1/2/3/4 progress

>tfw finally hit 3pl8 squat

Life isn't so bad today. One down, three to go in my 1/2/3/4. How is everyone else coming along?

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are you me?

dead is a little higher though

Can't even squat 1 plate yet.

Just kill me already.

0.75/1.25/2/2.75 ..just kill me

I was there too.
It gets easier, bruh

what are the standards for weighted chin ups and pendlaw row?

Pendlay row is probably 2 plates. You should row as much as you bench. Chinups I dunno, depends a bit more on your body weight. Like +25kg maybe?

>You should row as much as you bench.
ayy lmao

>I have time..



>you should row as much as you bench

maybe Yates row. pendlay row should be more like your incline bench


I was well on my way to 1/2/3/4 by the time I graduate and then injury happened. At least 1pl8 ohp and 2pl8 bench will happen.

How long did it take user?

I've been stuck at 185 for a while now since I had to cut gym time to go to rugby practice. I'm really hoping to hit a full 2 plate soon.

wth does 1/2/3/4 mean?

Why cant i just hit 315 ive tried about 8 times now

1/2/3/4 refers to 5RM
But for 1RM I'm 1/1.8/2.75/4

Bench and Pendlay Row should be the same

I asked this many times but nobody ever replied. When you say 1/2/3/4 is it 1 rep max or 5 rep max?

This soinds reasonable. My yates row is my bench +5kg and my pendlay row is incline +5kg.

A bit over two years. I was a 58kg skinnyfat when I started, so please don't bully.
I wasted a good amount of time squatting high bar and switching programs too often, but whatever, I'm here now.


Greetings comrade.

/100/155/245/295 lbs 1RM

#weakshit, I'm in a university gym so it doesn't feel that bad. Most ppl just db bench, lat pulldown, and leg press (machines broken tho LOL)

Now at the point where I'm usually squatting more than what half the ppl there squat so I don't feel too shitty.

50kg ohp x 5
70kg bench x 3
110kg squat x4
160 diddly x1

lifting for 4 months

I'm pretty confident I could OHP 1pl8 for 1, maybe 2 reps but I've not really had cause to try.

Everything else is quite a ways away.

1rm is stupid. Definitely go for 5.

1/2/3/4 for reps, fuckign Veeky Forums is full of dyels

3 month progress here.

Can anyone actually tell me what 1/2/3/4 means? I'm not american so we don't use "plate"


I'm guessing that it means
1pl8 OHP
2pl8 Bench
3pl8 squat
4pl8 DL

62 kg OHP/102 kg bench/142 kg squat/183 kg deadlift.

Rounded down.

>says he doesn't know what a pl8 is
>gives the units in pl8s
good job

for REPS. not singles.

>obsessing over meme milestones in 2016+1

>tfw 4/3/2/1

wtf is happening with my body?


does it count for 2 reps, though? I thought it was generally for 5 reps.

.16/.44/1/1.55 :^)

it took me about nine months to get to 1/2/3/4 and a year and a half after that to add 50 lbs to each lift, go figure

I can do a bit more for the first two as I can do 5 reps on those. However the one I'm struggling the most is deadlift. My grip is the weakest link so I ordered liquid chalk and straps so that I can just focus on my main muscles. I will still go without straps on the warm ups and any weight I can do with proper grip.


All those numbers are 3x5 except deadlift which is 1x5. Fuck I hate deadlifting and I lift baby weight on it it hurts my soul



Why is bench so fucking shit
Been lifting 5 monthos btw, it may be the fact that I had literally NO chest muscle when I started

hit 1plaet ohp long time ago and it was slightly less than my body weight

never hit 2 plate bench even for 1 rep (i tried when i was weaker and never tried when i got stronger), but i did 190 for 10 reps so in theory i should be able to push 2 plates

I cant squat od diddly at all because fucked up disc. Doctors told me that i should never lift anything. Im planning to visit physio who works with bodybuilders and maybe he will help me with that

OHP: 70kg x4
Bench: 115kg x1
Front squat: 125kg x3
Deadlift 155kg x6

Hoping I'll get 140kg x1 on the front squat and 180kg x5 on the deadlift by the end of april. I'm doing medium weight back squats, just getting confident with (strained lumbar, lost confidence ;_;




55kg on OHP
77.5kg on BP
135kg on Squat
165kg on Deadlift

I'm doing SL5x5 on a cut since mid 2016. ist it normal to progress greatly on leg stuff but not on the upper body?
I'm platforming on OHP and BP since multiple months (I didn't expect gains to begin with, since it's a cut), but the leg exercises are rising steadily...

barely anyone here is even at 1/2/3/4 what is there to e-stat for?

>hit 1/2/3 for reps a few month ago
>snap my shit being an idiot
>run out of money
At least I'm all healed up and bodyweight looks pretty promising


I got injured, but still.

If you're plateauing for months at a time it's time to change your routine.

