not sure where i should post this but i figured here because i might actually get some decent advice. say you had like 10,000 dollars to spend exclusively on ways to improve your mental well being. how would you go about spending it so that once its all gone you're in a better place than you were before? I don't see the point in ending my life when i could spend this money then end my life if it doesn't work.
- have highschool diploma - almost finished college dropped out with like 4 credits left because of severe depression in my last semester. - i've gotten laid a decent amount so i don't think a hooker would help me get out of my funk, especially since it doesn't seem worth it. admittedly its been a while since i've gotten laid.
I'd go get that retarded piece of paper that people will pay you to have.
Michael Harris
yeah a lot of people have been telling me that. its a arts major i dont think the degree is very useful unless i'm highly dedicated and i never really was.
Chase Jackson
Why not just kill yourself, it might make the people around you sad but you won't notice, you'll never be sick again, you'll never hurt, never feel alone, never be rejected, never feel disappointment, never feel left out, never be mad, never be hungry, never be cold, never feel uncomfortable. Just a long eternal warmth and security.
It's literally the only way to guarantee that you'll never feel bad things again.
Jayden Rogers
Because doing things the way you think should is going fucking swimingly.
Robert Torres
If you're not religious i would tell you to start drinking the koolaid to get on your feet. Buddhism or christanity(tho finding a good church is hard) or some kind of meditation cult like transcendental meditation
it would be a crutch but I guarantee you in the long run you would be happier
Colton Nguyen
Here's what helped me:
- Barbell strength training with some bodybuilding accessory work. - HIIT & LISS. - Eating clean. - Meditation - Enrolling on a course at the local community college - Joining a powerlifting club - Spending time with nieces & nephews
Here's what made my depression worse: - Drugs - Drink - Hookers - Fapping - Gaming
Charles Carter
>10 grand
Do you already have a job? If it's career worthy (i.e it pays well/you could support yourself indefinitely/you enjoy it and can live off of it) get yourself your own place, get a gym membership and start doing things you've always wanted to do.
Hell 10 grand is enough to spend a year or so travelling the world.
Asher Sullivan
What didnt work for me:
- Citalopram - 150mg Venlafaxine per day - Alcohol - Cocaine - Random sex - Tons of food
What did work for me
- Yoga - Meditation - Clean Eating - Positive people
It's not over. I still suffer from depression. Suicide often comes to mind. Try to strengthen yourself. Yoga is really really good
Isaiah Price
You need friends, a working intimate relationship and meaningful relationships with the people aroudn you
Chase Foster
Really similar experience to me brah incl. Citalopram and eating a lot of food which didn't mention. See
Colton Jackson
What's the reason for your depression?
Elijah Thompson
This depression thing fucking sucks I thought my problem is going to be solved when I get money. I created an online business, I make $150 a day, I am still in the same mental state it's just that I have a cool iPhone.
It's getting worse, so much fucking worse. I am now literally bored of even opening my mouth when talking to people, I don't care what they have to say at all. Some days are better when I am working and I don't think about anything. When I am working out I feel good, I am occupied. Once it's done and I am on my way home it starts creeping the fuck in again.
I know it's getting worse and worse. I am only 19 and I already achieved more than my peers that work in KFC. I feel that I am surrounded by absolute fucking losers and nobodies that have no goals and higher purpose in life, no mission, no nothing.
I need someone that's on a mission to get that good life going on, currently, I am alone
Jonathan Barnes
step 1: block Veeky Forums
Jayden Nguyen
It's only four credits and you got your degree. Just go fucking finish it. At least you won't have that massive employment gap the size of your asshole without something to show for it.
Colton Scott
What I'm recommending here doesn't cost a whole lot of money, can be tested easily provided you have the right supplements (and I don't necessarily know which brand that might be) and there's almost no downside to trying.
If you have something as stupid as a some neurotransmitter deficiency, then you might be able to find out in about 15 minutes and kill your depression right then and there. Otherwise you'll have an indication that it's not about neurotransmitters and you'll be able to move on.
I'd recommend finding ways to be productive and keep busy. I've dealt with depression and anxiety my entire life and I can relate to what you are going through.
