Seriously, how?
How to get a thicker neck ?
> mommy. I want milk
just keep choking on dick like you usually do, you're well on your way
Elliott Hulse has some old videos about it on youtube
fuck him.
so wrestler bridges. are you stupid op, asking obvious questions like this?
three times per week in a gloryhole both, if you do it right you get a protein shot.
>go front of mirror
>lean your head backwards
no need to thank me
I just can't like this dude, the way he speaks irks me. Is it a legit accent from some part of America or is he putting it on to try and sound tough??
He is a man with a low IQ and a gift for gab trying to sound smart.
yeah low IQ + canadian accent + try hard youtube intonation + forced slow and calm speech
Regardless of the way he speaks, his videos on the neck/traps are correct.
I've been training my neck for about a year and got decent results. At first I used resistance bands and tied them to my bed to do neck curls and extensions. When it got too easy I bought some weights and now put the bands through the weights and put the bands on my head like a neck harness.
thats a pretty good idea. bringing your neck harness to the gym would be embarrassing. the neck is still vastly underappreciated here, it makes such a difference in ones appearance
Ah ok, non American/Canadian so couldn't tell if it was put on for show or if it was some strange state accent that just usually isn't on tv but is legit. Sounded put on so thanks for confirming.
Yeah I try to watch some of his stuff because it doesn't seem terrible, broscience/anecdote seems to be pretty common though.
Feels like he gets a lot of love on here so I'm trying to give him a fair chance and watch, but in addition to the shit accent it feels unrehearsed/amateur and very anecdotal. Am I missing something? Going from someone like Nuckols/Chad Wesley Smith/Max Aita to him is just a huge difference and wasn't sure if I was just being a cunt because stylistically I'm not a fan or if his content just isn't at the same level
Neck ups, front and back, after you've made some gains with those learn to bridge, again front and back, DON'T go straight into bridging if you haven't trained your neck before, you can fuck yourself up if do it wrong or your neck is too weak.
You should focus on someone's content rather then the character they are playing as a YouTuber.
Just my 2 cents.
>mfw ordered neckflex
>In the meantime doing neck plate curls
you have no face?
That's what I am saying mate, I don't like him but am giving him a proper go to see if he has solid content. My question was about his accent, my point was I was struggling to see why he is so loved here because next to other people with quality content he seems very broscience and feels like he just wings his talks. I was opening discussion if I had prematurely judged/perhaps gotten a few bad videos but no one is suggesting any time he has done a video that is professional, concise and based on solid evidence. If you know of some by all means tell me title/link me, but to date I simply don't get the love.
"Clean eating" is bro science yet I'd bet you believe in it.
I don't see him as "bro science"-like.
I used to have one but i trained my neck
Now im also blind and deaf
Typing using braile
........... Ok, give it a go mate, explain to me exactly how clean eating isn't healthier over the long term?? If you mean to simply gain strength I don't disagree short term you can look good or be stronger eating whatever, but you're gonna need something spectacular to convince me that eating dirty isn't going to have serious health consequences past 40... I know you're probably a 20-something who thinks 40 is basically dead, but for the majority of us 40 is half way. If you eat like shit and fuck up literally half your life and think that that's not legitimately bad health habits then something is seriously wrong with you
Because the words "clean eating" is meaningless.
All your body cares about is hitting your macro/mirco nutrient needs and fiber needs.
As long as you hit your micro nutrient and fiber needs, you can fill in the macro (calories) with whatever you want.
No evidence at all to suggest what you're saying is true if you hit your micro and fiber needs.
Top argument mate...... Don't know why I expected anything different.
If you aren't actually retarded and just misinformed check out a book called The China Study, good place to start for why your argument about macros being whatever you want with no consequence is actually incorrect. Also will explain how (what I assume) is your implied 'get your micros from supplements' argument is poor as well. You can't just smash maccas and pizza till TDEE, take fish oil/multivitamin/fiber from a pill and have the same quality of health as someone who gets it from real food, ie a clean eater, which is anything but meaningless.
>Seriously, how?
serious question: where can I buy attire like this? like excactly that piece of clothing.
I am saying you can eat a mix of both in a day, I'm not saying ONLY eat fast food and take supplements. I'm saying you can eat half and half or 3/4 what you'd call "clean" and 1/4 fast food EVERY DAY + supplements and you will be fine.
I reiterate - I am not saying only fast food and supplements.
You were spot on in your impression. He does his videos clearly off the cuff, spewing shit bro science, trying to sound like an authority. The closest he gets to scientific studies are the things he remembers seeing on magazine covers.
We give him love because he was one of the early youtube fitness personalities, he covered many topics and posted them in HD, he looked OK (nice traps), and he owns his own gym and is a successful personal trainer. Plus the weird "breathing through my balls" mental breakdown that made us all kek
i think hes italian irish and hes got an italian-american accent
What the fuck are you on about?
You are confusing Strength Camp (the guy who had a mental breakdown) with AlphaDestiny (the guy who was in the videos posted above).
i had no idea it made such a difference
>The China Study,
Lingerie store? I guess something like Victoria secrets might carry them, but a lingerie store definitely would. Just make sure you have proper measurements or take your >gf
There are so much more variables to health than calories in, calories out and micro/macro ratios.
You cannot eat clean until dinner and then eat a burger, some fries and an ice cream even if you are staying within your caloric needs for the day.
Sugar and toxic shit from that one "dirty" meal will fuck you up in the long run.
> inb4, who gives a fuck, I just wanna get big
Than pin some tren and eat at Five Guys every day, but don't preach your bullshit when you don't even know what a fatty liver is.
Neck is literally the most important muscle
His way of speaking is deterring to new viewers, but just stick with it and you'll get used to it. He has good content.
>tfw naturally thick neck master race
Stay mad necklets
It's cause his advice works man
And whoever else I missed and cbf finding to reply to.
Will keep viewing some of his stuff, not sure if you're trolling me or legit but I'll spend some time and give his work a chance. Anyone got progress pics before/after using his programs/advice?
From montreal
Head bang at meyal shows but thats for degenerates. Just suck more dick concentrate on the bobing 10 sets :30 bob :30 sec suckin head.
inject synthol into ur neck brah
push press and deadlifts