I'm doing Starting Strength and I feel like I'm not spending enough time in the gym. Should I do more accessories or should I rest more in between sets?
I'm doing Starting Strength and I feel like I'm not spending enough time in the gym...
you should stop worrying about stupid shit like how much time you spend in the gym
I'd do accessories definitely, help with stabilizers and aesthetics. It's pretty foolish to ONLY do couple of movements for a long period of time, once you got them down well and have some basic strength you should seek to widen your moveset. For example dumbbell bench helps your barbell bench as well, decline lunges are great for your knees etc etc
SS is a waste of time unless you want big legs and no upper body. Start doing a bro split now and you'll thank me later
The max amount of time anyone should do SS is two weeks, just go get the form down on the compound lifts.
After that switch to a split to see best gains
I forgot exactly the precise routine, but if I were adding accessories I'd do 3 sets of dips/close grip bench and curls on OHP day, and 3 sets of chinups/lat pulldown and tricep extensions on bench day.
You're only doing 3 exercises a session, aren't you?
Read the book, in particular the section about accessory movements... do 2-3 of these each session depending on your energy, fuck's sake.
You don't need to be spending something like 3 hours at the gym every time you go, do your routine, do some quality sets and get on with your day.
>rest more between sets
>le bro split meme
Full body ftw.
>Read the book
I suggest you do the same. Then keep reading it until you realize that you're not meant to add exercises to the novice program. You're confusing SS the book with SS the novice routine.