Alright motherfuckers, let's end the debate. State your cases, is it acceptable to do The Press™ In the squat rack? I do it all the time, I thinking cleaning it is faggy hippie crossfit bullshit

>not cleaning the press to fire up your cns for pressing
>being a man

pick one

only if there's no power cage

So if there's a power cage, is it chill to both squat and press in it?

I do it and I am not planning on stopping. My gym has 2 cages and 4 squat racks though

>literally banging the bar at the top of every rep
What are you a manlet?
Or maybe you don't do full ROM

OP here, is there something to this?

Sometimes I clean the weight, sometimes I don't. It really all depends on how I feel.

{reasonable median intensifys}

I've never done a power clean.
Also, back problems. Can't squat, deadlift or pendlay row. It sucks.

Put it on the outside you fucking jeb

Homegym, so I can do what I want.

If I want to clean, I do that separate

Sorry, I'm asking ACTUAL gym goers who don't suffer from autism.

DB press is the better movement. Apart from that, whenever I used to do OHP I did it mostly in half racks. Not a problem for me, and I don't care if it is for others.

No. The weight you're OHP-ing will likely be way too light for that single clean to do anything. Unless you have shit lower body and core strength.

I intentionally curl and press in the squat rack. Pisses off all the T Rex and Crossfit fags at my gym.

Some home gyms have better equipment than your "real" gym, brah.

It's acceptable, but squatters have the priority. So if someone wants to squat there, you take your barbell somewhere else.

I do it in the squat rack, I like the extra But if safety. But I have to take it out and clean it if there's only a cage cause I'm too tall

Lol cuck

absolutely cuck

not even a debate, of course use the rack, im not gonna jeapordize fucking my shoulders by doing 1rep clean and jerk at the beginning of every set by using the bars on the floor

The fuck is the problem with cleaning it. If your OHP isn't baby weight for cleaning you got problems.

I think if the gym is busy you should grab a barbell and press it as it's more courteous and looks cool too.

Holy shit wow dude all that stuff looks nuts I'm sorry i ever doubted you. So much more than my gym


Is this home gym built on the side of a cliff? How the fuck do you even get the bar out of the cage with any weight on it?


i always press more if i clean it first instead of pressing it from a literal dead stop

Push presses are obviously easier than strict presses.

The gym I go to has 14 squat racks, uni gym, so I'll OHP where I please.