>Be me
>166 lbs
>13% body fat
I'm trying to bulk up and gain weight but I'm struggling cus of genetics. any other toned or slim anons with success stories and advice?
Be me
Ear more stupid
Have you tried eating double the amount of food.
You are literally me, brother.
I'm 5'10, around the 165-168 range, trying to lean bulk.
I've gained about 8-10 pounds in 3 months with fish oil, vitamin D3 and Ashwaghanda.
Lol if you really want to gain weight eat normally and at 11pm every night order a large pizza with everything on it, douse it in oil, and eat it all within 20 minutes. Do this daily.
Yes, I have plenty of food sense I go college and they have tons of food for one meal swipe, they always serve chicken and Fich and I focus my meals around that as well as eating a lot of carbs
Creatine and more peanut butter in your diet
Dave Tate-sized bait
Don't do this. Make 1 or 2 extra large 8 SCOOPS C'MON protein shakes a day instead. Throw whatever you like in them; milk, almond milk, bananas, berries, oatz et cetera. Drink them after a meal. You'll get fat really quickly unless you are truly skelly, though.
>at natty limit
>believes he can add more gains without fat
Sorry brah, but you got to jump on dat dere celltech
this is me 5'10" 166 btw
idk just felt like contributing
Eat peanuts bro
I'm gonna start a couple weeks of PMSF hoping to come out of it at like 155-160 wish me luck boys
>our stats
>natty limit
>add more gains without fat
He's gonna add both bro he's bulking
struggling cause of genetics? this is bait right
>pants around ankles
Have a meal then 10 min later smoke stativa strain of weed, your stomach will make room it didn't know it had
>I'm struggling cus of genetics
The only thing genetic you will never be able to change about you is your manlet status.
Will they ever learn?
Put on a shirt on you will look like a DYEL.
i have been enlightened