I'm doing Starting Strength and I feel like I'm not spending enough time in the gym. Should I do more accessories or should I rest more in between sets?
I'm doing Starting Strength and I feel like I'm not spending enough time in the gym...
you should stop worrying about stupid shit like how much time you spend in the gym
I'd do accessories definitely, help with stabilizers and aesthetics. It's pretty foolish to ONLY do couple of movements for a long period of time, once you got them down well and have some basic strength you should seek to widen your moveset. For example dumbbell bench helps your barbell bench as well, decline lunges are great for your knees etc etc
SS is a waste of time unless you want big legs and no upper body. Start doing a bro split now and you'll thank me later
The max amount of time anyone should do SS is two weeks, just go get the form down on the compound lifts.
After that switch to a split to see best gains
I forgot exactly the precise routine, but if I were adding accessories I'd do 3 sets of dips/close grip bench and curls on OHP day, and 3 sets of chinups/lat pulldown and tricep extensions on bench day.
You're only doing 3 exercises a session, aren't you?
Read the book, in particular the section about accessory movements... do 2-3 of these each session depending on your energy, fuck's sake.
You don't need to be spending something like 3 hours at the gym every time you go, do your routine, do some quality sets and get on with your day.
>rest more between sets
>le bro split meme
Full body ftw.
>Read the book
I suggest you do the same. Then keep reading it until you realize that you're not meant to add exercises to the novice program. You're confusing SS the book with SS the novice routine.
If your recovery is on point, why not.
+1 for Full Body
because there's no point and eventually you'll have to remove the extra work anyway.
the fact you can do a full body workout just proves you aren't really working each muscle group hard enough. Why do all the best bodybuilders train everything once a week?
cause they're on steroids lmao
how enhanced lifters train shouldn't affect how unenhanced lifters should train
How long do you spend at the gym? I always did accessories when I did SS because I couldn't stand being done in 40 minutes.
if you were done in 40 minutes you weren't lifting heavy enough.
>a beginner should do the same thing as a bodybuilder
t. Retard. You don't lift. Never post here again.
Post body please. Only noobs can do full body and progress.
It's not like the heavier the weight the more time you spend on a single rep user.
The time is the same. Its just harder.
Because they can use enough weight/accumulate enough volume to actually need a week to recover.
You can't.
Couple options:
>Spend an extra day or two per week on SS and move towards the end of the 6 months much faster
>Add volume
>Add accessories and other lifts- great for SS since it lacks a lot of hypertrophy focus
>the fact you can do a full body workout just proves you aren't really working each muscle group hard enough
No, it definitely doesn't. Your needs are not the same as someone elses, nevermind a beginner.
Full body 100% for beginners.
>Why do all the best bodybuilders train everything once a week?
This is the stupidest thing I've read all week.
I was going to insult you, but that's just so adorably naive that I can't. Your ATP stores take a long time to recover after a heavy set, especially compound exercises. If you're going to do 3 sets of very heavy squats you literally cannot do the second and third set unless you wait long enough to recover, and that typically means 5-8 minutes or sometimes even more. Including warmups and everything else you'll find that SS done heavy and correctly towards the end of the routine takes between 1.5 and 2 hours. If you do SS in 40 minutes you haven't rested long enough between sets, which means you cannot have lifted sets that were near your limit, which means you didn't lift heavy enough.
Pretty much this. I mean as a complete novice you're still getting used to form and don't have a complete idea about how heavy you should be going. When you find that spot, it will take you longer to perform the workout.
>if you were done in 40 minutes you weren't lifting heavy enough.
Complete nonsense, most beginner routines, particularly 5x5 take around 40 minutes per session.
The amount of time you choose for resistance is fine, even if it's 30 minutes per day.
>Your ATP stores take a long time to recover after a heavy set, especially compound exercises
Completely false again for beginners. Hence why full body routines are so effective when you're new.
>If you're going to do 3 sets of very heavy squats you literally cannot do the second and third set unless you wait long enough to recover, and that typically means 5-8 minutes or sometimes even more.
This is batshit retarded. Longer rest periods are more effective but offset against the time you're willing to spend in the gym. Additionally, training to failure is far less effective, particularly for large compounds.
Not only was the person facetiously replying to correct, but you're naive and retarded and sound like a massive douche.
>he is realizing that 30 mins 3 times a week is not enough to make him asthetic
You're learning kiddo, most people waste 6 months on this shit routine
>Complete nonsense, most beginner routines, particularly 5x5 take around 40 minutes per session.
in the very beginning yes, but only in the very beginning. if you had actually done any of these routines you would know.
>Completely false again for beginners. Hence why full body routines are so effective when you're new.
in the very beginning, yes, but eventually you'll need more rest. if you had actually done any of these routines you would know. rip recommends this amount of rest as well, so it's not like I made it up.
>This is batshit retarded. Longer rest periods are more effective but offset against the time you're willing to spend in the gym.
lol, you're so clueless it's funny. just read SS and shut up.
>Additionally, training to failure is far less effective, particularly for large compounds.
you're not training to failure you cocksniffing faggot.
>Not only was the person facetiously replying to correct, but you're naive and retarded and sound like a massive douche.
except I'm 100% correct. not only have I finished SS correctly and know how it works in practice, I'm also saying the very same things Rip says in his books/articles. you, however, are both unfamiliar with the instructions in the book and also lack the first hand knowledge. so I suggest you just shut the fuck up until you've gained enough experience to deserve an opinion.
op do yourself a favour and buy the book from amazon it's only £7.50 for kindle/tablet.
