24 days so far :)

Hello, nyr fag again.

I'm not as strong willed as some of you bros and was wondering if you had some tricks that keep you going?

I hate the fact that I am a twig and I told myself if I can do 1 month then I can do 1 year but I am starting to doubt that.

Thanks anyways though, the other 2 posts of mine on here have taught me alot.

Other urls found in this thread:


Make it an habit. Soon you will become addicted to it.

there's no trick, you just have to force yourself to go and eventually it becomes easier and easier.

hate yourself enough that you MUST to change it

What the other user said. Just keep going there is no shortcut or trick just eat clean and train clean and eventually you will get there.

I have been hating myself for years, but never in a positive way. You might be onto something...

Either you like lifting it or you hate the consequences of not doing it.
Really, there's nothing else and like everything in life you need discipline

I understand that there is no easy path for anything, especially working out. I was more wondering if someone here was in my shoes and had a eureka moment that I missed.

Hey, I am also a skinny fag, Started 1,5 months ago. I used to lift before but was discouraged and stopped. Now I am seeing great results and I owe them to doubling my protein intake. I am a poorfag so here is how I did it. NO SUPPLEMENTS.

I eat Chicken
I eat Fish.. Very GOOD
I eat a lot of peanuts... cheap protein, a lot of cheap protein.
Oats with yogurt.. also a lot of protein

I also try to eat whatever meat I can find, but preferably chicken and fish
I substituted white bread for wholewheat bread, although I don't think this is as important as the rest, it tastes actually good, and even has more protein in it than white bread. I try to avoid all foods which only have carbs in them and nothing else.

I've been doing this for the last 0.5 months and am pretty happy with the results( my ribs aren't visible anymore lel ). The only thing you need to do is to watch your proteins, screw carbs and fats. Don't care how much of them you eat, as long as you get your protein right.

I used to lift 3 years ago* but was dicouraged and stopped