Autistic things you do for motivation

Sometimes I imbue philosophical meaning into my workouts, sometimes along the lines of that Plato quote, or how it somehow sets me apart from the rest of the non-lifting folk.

Other times I recall horrific military operations where the operators had to push through while tired, wounded, and shot-up.
>tfw joined the peace-time military and will never actually see combat..

Or if I'm having a bad day, use the rage/frustration to help with my lifts.
>I'd imagine who/what was affecting me that day was watching, and I can't let them see me bitch out

Other urls found in this thread:

>Cardio session starts getting boring or i start getting winded and want to stop or cut my time short
>imagine that the people around me will be impressed by me sticking through the whole workout enough to mire me
>keep going

>Listening to 'Vegeta's noble sacrifice' and 'Saiyan pride' on youtube in between sets
>Start tearing up
>"user, you ok dude?"
>"Huh, y-yeah"

i read shakespeare during my sets


I imagine I'm a pirate and I'm doing some mundane task on the ship.
On the treadmill I imagine I'm wakkingnthrough a battlefield or something.

I sync up music to my run speeds. When a "good or inspriing" part comes on, I'll run faster. Or like I'll think of that Navy SEAL documentary on youtube.

Slap my face until it's red to get angry enough to lift a heavy weight

I pretend I'm a spartan

>actually imagining yourself in a gay environment while lifting
>doesn't see the irony

My entire cardio playlist is tailored to foster moments like that

I just think about her, get angry and lift in the verge of tears. But sometimes i listen to Sabaton and pretend i'm a warrior or some shit

>But sometimes i listen to Sabaton and pretend i'm a warrior or some shit
bruh OP here. that feel when doing heavy dl, squats or bench to Carolus Rex
>...say my name when you pray
>TO THE SKYYYYYYY *pushes through*
Viking/folk-metal too.

I prefer "For the grace, for the might of our Lord
For the home of the hooooooooly"

>cover up the timer on the treadmill so i don't focus on it
>always pick the same treadmill in front of the same mirror so I can look at myself running
>always put my right shoe on first

You faggot just made me cringe so hard I feel sick and embarrassed and my asshole puckered up more than a cats

I'm assuming everyone is watching me thus fail is not an option anymore

Many of the songs on my lifting playlist remind me of specific people. Some are girls I missed my chance with, some are friends long gone, some are family memebers I haven't seen in too long. So each song reminds me of a person, and then I lift for them.

>everytime I weigh myself I write the number on the inside of my wrist to remind myself to stick to my diet/exercise
>constantly reassure myself that I'm totally not developing body dysmorphia/eating disorder

Nobody cares

I just think about that cunt who stole my girlfriend.

Listen to Nonon Jakuzure's theme and imagine she thinks I'm a dullwitted meat head before telling myself that one day I will lift enough for someone to love me.

I lift for my nordic bros

c-can non-whites lift for moder svea too?


i usually lift to Bolt Thrower and imagine I'm training to be an Adeptus Astartes
the brutal delivery of HONOR, VALOR, PRIDE in this song never fails to make me push through failure, so I try to time it towards the end of my set when it comes on

"In the name of GOOOOODDDD!!"

post playlist pls desu

I need more songs


I listen to a podcast called Hardcore History while I workout and I imagine I'm the protagonist/antagonist of the episode preparing to make conquests. Last week I was Genghis Khan, this week I was Xerxes and Alexander the Great.

Through the gates of hell! As we make our way to heaven! Through the nazi lines! Primo Victoriaaaa!

>Bolt Thrower
>My negro. Best music by far to make you want to kill PR's

>Other times I recall horrific military operations where the operators had to push through while tired, wounded, and shot-up.
When doing some running in cut season I keep whispering "move, moove" to myself in exactly the same voice as Tom Hanks did in this scene (around 3:06)

I embrace pain as something good, the credit for a work well done. I believe it also has a large carryover to other things in life, this resistance to pain and ability to press on.

