post your fitspo
Goal Body Thread
his skull is truly god tier.
>wanting to be small
>roiding for this etc
get big cmon
I would 100% rather be lean and aesthetic
> 6'5, 250, lean
how do i get orb's physique
>believing wrestlers' billed height and weight
Can easily be beaten with 6 months of going to the gym seriously
I did, expect I don't have the same fullness in my traps that the roids gave him
He needed roids because he has 0 willpower + working out for girls.
If you roid the goal should be to look like this
>goal should be this
What if you are heterosexual?
skinny phaggot
natty lifting for half a year or whatever cycle he did to look like a MM twink
I'm short i want to be wide at least.
Did this guy actually roid? He looks DYEL as fuck.
pretty much this, the most aesthetic/athletic as possible
>lifting for insecurity lul
lift for 3 months and youll be wide
manlets get wide ez desu famalam
>6'2, 230 lean
More like
>6'2, 210 lean
And I didn't say he was small.
i found the midget who can't the fact that there are people much taller and more muscular than he'll ever be lol.
>Not being Neanderthal tier
Never gonna make it bro
In the middle
Used to watch wwe a bunch in college. My buddy's roommate was gay and he crushed so hard on Orton. Thought he was the sexiest dude ever. He also liked that Orton had dead eyes, seemed like a sociopath, and would probably be really mean and selfish in bed.
Is this achievable natty?
It's possible he used cocaine but other than that he was definitely natty.
So you can't read. I was said he IS NOT small.
Stolen from another OP
However Im going natty so I won't be quite this aesthetic
But goals are supposed to be unachievable
pic related is the limit for nattycels
>address an accusation i never made
nice projection, midget retard.
dude literally has no ass
So you're just shitposting. Okay.
This is goal one. When I get there I'll see how I feel
Yall need some greggo
>too stupid to refute anything
>double down on his retardation
typical limp dicked midget trying to sate his impotent rage everybody.
Do really want so much people on Veeky Forums stay small?
c'mon guys
Would both of you please stop posting in this thread?
Mirin hard
just train chest lats and shoulders 3 times a week. Never do legs.
Klokov is the only right answer. He got the jackpot on all parts
Dicklord himself. He has a shitty physique, shitty character and no discipline. Prick
found the homosexual