Sounds to me that you're
1. Not warming up properly, I.e 5 sets of lighter weights before working sets
2. You're probably no further than 1 month into the program.
3. You're lifts are so weak that you can perform them within 2minutes of your previous sets, this maybe the case for now but I guarantee when your squatting heavy weights x3 a week you will need more than 2 minutes rest per set
Don't listen to the trolls, read the book and stick with it. Linear progression is the best form of training for any beginner no matter the goals.
"Hi, I'd like to buy your entire supply of tickets to Snap-City, please"
i go max 1 hr a session (5 or 6 days/wk)
chest/tri, back/bi, legs/shoulders,
i usually aim for 3-4 exercises per muscle group in those days for a total of 6-8 exercises of 3 sets 8 reps (4 sets of 5 for bench, dl, squat for strength), and with 30s break between each set and moving immediately to a new station you can literally power out a "high volume" "brosplit" like mine in 40 minutes, then you can add a few accessories like farmers or leg raises
if people say they're in the gym for 2 hours they are probably terminally retarded
Do you know how I know you're weak as fuck?
>30s break between each set
You must be pretty huge, lifting at 50% intensity and all
my lifts are 1/2/3/4 so no i'm not weak, and that's pretty much spot on for what im trying to do.
hint: people lift for different reasons, i lift for fitness and looks, i don't want to be a fat swedish strongman so i don't need to train to deadlift 800lb or whatever fuck you
>not weak
read the second half of the post fatty
You understand you can be strong and look good? Lmao Arnold was a powerlifter with a 700lb+ deadlift before he was a bodybuilder. Jesse Norris here has a 700lb squat.
He has 0 fucking lats and his body is disgusting, no v taper
PS: He looks tiny as fuck considering the gear he is on.
You think that body is remotely remarkable for gear when we have anons on the board looking like this?
arnie was being fed a humongous cocktail of cutting edge drugs the moment he stepped off the boat (and still is too), so thats completely irrelevant
and that dude in your picture looks like a disgusting mutant whos most likely also on steroids
Lmao, Schwarzenegger was a bodybuilder who trained as a bodybuilder and occasionally competed in lifting competitions.
Pic related you just posted lifts for strength. Jesse Norris is WADA approved.
You're a fucking moron.
Ok, this guy is """""Wada aproved"""" too.
Notice how he looks better than Jesse?
It's almost like bodybuilding training makes you bigger? ANd powerlfiting makes you stronger?
Why don't you understand to train for size if you want to be big? why is this a hard concept?
It is so simple. So absurdly simple.
Another user on the board. He's """"wada aproved""" 100% natural man
and you're a fat cunt
see how easy that is
>pic related lifts for strength
It's a bodybuilder/porn star that posts on his board and doesn't care how strong he is though? He uses his body to make money? So he trains to look good?
Why do you think he has a vtaper instead of a disgusting fridge box body?
I mean if you are delusional and just gonna make stuff up, I am done talking to you
Can you explain to me what is supposed to be good about v taper?
This guy just looks like he has a tiny core
>what is good about having wide shoulders and a thin waist
Yeah fuck you dude I'm out of this thread you are beyond help or logic or reasoning
Tiny core is to maximize taper
Just keep powerlifting until you look like this dude and report back then
Not him but, you do realise that lifting weights, an activity that burns calories, cannot make you fat in and of itself, right?
Those guys have a solid core though, the other guy literally looks like he doesn't even train his
Having a v-taper is literally all about posing.
I am not even lifting heavy (lmao 2 pl8 squats, lmao 2.5 pl8 deads, lmao 1.5 pl8 bench), but without spending at least 10 minutes for every exercise to properly warm up, I can't reach my PR.
I remember once I didn't warm up properly for bench, and almost had to do the roll of shame during the first set. Second and third set went much smoother.
So we have 30 minutes from warming up, plus I spend 5 minutes jogging in the beginning and 5 minutes rowing. 40 minutes in total, and that to just warm up. Then I rest around 2 minutes between sets, so that's 2*2+2*2 = 8 minutes, which is 48 minutes, plus 5-10 minutes to do the actual sets, so you have ~1 hour at the gym.
Yeah Ok dude, how about you go to the mirror and flare your lats and see if you look like that?
He doesn't train his core, to make his pecs look bigger and arms and deltoids everything look better in pictures.
it's weird but it's his goals.
Point is that if you want to look good, thinking that you are going to get there just because you lift X ammount of weights is retarded. Beyond retarded.
You know you are meant to do curls on SS right?
Fuck you cunt. I lost so much strength on a brosplit.
You aren't.
If you want a strength/bodybuilding routine that concerns itself with strength and looks then do the regpark beginner bodybuilder routine. Not SS.
Just do strength training until you're tired, but push yourself and don't be a pussy. That being said don't overdo it also, don't want to shread up them muscles
I know linear progression is the entire point of the program, but what if you are not satisfied with your form at X amount of weight? What I do is I stay at X in my next work out. Usually I get the form right in my second attempt. Does this mean I am not really following SS?
what should my lifts be when i stop ss
You need to untighten your dependency on prettermined programs that do not take into account at what state you are in right now. Sometimes you need to go down in order to go back up. In your case try warming up with low volume high reps to get a feel for the form and then proceed to lift your actual weight. Worked for me when I wasn't satisfied.
Why do you keep posting people that are on gear and admit to its use?
Fun fact-old school body builders didn't use that much.
maybe 10% of what is used nowadays.
Keeping muscles intentionally small seems more retarded to me. I'd rather be strong like Jesse and accept however my body looks like at that point