This inspired me greatly when I was prepping for my first half-marathon. I know, cardio kills gains etc. Dyel runner friend of mine challenged me, was convinced "muscle makes you slow etc". Beat him by a little over 1 min on 21 k.

Never really experienced that much pain, constantly pushing yourself for nearly 2 hours. It´s not even about running anymore at that point - It´s just you, the pain and your blurred vision of the road.

Not gonna become a runner but doing that shit made those 5x5 squats I usually dreaded seem easy as shit.
I personally believe fighting pain and adversity will have a huge carryover to real life challenges, be it studying 48 hours straight for a test, working your ass off that week before your own business launches or just giving your absolute 100% bodily capacity for 5 reps straight on a deadlift - having practiced PAIN will give you an advantage.

It´s pretty much an expanded philosophy of "dont be a pussy"

But you still felt the need to comment on it.


this is Veeky Forums, i'm sure a lot of people do care about his asshole

This quote gets me through any lack of motivation

here ya go

>In times of weakness, in times of fear, and in times of pain, I need only pray to the God-Emperor
>"I will crush my weakness beneath the weight of my pride"

That or I think about her and the pot head she left me for - laughing at me. Anger at being made into a beta is a hella good motivator.

r8 n h8 my playlist

>David Guetta

Holy shit that's motivating

You did, gayboy

Heh, "115"
The ticket to instant beast mode

Normally i wouldn't listen to hardly any of that playlist but you seem to have it all fit into a nice theme so it works, gg m8. Have you considered adding some Mastodon?

also yeah i finally managed to make a good cardio playlist, pic related always kicks me into overdrive

>talks shit on david guetta listens to disturbed
bruh fuck ou here with that metal phil collins sounding goofy ass man and david guetta aint even that good

Need more vidya OSTs

> but you seem to have it all fit into a nice theme so it works

Nothing better then getting angy and workout

I think of the kid who used to bully me in middle school. He's friends with some of my other friends and he's all forgotten about it, and think I've put in the past. I actually use him for motivation in everything. Whenever I need to do something, I think about him and it gives me the energy and discipline to do it. I also give him terrible advice all the time. I'm planning to eventually ruin his life, but baby steps still. I only started speaking to him again a few months ago. I plan that within 3 years I'd be able to succeed.

I watch Henry V and LotR pre-battle speeches for motivation.

>Siege of Harfleur

>St. Crispin's Day Speech

>Charge of the Rohirrim

>Battle of the Morannon

I fucking love Aristotle. Heres a favorite of mine. Fuck the haters

Not sure if any of ye fellas read comic books, but I find cardio boring as hell.
When I run, I like to pretend I'm Cable, running away from Bishop to protect the first mutant child born since M Day. It makes running less boring, and despite how autistic it is, there are no outward signs that that's what I'm doing.

I'm usually looking foward to working out so i dont need that much motivation.

When i warm up i focus on form, and when it's time to do working sets I try my best to get a really 'accurate' visulasation going. So if it's a bench press I picture the bar and my arms going up. OHP i imagine the bar going past my face and over the centre of gravity.

I also remind myself in my head of technique cues and all that stuff. I don't listen to music - but not for any particular reason.

we quote postin now?

I watch this

as horrible as this real-life story was I used to watch this..

>Not timing your reps to DON'T LOSE YOUR WAAAAAAAAAAY

I guess it's not a bad theme though.

watching and listening Dawn of War 3 trailer lately

or imagining myself as one of the Imperial Fists in the parade

>Ride of the Rohirrim

Shivers down my spine.

I know that feel bro. Vegeta is GOAT

>Listen to german nationalist metal
>Templar, Crusader chants like Palastinlied
>ISIS Nasheeds


I don't want to fuck up my lifts cause I know it's going to take me 3 days or a week to try them again and I am very impatient and want everything as soon as possible.

