Is this a good work out plan fit
Is this a good work out plan fit
You are only working each muscle group once a week. This is not enough. You must hit every muscle group at least twice a week.
Do SS. If you really can't handle all the squats, only squat twice a week.
terrible plan for a novice
I've madified it so that I work every muscle group on Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm also ignoring the running as a warm up and only do that on Tuesdays and Thursdays
>Do SS
disregard all info from this DYEL spouting meme tier advice.
Even Reg Parks 5x5 beginner is far above the SS crap.
I'm not a novice
>You must hit every muscle group at least twice a week.
Only for a beginner
For pretty much everyone not getting chemical help, it's a much more effective approach than 1/wk.
Jesus, how the fuck can someone work abs for ten minutes?
Tbh I just skip that