Is it possible to break plateaus by increasing the weight?
Is it possible to break plateaus by increasing the weight?
ugly eyes
A Plateau is when you CANT increase the weight any more you fool. If you can increase the weight then you havent fucking plateau'd.
she's hotter than 98% women out there you fag
Looks like a real bitch.
not that dude but any woman with rediculous eyeshadow is an instant turnoff to me
they look like they haven't slept in years
she has nice eyes and a fucking amazing body, my dick would be diamonds riht now if she didn't look like a meth addict because she slathered dirt all around her eyes
or the other way around, when you can't decrease weight. When you're trying to lose bodyweight and been a couple of weeks without success, you've plateau'd as well. Shit is serious when people say Veeky Forums 's IQ is apelike
nice eye contact colour but almost zero limbal ring darkness 0/10 would not fuck
I think OP meant switching to like a 3rm instead of a 5rm. Not trying to do more weight with same reps.
Are we talking about weightloss plateaus or exercise weight increase plateau?
who is her
you break plateau by increasing the weight dumbass
>he would prefer women didn't whore themselves up literally every day
are you some sort of homo faggot virgin though? like y u don wana shov yo dik in dat boi
Totally, you could have had her but you dodged a bullet. Don't ever settle.
this might be a women. no straight male would go straight to insulting
Fuck off squirrel boy
Get me dat source asap
faggot or salty woman?
>He doesn't like smokey eyes or whatever it's called
Only type of makeup I find acceptable
You break plateaus by increasing intensity. A plateau will not move simply from putting more weight on the bar. Mainly because you won't be able to lift it.
UNLESS you're cheating to break past a plateau. But that still falls under intensity.
she's young and hasnt perfected makeup yet. i get what you're saying but I could totally work with this.
dont always see people as a finished product. remember that girl who rejected you before you were Veeky Forums? you'd be a hypocrit for doing the same thing. see the potential in people
Hi Murricuh
your reign of terror ends here
This is you right now
Think volume not weight.
>women preferring healthy, strong powerlifters over roiding bodybuilders
Wtf i love women now
Like go down in weight and increase reps?`
Fix your diet. Sleep more.
All of those women are overweight.
They just don't want to be self-conscious about their own food shoveling and bodies.