My problem tended to be that I would withdraw myself from society and start masturbating a lot, spending too much time on the computer, and not being productive in the slightest. Even when I had jobs during this time, they were never things I actually enjoyed, I just did them to make money. If you smoke pot, take a break from it. If you drink a lot, take a break from it. I would always try to go through a full "detox" of sorts when I was depressed for any period of time. I'd eat healthy, try to get in some exercise every day, try to go out in public, do some shopping, read books, anything to get my mind of out it's normal depressed routine.
Set some goals, smash the shit out of them, and then set some more goals. Find ways to be productive and work towards these goals. They can be as big as making $100,000 or as small as interacting with a few strangers each day, doing some push ups, or cooking a new meal.
Logan King
This. Also I would replace fapping with porno, and would add volunteering, hiking, and meeting new people/joining clubs to the help section
Ryder James
You've never experienced with amino acids like GABA, 5-HTP, tryptophane, etc, as in ?
It's extremely important to take care of gut health and to make sure you have no B vitamins deficiencies when it comes to mood, as these things impacts neurotransmitters production, but for diagnostic purposes, it can be extremely useful and low cost to try some amino acids supplement and see if they have a positive effect.
For me, 5-HTP basically sent me to sleep and had marginal effects on my mood, from which I concluded that serotonin deficiency was not necessarily a prime concern, at least not now, but I'm just about certain that it used to be from about the age of 5 to fucking 27.
Adam Phillips
I never experimented with them. Although I did learn about vitamin D deficiencies and the impact on overall health/mood, so I made it a priority to get outside in the sun for at least 1 hour per day as well as take vitamin d supplements.
Austin Martinez
Ignore this post. You don't need medication. Your not depressed. You don't have some illness. Your life is shit and you're unhappy. Unhappiness is a completely appropriate and rational response to a shitty life. Fix your life. Finish your degree (whatever it may be), find a decent job, workout, eat healthy, and take up some interests that would help you meet up with other people.
Easton White
Yeah I take vitamin D as well. One of the thing that's interesting, however, is that serotonin production is responsive to light conditions. I don't know exactly how that is, but what I do know is that serotonin is used or is a factor in the production of melatonin, which basically sends you to sleep, so that people with low serotonin may have trouble sleeping, and people who, like me, decide to take 100mg of 5-HTP, the serotonin precursor, in the evening (so as to try it) might end up sleeping 12 hours without being able to resist the effect.
It's not a sure thing, but I think it can be an interesting tool for diagnostic purposes. There's other amino acids to try like GABA and Glutamine.
Again, it's just a thing to try so as to see if it has big effects or not. It's comparatively cheap, quick and low risk.
James Rodriguez
>say you had like 10,000 dollars to spend exclusively on ways to improve your mental well being Then you're already at a disadvantage. Countless studies show money does not equate to happiness, as the cliche goes. People will argue this to death because they're idiots and don't understand basic human nature.
Also since you're depressed, here's the cure and pre-emptive treatment for depression:
>Regular exercise >Regular sunshine >Regular social interaction with peers >Good sleep >Good diet >Good management of stress
No more and no less.
Gavin Moore
Spend half of the 10k on a motorcycle and pack up enough clothes to fit in one backpack. Go on a cross-country adventure with no map, or destination in mind. See where life takes you. Use your other 5k very frugally to stretch your trip as long as possible. Live minimal. You may find a nice place to start fresh.
Brody Smith
You automatically become more ostensibly valuable to society with a degree. ANY degree. It's FOUR. FUCKING. CREDITS. Finish it or you're just pissing away every dollar and every second you invested in getting it before you quit.
Landon Lopez
this nigger knows
Leo Smith
dude you're fucking scum
Asher Gonzalez
Former depressed here.
My main issue was a huge lack of control in my life - getting healthy relationships and finding something I enjoyed really really helped. For me that was math / philosophy - I joined a college group and met some really awesome people.
I'd say finish college then go travel. Have you taken different classes and tried to find something you like more than your arts degree?
Sebastian Gonzalez
This is exactly right. There is no magic bullet to kill depression (except maybe a literal bullet), just a bunch of lifestyle changes that will help you fight it.