How does Veeky Forums deal with the munchies?
How does Veeky Forums deal with the munchies?
I embrace them for bulk mode. Keep lots of meats and dairy around. Have a sweet tooth? Make a giant bowl of cereal. I like raisin Bran quite a bit that and frosted mini wheats.
I put herbs on my chicken, I don't smoke it like a fucking degenerate.
Also, pickles. They're fucking delicious and like 5cals each.
I don't smoke the devils lettuce
Just focus on something else mate
LMAOing at that meaningless buzzword.
water &
Veeky Forums doesn't smoke weed like degenerate scum
nuts are extremely high in calories so its really not the best munchin food even for bulking. 16 almonds are like 300 calories
>"I literally, unironically believe that Jews push marijuana on the white race in order to destroy moral integrity and I do not feel that I am crazy."
they have mad protein tho
I had never thought of this, user, thanks much
keep a bottle of water with you, discipline is everything
just put a buttplug
Is this true? I don't smoke weed, and always feel like an outcast because of it.
But I've noticed all those people who do smoke weed are kind of lazy and dimwitted. They think they look cool, but if I see pics of girls like this, they're always in a messy ass room, kind of fat, and look like they don't have much going for them.
Or, I actually form my own opinions based on what goes on around me.
>not enjoying cbd & thc
you're right user, don't do it
Keep on the right path friend, there's a reason every weed smoker has a messy room and looks like a slob, and there's a reason it's nicknamed dope.
It's not as dangerous as alcohol and should definitely be legal but in the same regard sugar is legal, people are free to use it but you're better off if you don't.
It's not true, most of this stoner Shit is in the sixties culture of "fuck the system and your standards"kind of hippy bullshit. I was always the outcast with my friends cuz we'd smoke weed and I would be like "let's go work out" and they'd say something like "nah man, I'm so high and tired and want taco bell". Just don't get sucked in that degenerate culture
There a people who suck dick for crack and people who can buy and sell your ass with click of a button who smoke weed.
It doesn't make you more lazy and it doesn't really make you more creative. You're not an outcast but if you really believe that it's strictly burnouts smoking it, you are mistaken.
Principles are good but I feel that marijuana prevents zelatory and that, I feel, is a good thing.
>Tfw taking bong rips inbetween sets in your home gym blasting music
Don't feel like an outcast. Your discipline and abstinence makes you superior and obviously garners jealousy.
I'm unironically straight edge.
people always get so offended when I tell them, like it's some personal attack on them.
>marijuana prevents zealotry
You've never been around gangbangers then, have you? Some of the most militant, zealous people you'll ever meet, who have a very twisted but very rigidly enforced sense of principles, and a good share of them smoke weed.
If they had something going for them then they wouldn't smoke weed. Drugs fill the void where ambition should be for most degenerates.
>getting stoned during a workout
Save it for afterwords you tard
Wtf are you even saying
Nothing wrong with doing weed, but there is something wrong with choosing to hate on others because they don't do it. That's my main reason why I don't like drug users and alcohol abusers. They feel that in order to have a good time, weed or alcohol must be involved, other wise they don't find it interesting or they don't invest their full attention.
pickles are the shit
could eat them all the time
in fact i am going to eat some now
Thats called addiction. Its a tarp
cause most of the people will take it as "look at me i am so much better because i don't take drugs" when you tell them
probably because most straight edgers are like this
nah i guess it's just because more lazy people start smoking weed
it's not making you lazy, it's making you comfortable with beeing lazy
you can sit around doing basically nothing and feel good and that is a problem.
The best defence is not being there. Look famalam, i dont know you, but yur prolly a fag lmao
>tfw smoked everyday last semester and barely passed classes
>tfw trying to stop smoking for this semester
>tfw it's so hard because I live with a bunch of stoners
Fug, how do I into quitting?
Calm down user
I stopped getting the munchies when I stopped thinking smoking weed was cool. Do something else like listen to music or fuck your gf while high
Theres a couple good options, my personal favorite is to cook/prepare your healthy food before you smoke so when you're high and the munchies kick in and you're lazy you eat the healthy food since its already prepared.
if you can't handle that try not buying unhealthy food so have to go out of the house (while stoned) just to get it IF you were to eat bad food from the munchies
I smoked everyday last semester and passed all my classes pretty well.
This is actually really acurrate
I think the best way to cope with the munchies is eating peanuts, although one at the time, and taking like 30 secs min between each one, it helped with my binge eating, I don't see why not with the munchies.
This. I'm a regular smoker and I cut 50 IBs in three months over the summer while ripping multiple times erry day.
>>>tfw it's so hard because I live with a bunch of stoners
>Fug, how do I into quitting?
Move out.
I smoke, but only do it at night after I have finished everything important. If you have a hard time being able to do that (no judgement, it affects people differently and I can understand some people want to do it all the time) you should try and stay away from it.
