I have 2
>I occupy the squat rack for squats and OHP and don't feel bad when people ask my how many sets I have left because theres only 2 people in my gym that squat below parallel
>I browse Veeky Forums sometimes inbetween sets
I have 2
>I occupy the squat rack for squats and OHP and don't feel bad when people ask my how many sets I have left because theres only 2 people in my gym that squat below parallel
>I browse Veeky Forums sometimes inbetween sets
Let them work in. Maybe they'll see you squat and try to go as deep as you. Unless you're 6'2+ and the people asking are super short. Nothing wrong with browsing Veeky Forums b/w sets.
Sometimes I don't do lifts when there are bigger guys in the gym
I feel like they'll think that I'm terrible and laugh at me
Feel the same way OP. I wait at least 30 min for the rack on a busy day. I'd rather take my sweet time doing my good form stuff than them taking the rack and doing bad form stuff. They can wait 2 hours for me or wait for someone else. :^)
I would let them if they asked me to work in but the guy today loaded up 2pl8s and had a guy spotting him while he barely went down at all
dude why do you care? as long as he's a member he has just as much of a right to use the equipment as you do.
mostly because my gym is always loaded (university gym so its not the biggest) and I can only come in during the last hour.
I feel bad so I had to make the confession thread
i have 1
>I want to murder every single person on their phone while in the squat rack
I ate 800g of grapes yesterday :(
I intentionally pee in the showers after every workout.
>have been working out for 7 months
>Still haven't progressed past DYEL numbers
>Still look like a DYEL that hasn't even step foot into the gym, most likely lumped in with all the NYR fags.
I usually want to lie and say ,3 - 4 months if someone asks how long I have been working out for.
Heh.. I did both of these things this morning.
>I usually want to lie and say ,3 - 4 months if someone asks how long I have been
Don't worry, most people on Veeky Forums are so autistic that they count every single day they go to the gym (not including rest days, obviously) when telling you how long they've been working out.
>been going to the gym 3 days a week for a whole year on SS
>that's only 5.2 months total
>only been lifting 5 months
Really? Well shit, thats good news. Considering I only spend like 1 hour working out, I have worked like a month or something too tired to do the math. Haha neat
Yeah, man, start calculating the total number of hours. There's 24 hours in a day!
iktf brah
Yeah man, now to look at it, I think Im doing quite well
>they count every single day they go to the gym (not including rest days, obviously)
I used bench couple of times to squat when ther was no squat rack available
I never give a fuck about taking my sweet time in the squat rack..
Fuck im gonna do, rush my ass outta there so the next guy can come and use the safety pins to hold the bar in between his shit form barbell rows? Fuck outta here. Pick it up off the floor.
You think these are confessions?
I've never set foot into a gym.
That's a confession. Step up.
Im just at the gym to find friendship
Unsuccessful so far
I've been lifting for 2,5 years with some breaks and I have never even squatted 2 plates or deadlifted 3.
I don't think my forever-cutting diet is an excuse, I may be a serious case of weak faggotry.
Dude. Stop that. They would think worse if they knew what you were actually doing
>I'm not OHPing with a bar
That sounds repulsive user
>I only do deadlifts for legs because they grow way out of proportion to my upperbody otherwise.
Might start alternating it with hack squats to get some quad development.
i only do hack squats and leg press and my legs grow tremendously meanwhile theres a "pwrlftr" kid who comes in in a unitard and squats all day and hes small af. I and all the other bodybuilders int he gym laugh at him behind his back all the time. he does legs 3x a week and has no visual progress to show for it lmao
>Myyyyy disciplined training regimen is faaaaar more important than the plebian exercise routines of these peasents
>DAE proper form??? Amirite???
>M' squat rack
>I'm very, very sad that I'm the strongest guy in my gym, beside the owner and a single young amateur bodybuilder, who got 10th in regionals
>I used to be weak and have people I could compete with
>Now I must either aim at the roided out dude who presses 2pl8 behind his neck for sets of 12 or just watch youtube vids
2/3/4/5 only took me 5 years and I'm 31. All those fuckers who started when they were 17 should be stronger than man, not fucking weak-ass bitches with a million excuses why they haven't progressed at all in the last 2 years.
At leas the kids are looking up to me and slowly catching up
>that one 18 year old, who squatted 3pl8 for 13 clean reps
thought i was on /r/fitness for a second
I know a kid just like this.
I've been doing spinning class for two months and I am the only male who ever stepped in this class...
Im starting to feel like im doing something wrong :(