Even if I'm on a cut?

same, 75 squat
we'll get thru it



Would be at 225 bench, but my spotter assisted too early.

1pl8 is 60

I think he means imperial units eurofag

yes, 60kg. I think they means lbs

It's for twenty reps.

Been lifting for 4 months
6ft tall @ 167lbs.

Try farmer walks for distance on days you don't diddly bro, working well for me. Chalk reslly helps too

I'm pretty much the same dude, 6 months in -

OHP - 20KG
Bench - 60KG
Squat - 100KG
Deadlift - 100KG

All for like 2-4 reps, my OHP is dogshit and I'm still struggling to make any progress on it. I haven't really tried to check my 1RM because im too spooked and I dont want to hurt myself or ask for a spot so im just 'counting' the weight if i've ever been able to do 5 reps in a row at that weight.

I'll be happy with 80KG Bench, 120KG Squat/Diddlies, hopefully those lifts are only a month or so away now but I need to focus more on compounds, I moved more to a split from SL5x5 and I'm only deadlifting and squatting once a week so my progress has slowed down heaps

Seeing everyone with a 70kg bench and 50kg OHP is making me want to fucking kill myself. 20kg is enough to make me lose balance and die

My press and bench are at 1pl8 and 2pl8 for 3x5.

My squat and deadsare both at about 3pl8 for 1 because I never used to do them and only started doing deads a month ago

140 ohp
225 incline bench
315 squat
225 clean (i dont dead lift though)

Lbs : 150 / 250 / 315 x 2 / 315 x 5


140/180/315/370 for sets of 5

Feel like my bench is pretty far behind, desu

>squat same as deadlift
you're not squatting deep enough m8

43kg/95lb OHP
63kg/140lb bench
95kg/210lb squat
109kg/240 DL

If I went to test them for 5RMs with no fatigue, OHP and Bench might be about 2.5lb higher
Squat and DL are accurate though

pleb not

135lb OHP
225lb Bench
285lb Squat
355lb Deadlift

Is it normal for me to stall at these numbers?

I'm not even close yet but I can already tell that OHP will be first and squat will be last.

I got the 1/2/3/4, working on 2/3/4/5

At 185 strict press
285 bench
315 squat
425 deadlift

Definitely need to focus on my squat. Starting to do high reps this week. 100 reps @ 225 in 20 minutes.

Uhhhhh do you even 1RM?

What's your straight bench max?

bench just doesn't increase

2 months lifting


I dicked around for a month and then did SL for a month so far, which is why my bench is almost the same as OHP.

I mention this a lot on here but starting last week and going until May I'm stuck at my gym at school which doesn't have barbells so I squat on smith machine and do rows, ohp, and bench with dbs.

OHP and Squat are getting tougher for me, squat in particular (maybe because it's on a smith machine now). Hoping I will be able to keep going with it though

>I'm not american so we don't use "plate"
What do you load on the bar then?

>which doesn't have barbells so I squat on smith machine and do rows, ohp, and bench with dbs.
those exercises are not comparable with the actual lifts
I could OHP with 30 kg dumbbells but couldn't OHP 40 kg
same with bench and smith machines do a lot of the work for you

I made 1/2/3/4 and pushed slightly beyond.

> Now I am on a proper hypertrophy program

Today I squatted 185lbs for 50 reps

Are you saying dumbbell benching 80lbs is easier than barbell benching 80lbs?

i just started deadlifting a month ago and have missed sessions due to gym crowding tbhfam

i went up from 225 x 5 max to 315 x 5 in about 3 weeks so it's more or less just doing it that i need to do

At the end of my next training cycle its gonna be: 1/2/2/3.5
>TFW finally adressing underlying hip issues that resulted in two years of knee pain preventing lower body progress and torn connective tissue in my hip.
>TFW still not an intetmediate lifter

not sure about easier, but don't expect to be able to just transfer over without deloading
when I switched from dumbbell to barbell, I found it difficult and took a while to get up to the same numbers

It is if you are a twink. Weight?

This week's PRs:
365x6 beltless swuat
155x5 OHP
50lbsx4 Pullup
185x5 BB ROW
70lbsx4 dip

I'm making it, slowly but surely I'm making it on all fronts in life. Just gotta stay focused and be smart.

Contacts on getting 3pl8. You are going to make it. 4pl8 DL is not as hard, you'll get that one soonish. Keep it uip.

>255x6 pendlay, 205x5 squat
I never learned how to squat properly, and its too late to start now

I always heard it was the other way around. But I'm okay with deloading, I'm just glad that I'm actually lifting even if its an inferior way to do it

That is a terrible attitude. I got to 2 plate bench before 2 plate squat, but now I am past 315 squat.

It took another year to get 3pl8 but I am glad I did.

1/1.5/3/2.75 feels weird man

Has anyone got the 1/2/3/4 pic? Can't seem to find it in my files.

Started "cutting"/losing weight a month ago and haven't been able to progress at all.


Feels like I'm shit at pulling and overhead pressing



RIP squats