Goals/Ideals Thread

>no ideals thread
post 'em fags.

so youre a gay twink that likes fat girls?

>likes girls

I mean I'm straight and I'd probably suck a ladyboy cock


>kaneki mode

good choice OP



SHOULD stop with the anime man. In special with that cancer.





Rate please

>inb4 cargo shorts flaming: I like to wear them to beach and camping, for example

that's deep

Why choose a drawing as ideal body? Hair is for teenagers. I don't like your clothing style. Skinny legs but baggy torso looks very bad. Girl is passable i guess.

Ryan Gosling hair is always good. Not sure about girl though. I don't like shades of red and orange in hair. Body is ok, style is bland.

I like everything in this, good taste.

I like everything here except the chick on the right.


bad hair too much blabla. This isn't a 'im intellectual' thread

I'm not sure about those clothes but rest is ok

All good except for shorts. But you seem aware of the issue so no problem there.

was partially a joke since all of those people are from the same tv show, but i do tend to favor a kind of "rugged" wardrobe

I don't like your taste in women


your taste in men is absolutely faggot tier.


Absolutely A-OKAY

you're 18 years old
god tier
I'm a ginger fangay
Would get beat up anywhere other than West Hollywood witht his shit
Is this a thing in the gay community? younger dudes looking for older bears?

>Would get beat up anywhere other than West Hollywood witht his shit
Well, I lived all my life in a shit neighborhood and never got any problems.
But that's probably because I'm arab.

There is never a good time to wear cargo shorts you'd literally always look better wearing normal shorts

Anything with anime is gay and lame. 0/10. Die.
Muhammad pls go.
Gosling is cool. Nice broad. 8/10
Not sure about hair. Rest is good. 7/10
Good style/girl. No more anime pls. 5/10
Props for being different. 8/10.
5/10. It all seems so generic.
7/10. No camo shorts, user.
6/10. Generic but respectable.


anyone got the template?



good >girl
but the rest of it is faggot tier.


rate please

oh fuck wrong thing lmao

Holy fuck give me the path of scooby.

gay hipster/10



Why do you think I'm a hipster? I just like that aesthetic on girls. It looks sweet and wholesome.

because of your fashion/hair choices combined with the modest but still edgy jean jacket and half dyed hair girl preference.

your fashion choices are a mixture of clothes designed to look like they are expensive and even more expensive clothes designed to look like your a poorfag from the late 80s early 90s

you seem like a Veeky Forumsggot or a hipster.

your women are all feigning modesty while simultaneously picking a single aesthetic to get more attention either with the skirt above the knees and the long socks that don't reach past the skirt which draws attention to the skin just underneath and closest to her vag, or the sweater that covers a lack of bust with pants that cling to her minimal hips because that is the only feminine feature she has aside from her chin.

the half dyed hair jacket combo is meant to look like she doesn't care about her appearance but she is also wearing makeup to accentuate her eyes and lips and most likely bad skin because she drinks shit like the "coffee" in her hand.


Get your shit straight. Seriously, I obviously don't care what you do, but you ought to look at yourself honestly.

I am a Veeky Forumsggot, but I'm not a hipster. And yeah, to be honest I do like that "half dyed" look for hair. I'm not saying anything about that girl's personality, but I do like her aesthetic. Same as the other girls: I know girls with that "wholesome" style are actually usually crazy and/or slutty, but I like the way they LOOK.

What's wrong with the hair? It's just healthily maintained medium length hair on a guy.

Those clothes are just either casual for day-to-day wear and different styles of prep. The contrast of the khaki chinos and that deep blue looks casual but handsome and adds bulk to the silluete and I like the camo look mixed with the prep and the way that that outfit plays with value and mixes lots of different earth tones.

idk maybe I am a faggot user. At least you didn't criticize my body choice.

Fuck is it really that bad? I didn't think there was anything wrong with it. I thought maybe I'd be criticized for long hair and for the girls but that's it...

you body choice isn't horrible and I assume fits your skeletal frame.

you probably are a faggot.

I'm not a faggot, I'm hetero. I just like those aesthetics.

I don't have a skeletal frame because I'm a manlet with hobbit-like proportions.

Idk user, considering what I like now, you got any alternatives?

>Idk user, considering what I like now, you got any alternatives?
suicide, because you will only ever look like a short baby man and try to cover it up with shitty faggot tier clothes.

I feel like I could use matthew mcconaughey for every picture in this.

Hey man, it's not my fault I was born with the genetics I have. I'm just trying to get the best life possible. No need for those hateful comments.

your fashion choices are not genetic.

>short baby man

that is

And my taste is still developing. I like some of those outfits, I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with them. I'd only wear the camo one if I was wealthy enough to pull it off but I don't think there's anything wrong with the others.

>And my taste is still developing.
it's developing poorly.

Please stop roasting me so severely user

agreed senpai

i'm not that into hollywood girls but she hot as fuck

I don't know why people are hating on your ideals. This is probably my favorite in this thread.

>This is probably my favorite in this thread.
because you're a faggot hipster too.

Thanks user. IDK, maybe we both use Veeky Forums so our taste in stuff is different from Veeky Forums. I often get told off for telling people to take care of their skin and stuff like that.