>>ISIS Nasheeds

This so fucking much.
Every fucking hour of my day I want mires at all my efforts

I like to pretend in my head that I'm being mentored by my future self. My mentor helps me stick to my Veeky Forums lifestyle. If I fail, I'd be killing my future self who has an awesome beach body, 10/10 lover and has made it in every sense of the word.

In reality, if you get shot in a place with 1-hr medevac, you're probably going to die.

I always run or jump rope with a mouthful of water. It builds will power, practices good breathing, and really works out your face muscles since you're trying to swallow it or spit it out. My face always burns after I do that. I think the Apaches did it when they were training their children.

*not swallow it or spit it out

This is the one that does it for me, I mouth the words along too if I'm struggling also get really pissed.

Sabaton literally turns me into the fucking hulk. I love it.


>piss myself off thinking about times I've been autistic with women
>think about the girls who have stopped talking to me
>thing about who they're fucking now

Sends me into a rage desu senpai

Also I tell myself this
>you are the culmination of thousands upon thousands of years of natural selection
>your ancestors fought and killed and died just to create YOU
>will you make their sacrifice go to waste and become a genetic dead end
>or will you harden up and make something of yourself

Ritualistic sacrifice with my viking buddies

Thats a pretty confused list you got there

So is nobody gonna point out that is not how you properly carry the 240B weapon system.

I fucking love Dan Carlin

Checked and will try it out

You ever marched with the 240b? Or even the 249? I've only done it with the 249 but that shit gets old. Fucking muzzle point outwards from formation and throw it on your back. Not everybody in the military walks around with popeye arms that can just low port carry that thing for hours on end. Actually I don't think anybody can.

Palästinalied is my power song.

A machine gun would never cost 240 billion you fucking idiot.

Podcasts/Audiobooks are infinitely better for keeping focused. I'm not saying music is bad, but if you're listening to something you're really interested in, you'll perform better.

that's so gay but I get it

>listening to christian rock

Think about the cat I had as a kid. Relaxes me, keeps my form good.

who /Jocko Podcast/ here?

I fucking hate that I think this is a good way to motivate yourself.

History podcasts/audio books for me only bro. Gotta get them intellectual gains along with the physical gains.




There is literally only one good history podcast though

I do a roman salute before a pr. Massive fucking adrenaline rush.

I googled some of the podcast titles. Doesn't seem very intellectual to me. Motivating? Sure, but I don't think you'll learn much about the wider world while listening to it. I assume, again, just by looking at the titles of the podcast episode, it's more of an introspective thing, which is neat - But not something I'd personally dig.

Dan Carlin is great
Thinking Sideways
And literally any history audiobook you feel like listening to. Invest in an audible membership, it's fucking based.

Seems interesting, should I just start by the first one, or is there no connection between the episodes and I can just start with whichever I find interesting ?

reminds me of an autism moment

>be at a party, 16 years old
>buddy getting pussy
>"fuck yueah good for him"
>been eyeing this chick
>we go upstairs
>into a bedroom
>door closed
>she's lying on her side on a matress on the floor looking at me
>I'm sitting on the floor
>both fully out of it
>I was too fucked up to realise I was in a room alone with a girl, on a bed, door closed
>all the signs
>she even god damn led me up the stairs
>it was either the drink or my subconscious but I just said 'well it was nice talking' or whatever
>got up and left
>didn't properly realise till the next day

I was so fucking mad, man. Still kissless virgin at almost 18 (literally turn 18 tomorrow lol)
>inb4 banned

Maybe it was my brain being self conscious about my body at the time or something, but god damn.

She was like a 6-7/10 too, cute lil bitty, nice personality.

God damn.
That's a motivation for me, don't fucking do that again

There's different series based on historical periods.

Genghis Khan, World War 1 and now I think it's on Perisa in antiquity. Always listen to them in order.




I usually just start another one of my short stories

lol this

Isn't that literally the most basic form of motivation though you fucking retard?

chill out, man

Ok, I'll start listening to it with today's workout, thanks




Good lad