add power to clean form, Kata becomes bretty good metabolic conditioning/cardio.
forgot to add, karate has made me lean but i'm still a dyel
thinking about trying to teach myself Tae Kwon Do. Looks fucking dope and I saw a video where some TKD 8th degree black belt had a kick with more force than a tiger's bite, or at least close to it. The tiger was just playing though but still. Flashy and I could kick people in the face. It'd also give me something to do in my spare time at home other than vidya. Found a book at the book store on it.
If I did it, what else should I try to learn that uses my hands?
t. Hwoarang main in Tekken
Do boxing and for the love of God don't teach yourself.
>only MA worth practicing