Here's your eureka moment.
Read this.
Fuck health, you want to be big? You want to turn heads? Throw heath out the fucking window.
You want to look like Brad Pitt in 5 years time? Continue down this track of a half assed fitness endeavor.
You want to look like Greg Plitt in 10 years time? Realise that 'bodybuilding', whether professional or for girls, is an immense sacrifice to health, time and relationships.
24 days and you want to throw in the towel? Pathetic. Look in the mirror and ask yourself if you're content with what you see.
1. Cardio is going to be detrimental to you adding mass. It burns calories, and although it is good to do when you have your diet in check in a years time, now you want to put all your energy into getting stronger and bigger. Fuck cardio for beginners. You don't want to overcomplicate things. Add cardio later.
2. Stretching is good, but you don't need to spend a long time doing it. Especially when you don't have muscles to stretch. Once again, don't overcomplicate things. Stretch, but not delve into complicated techniques.
3. Bodyweight stuff is generally useless. Go straight into a strength routine. Learn about it. Bodybuilding is 90% knowledge, 10% lifting iron. If you're not actively learning about routines, exercises, nutrition, technique (and later chemicals) then start now. Read more.
4. Start a strength regime now. Compound movements, low reps. Add in some isolation work after the compound movements. Plenty of programs out there. Generally they all follow the same principles.
5. Most supplements are bullshit, only proven one is creatine.
6. Steroids are part of the sport, no matter the level. Ask yourself how far the rabbit whole you want to go.
7. Eggs are fine, your heart won't explode. Fat is necessary.
Ask away if you need any more advice.