>just be yourself
I wish my parents killed me when they realized how weak I am
>just be yourself
I wish my parents killed me when they realized how weak I am
>Tbh, they figured since you were retarded that you would die on your own.
Just be confident
>walk into your 9th grade canadian history class
>one of these is at the front of the room
>lights go out
>you hear this
>I wish my parents killed me when they realized how weak I am
What the heck?
Like, do you realise what a fucked up thing that is to say?
yes, and I am ok with it, all my life it's pain and struggle. I'm a week pussy, don't even have the balls to kill myself
>Experiments have shown that we consider attractive people "as more sociable, dominant, sexually warm, mentally healthy, intelligent, and socially skilled" than unattractive people.
>By the time cute kids become attractive adults, they've benefited from this bias for years, giving them higher levels of confidence.
>It's a "self-fulfilling prophecy,"
so fucking true except german history
lmao flashbacks man
Who are these two?
Can someone actually give me background to this pic?
Get strong then. You can make it.
you must be new here
It's a famous image because that was the last known pic of the guy on the left, he died later that day. Coroner declared his death was due to heart complications, however rumor has it the brutal mog he endured that day was too much on his mind and body. Witnesses said as soon as the cameras were turned off he started visibly norwooding on the spot. Seeing his now grey, brittle hair slide of his head to the floor was evidently the final straw. He was found dead in his dressing room. The employee that found him said he had tried to hang himself but unfortunately couldn't reach the ceiling. Being once again reminded of his sub-humanity at the lowest point in his life was enough to stop his heart from beating.
A reminder that you are NEVER safe from mogs. And one day you might experience a mog so brutal you will never recover.
I was quite weak as a kid, would have died before I got 6 without several operations.
Now I have the mind to accomplish anything. user, weakness is a state which can be changed. Work on yourself my friend and you will reap the benefits.
You feeling down? Meditate on your feelings and where they come from, seek self-knowledge.
You are pudgy and fat? Work out, eat healthy and fast in moderation. Make the body savage, men was not meant to be a comfortable house-cat.
You are unable to stick to something? Start small, gradually increase. Remember, slow and steady wins the race.
It does not matter what others are like or where they are in life. You must start where you are right now, so you can get better than you were yesterday. Fight yourself, not the world, and you will achieve true victory.
how do you meditate? I can't find any coherent guides on how to
This HAS to be a shoop.
It fucking IS about confidence, but not in the way idiots often say it is.
It's about having the confidence to accept your flaws, and either put up with them and accept that society might look down on your for it, or fucking do something about it.
Ugly? Get surgery.
Fat? Eat less, lift weights.
Thin? Eat more, lift weights.
Still struggling to get that body? Use steroids. No shame at all in that.
Poor style and fashion? See a stylist, buy some decent clothes. Not sure what fashion to go for? Look it up online, the internet is rammed full of that shit.
Bad skin? Have a fucking wash, get a tan.
Going bald? Hair transplants.
The list goes on and on. But if you don't face up to it, you'll remain weak and unloved.
The first step is always acceptance.
lmao Veeky Forumsizens are so insecure its unnerving to witness. the crazy thing is that Veeky Forumsizens enjoy picking at each others insecurities (unless their busy banding together against the sl00ts that broke their hearts). literally a pit full of hungry snakes eating each other.
Maybe I'm out of the loop here, but what the fuck is a mog?
You think he would look like that if he were a basement dwelling neet?
MOG is derived from AMOG (Alpha Male Of Group)
Basically when you are in the presence of a superior male they are mogging you. If you are being mogged it's often accompanied with feelings of insecurity and/or emasculation. There are many sub-variations of a mog. For example, you are standing in line at the supermarket and there is a bald manlet in front of you who you are taller than by 5 or 6 inches, you are now heightmogging and hairmogging him. Confident in your genetic superiority you look around the room to see if any females are giving you the attention you believe you deserve. You catch the eye of a prime female specimen but her glance quickly averts upwards and past you. Puzzled, you turn around and witness a taller, wider, and more attractive male standing behind you. A true chad. In an esteem crushing turn of events the mogger has become the mogee. You are being heightmogged, frame mogged, and facemogged by the genetically superior male behind you. You immediately look down and start trying your hardest to hold back tears of inferiority.
Hope this clears things up.
>narration delivered in a british accent to slow-mo images of an American grocery store
That's is some advanced autism.
>you have been autismmogged
>actually thinking like this
holy crap the secondhand embarrassment is killing me.
this is some advanced coping incel
God you are such a fucking cuck
what happens when a regular CHAD comes into field with a GANDY?
damn I laughed, but it's true, you are right
Everyone thinks like this subconsciously when they are in the presence of a superior human. I just embrace these feelings rather than suppress them like all the bluepilled, coping normies .
I LITERALLY HAD THIS FEEL, teach us great mogmaster
Good question but it's common knowledge that Gandy is unmoggable and all such attempts to mog him have ended in disaster for the wannabe mogger.
>pic related
>me on the far left
>scraggly hair
>thin patchy beard
>squinty eyes
>caveman brow
>weak neck
>giant ridiculous ears
Panties still dry AF
>everyones insecure about what im insecure about
fucking mong.
Get the fuck outta here with that PUA cringy bullshit
Spartans did this all the time
Lmfao at this retard thinking he has any idea about what makes people GL.
Hunter eyes are fucking GODLY. Prominent browridge is GODLY. It doesn't fucking MATTER if his hair is "scraggly", HE'S STILL NW0 WITH ANGULARITY AND GOOD FORWARD GROWTH.
Fucking retard.
Mirin autism gains.
it's not PUA
it's anti-PUA
it's like Augustinian Predestination vs Christian Universalism
im literally a homo and ive never seen a man praise another mans appearance like this :/
Jesus Christ who comes up with this shit
Its shameful but he is right :/
Sometimes I wish I was guy so I can call people even gayer than me.
You're living the dream, user.
>being this upset
pls go back to Veeky Forums or /lgbt/ wherever you frequent.
> week pussy
good thing you're not a month pussy, bro
what the fuck
>tfw literally tried killing my family as a kid because I considered them weak
>this whole fucking thread
holy kek
thank you based mogman
can confirm puberty turned me into a butterfly.
went from 4/10 to a solid 8/10
same lol
My pleasure, may the mogs be ever in your favor.
>Being once again reminded of his sub-humanity at the lowest point in his life was enough to stop his heart from beating.
holy shit
This is a great post.
>mostly just standing still holding the ball occasionally passes or shoots
As long as you always keep that in mind, you can still have fun here.
that tall skinny guy looks like a fucking bad guy from bloodborne
I want mogging to become a meme here
Reminder that there's always someobe better than you
i like this post
All the good looks got him was miley cyrus. Really makes you think
She's gorgeous. So gorgeous my dick can't even get hard.