Your ideal is a 12 year old girl?

My dude post that kaneki back tat pic

>not tatsumaki



Path of Scooby please. My 10/10 Life.

I like both but there are already too much woman on it

Is that Anna von Hauswolff?

Weapons-Grade Austism

oh my GOD HNNG girl on left is GORGEOUS


no one likes Veeky Forumsggots on this board because they try to push fashion down our throats whenever they post with a shitty holier-than-thou attitude despite being DYEL and not understanding why we Veeky Forums

I'm not trying to push anything down anyone's throat and I absolutely value everyone's right to their own individual choices, but if I get into a conversation with someone about fashion/skin care or that's part of the OP topic, I'll talk about it and express my opinion, like anyone should.

Besides, it's possible (And encouraged, which if you went on Veeky Forums you'd confirm) to be both Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums.


>Implying there isn't a love triangle between Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums and /cgl/


obviously my style preference is a bit out there, so i'll find most styles in here whack, that's more my problem than it is yours though

god tier hair, average girl and i suppose the style flies with people in missisipi or some shit, anime goal body though, 1/10

not sure about the body, proportions look weird to me, girl is super boring, hair is decent and style is (i assume) just general inspiration, not a 1:1 replica of what you want to be wearing so no hate there


hair is not for me, but i can see it working, style seems good, girls are (again) not for me, but whatever floats your boat. at least your consistent

anime goal body though 1/10 (srsly though, 7,5/10)

body is meh, but attainable at the very least, hair is super basic (also is that that absolute cunt gavin mcinnes?) and style is allright. physically cringing at your girl though, 3/10

body seems good, hair isn't for me but that's because i'd look shit with it, style seems a bit off, top right seems ok, bottom left looks like he just threw on all matching pieces of gucci he could find and called it a day. girls are good (10% chance that girl on the bottom right is called Annette, she looks incredibly similar to a girl i know)

you are probably sad that the lumberjack thing is starting to die out, body seems good, hair and style seems a bit whack to me. playing into the "manly men with manly beards and manly flanels" too much for me, everyone i meet with this type of aesthetic always seems to use this aesthetic to enforce their surrogate personality. that might just be my bias though. girls are allright


something is off about this guys body but i cant pinpoint what, i kinda dislike the hair and your style seems good. love the girl on the left, girl on the right is good but not great.


continued below

>no real world goal bodies
decent hair, although i can't see the left one working in any day to day situation.
2/3 style pics are boring AF
girls are whack IMO


>no real world body goal
>basing your aesthetics on 30-40+ year old standards
>she seems okay in this picture, feel like it's not representative of her though.

i hope this is a trollpost


8,5/10, straight up. it's all cohesive and decent. no complaints except for "this isn't exactly what i personally prefer"

body is good, be careful with the hair as it is currently, you might look a bit douchey in combination with tight black button ups or polos.
girls are p. good


boring but cohesive, not much else to say


pseudointellectual as fuck, if you keep thinking in concepts you will never have any attainable or reasonable goals.

decent bodies, hope the anime there is a joke, hair is good and works with the style, the style isn't my cup of tea though. girl on the right is pretty fucking good, girl on the left is (again) not my cup of tea but decent i suppose


body is good, even though the sweaty one isn't a very flattering picture and you chose for something drawn in the other picture.
hair is good i suppose.
style is a bit inconsistent, but then again, so is mine. top right is a bit boring though.
girls are probably all movie stars i don't recognize, but they aight (except for the drawn one you fucking weeb)


boring AF, but solid


dislike every single thing about it except the right style picture, that one is allright (but that might just be because everything else is so whack)

can't stand dweebs that shoot for effeminate drawn bodies, hate the hair (although it is one of the more adventurous one out there i'll give you that) girl is average at best

posting style inspiration for considering i am

Are you 14? 2/10
Ryan pls go. 6/10
Hair and style dont fit together, otherwise solid. 7.5/10
Girl is wack, they're both ugly in the face, otherwise solid. 7/10
Nice. 8/10
Mustaches are gross, otherwise great. 9/10
Nice. Hair isnt the best. 8/10
Get a non anime goal body, then ur set. 8/10
Clothes and hair aren't the best. 7/10
Nice. 8/10
Blonde chick is trash, otherwise nice 8/10
Shit skinny body, otherwise good. 7.5/10

>not buffed kaneki
you dun goofed

>would be your wholesome and stylish half-dyed-hair qt3.14



That's gay user

Sounds kind of autistic, but fuck it this is Veeky Forums.
I'm training to be kaneki bro

I post same everytime

:o oh my

you have the stylistic taste of an 8 year old

sause on girl on right! Now!!!





Does anyone have the picture of the two CHADS standing in swimming trunks next to the ocean? It always pop up in FACE FRAME threads.

interesting hair choice. i've grown mine out a couple of times now and this is the length which i find the most awkward.

8/10 dreads are sick

7/10 a bit picky on the girl there

7/10 body choices are pretty different

9/10 nothing wrong there

7/10 hair's kinda boring and style isn't my thing but do you
