Who here /HEIGHT/ but no /FACE/ or /FRAME/??????
Who here /HEIGHT/ but no /FACE/ or /FRAME/??????
Height 5/10, Face 7/10, Frame 5/10
guess it could've been worse
>Height 9/10, Face 7/10, Frame 7/10
+ decent face
+ good frame of mind
- 5'8"
frame: 7/10
face: 6/10
height: 6'2" in a country where 6' is the average.
what does good frame consist of
Height 5/10 (literally average)
Face 6/10 (kinda big nose, but good jawline and chin)
Frame 6/10 (wide shoulders but also somewhat wide hips)
I guess I'm pretty fucking average.
I know this feel.
>College athlete
I have the Height and frame but have a 5/10 to 6/10 face
Feels bad
height 10/10
face 7/10
frame 7/10
height 10/10 frame 10/10 face 6/10
Height 175 ( its like 5'9 ?)
Face 10/10 but femine like a motherfucker
Frame 7/10 geting there. Big but need to focus on fat %
Why can't uggo be turned away and the topless girl be facing the camera.
Height: 4/10
Face: 6/10
Frame: 9/10
i have good height ( 6'3 ), good face ( i hear im good looking often ) but pretty crappy frame, hips are a bit wide and im naturally skinny
face, frame but no height
>+ good frame of mind
Nice try manlet.
Height: 8/10
Face: 8/10
Frame: 3/10
height: 6'3
frame: 210pounds
face: 8/10
8/10 height at 6'2
7/10 face
7/10 broad shouldered skelly
>tfw /HEIGHT/, /FACE/, and /FRAME/, but lacking in /CLEAR SKIN/ and /PENIS SIZE/
I was so close, brehs
>tfw big dick
It's just such a relief in life
height: 7/10 in the world, but a 5/10 in my country (6 ft so im under average)
Face: A scandinavian 7, if i go overseas though people assume im a model.
Frame: 9/10, broad shoulders small waist.
height 4/10
face 6/10
frame 2/10
Unlike height, you can fix your face relatively easily. Humans are very sensitive to minor details in the face, so jumping from "ugly" to "decent" or even "good looking" often isn't much. Unless your entire skull is deformed you're within easy reach of a decent face.
99% of the time FRAME is a poor excuse for shitty training. Again, unless you're deformed, the reason your shoulders lag isn't "FRAME" it's because you're a lazy fuck who doesn't train his shoulders properly.
height 4/10, face 8/10, frame 9/10
>thank fuck i rolled somewhat well