If moving out is not an option, then explain to your roommates that you are worried it is having an effect on your grades.
It will be awkward, just don't make it sound like you are judging them for it, imply that you yourself just need to calm down a bit.
Taking up other hobbies works well too if you are worried about being bored.
Maybe take up a social game that takes you outside of the house. It could be a sport, or even something like D&D or magic the gathering.
Celery and carrots or occasionally fruit
I don't really get munchies like I used to get when I was younger, I smoke for the stress-free feeling and to forget my shit, my meals are still as scheduled.
Note; don't watch experimental fucked up porn while being high as balls. I decided to fap while high and found some really disturbing porn that had me wondering and empathizing, kind of scarred me desu. I guess it's good in a way that I have found my porn limit and that I can still feel compassion
>mfw getting super high then watching hardcore BDSM
when I was cutting and getting stoned id eat jello.
It was so good and quenched my munchies.
The only way I *can* bulk is with the munchies. Eating 3.5k calories clean is not easy
>principles = morals
nice try, newfriend
> hey man let me get you a drink
no thanks man I don't
as a smoker, this is the most perfect explanation itt
Weed kills gainz
carrots, tons and tons of raw carrots.
I only smoke to sleep. I usually smoke in the shower, brush teeth, bed.
I'm on DNP. I don't feel like eating or living.
interestingly, Muslim countries actually do flood the world with drugs in order to fund terror and weaken the West.
your friend doesn't sound too offended in this context?
The pharmacy companies are a much bigger concern in my opinion. Way to many people are over medicated for being soft.
any more, fuckface? if you don't have a real answer don't contribute
I smoke with my gf, and sometimes friends, and i'm in shape, am nearly finished my degree, and waiting to hear back from job applications.
I believe its an easy excuse for people who are already lazy to embrace doing nothing.
It's meant to be a relaxing and recreational substance. It is what you make of it.
Every time I smoke I try to time it with a meal for this very reason. If I eat first then smoke I will end up eating that meal again like my stomach is magically empty.
I smoke, but only do it at night after I have finished everything important. If you have a hard time being able to do that (no judgement, it affects people differently and I can understand some people want to do it all the time) you should try and stay away from it.
Not that guy but this is me 100%. I've been smoking almost every night for a year now, but only when I am done with my day. Weed is my "I've got a couple hours before bed lets get comfy and listen to music/play vidya/ watch a movie until then" end of my day. Actually I've decided to take a break from it because it has been hurting my cut (fucking munchies). I just ran out last Friday and I have had no problems.
had this longhaired guy in my gym for the past year or so.
>like 1,95 m big
>long hair
>looked like a fucking viking
>always had that stoner look in his eyes
>"no way this guy is stoned he presses more then i do"
guess who i found smoking one in the parking lot later one evening.
It is all about discipline really.
forgot to mention that he also smokes pre-workout. i never saw that guy sober.
>hey bro do you want a smoke?
>nah I'm disciplined not a lazy unproductive degenerate
>waaaaaah I feel like I'm an outcast every weed smokers get so offensed
Same situation here.
I swear you'll get a hard time get addicted to it on a physical level. Also if you know people who became retarded doing drugs, it's a nice example of what kind of trash you could become
Just do what you fucking want, moderation is the key. Peoples who don't touch it or abuse it can't simply moderate themself.
>inb4 urrrh go moderatly take heroin so
I act the same way. I have to say it's a rather exhilarating time when you workout while high. I am aware of the health risks involved with mixing weed and a workout because of the increased heart rate, but the high just feels so much better when combined with exercise high. I can manage to get more reps in than when I'm on creatine, your movements just feel so motivational with every lift that you don't want to stop.
l0l what a fkkn loser bitch
It just comes down to moderation. Marijuana is fine in responsible quantity. I like amusement parks, but if I went every fucking day, all day long, I would loss my job and eventually have no money or opportunities. Look at fast food. A cheeseburger twice a month is fine, but every day creates amerifats.
I doin't smoke literal poison to begin with.
by not smoking weed
Self-made 19 yr old here. Weed is holocaust for your productiveness. I don't know what is about weed and people that smoke it, most people that smoke weed are very demotivated and lazy. They don't really set goals for themselves, they are fine with "relaxing" and just "chilling out" and "enjoying life as it is" . "BRUV, I JUST WANNA SMOKE AND CHILL BRUV, CHILL MAN WHO CARES BRUV HAHA".
Weed makes me aggressive, horny, stupid and ADD.
Weed is fine every now and then to wind back if you're working hard, thing is stoners do not work hard, they think they deserve to "chill" and "relax" but they never did anything else besides that. If I was smoking weed often I would be working in fucking McDonalds, getting grease on my lanky fingers and putting a gun inside my mouth every night.
Also, I'd like to add that the same shit applies to any other drug including alcohol.
Tbh I am paranoid of doing any drugs now since I know that they can change your worldview and fuck up your motivation.