Daily reminder that this is what girls want
Daily reminder that this is what girls want
but what do women want?
That plus money
Just money
this and even more money
women don't know what they fucking want
And they are bullshit, dont listen to them. ever
Who cares? Women are in their prime when they're 16-22.
daily reminder
Not women at that point, just leeches.
No, this is
all the 10/10 bitches only want rich men
regardless if fat and old
Not just women...
Daily reminder that if you're lifting for women you're a tremendous faggot who deserves to be permanently confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his petty fucking existence.
Do you autistis try to lift until the point where women literally walk up to you and offer you sex on the beach? Is that your grand plan to lose the V-card?
As a bi guy. Yeah he is pretty goodlooking, but he looks like a twink wimp. Way too small
Forgot to mention those bitches keep real boyfriends on the side while grabbing money from the rich dude.
lmao this is what losers actually believe
Here is a good tip. If a woman wouldnt sleep with you without money but would sleep with you with money there is a 90% chance you will get cheated on and she is using you
Americans, maybe. Find some qt in some shit hole country that wants a lifelong marriage and don't let her go
>get home from gym one day
>my roommate has some qts over
>tell them i just got back from the gym
>"omg user, who are you working out for?"
>didn't wanna sound like an fedora and say myself
>didn't wanna sound like a beta and say girls
>sort of just laugh and ignore the question because my roommate started saying something
wew, how to answer this?
>low body fat
in that order
>muscles/low body fat
in that order
>Not buying hookers for sex and not giving two shits about relationships with females
>oh you know, to stay healthy!
Was that so fucking hard you autist
I actually had a friend who hoped to lose his virginity by getting black-out drunk and hopefully wake up beside a girl.
Currently does cocaine to muster the courage to talk to women since plan A failed
>having to pay for sex
Beta males
>"one of my shirts looked a little baggy"
>"free drinks at the gay bar, lmao"
>"for you, babe ;)"(you need high charisma to pull this one off)
>"why do we do anything in life, you rancid swine?"
>For myself
>I lift to stay healthy
>I just kinda like it
>It beats watching TV
>Not you, dumb cunt
Just pick one
I lift because global warning is trapping CO2 in our poisonous atmosphere causing our superheated oceans to rise, drowning our lowlands, leaving what's left of humanity baking in deserts that once fed the world!
And in the new Nineveh, darkness falls.
>pretending to care what females have to say for the pussy
wew lad i'd rather pay
u rite, u rite, these are pretty good, i guess i just got got caught off guard that she asked me WHO i work out for instead of the usual WHY i work out
Having to pay for sex is probably the lowest point anyone who consider themselves male can ever reach.
>For myself, I want my body to match this dick
Why? Please don't reply if you have a vag though.
>height #1 for both
so this is how lanklets cope
>working some meme job so you can pay some meme woman with a disgusting meme hole to play with your meme cocc wrapped up in meme protection just to walk away with mediocre sex and some meme crotch itch
Lmaoing at your life, friend
It's true though. Hight is the number one indicator for good genes.
>oh my god, he's so short!
Does that sound like a positive statement you'd hear women say?
If you replace short with tall it obviously does.
Kind of makes you think
I love it.
Actually no.
Begging for sex from an ugly broad? Now that is the low point.
Buying an hours worth of a 20/10 college aged(allegedly)escort and just DESTROYING THAT PUSSY ALL NIGHT?
Yeah, that's what men of means and wealth have done since forever.
You don't think thereĀ“s anything wrong with you if you are literally unable to have a woman like you without paying her?
>begging for sex from an ugly broad
>he's not attractive or charismatic enough to attract attractive women without effort
Please turn in your natty card, get super swole, and rail twinks for the rest of your life.
Daily reminder Chad.
Sluts are whores in denial.
>that hair
>no stacy taking his picture
Not even Brad desu
If you cant get laid without paying you are pretty pathetic. Be it social incompetence, deformation at birth or whatever, something is truly wrong with you.
Paying for a night of condomsex with a prostitue is beyond degenerate, only a truly desperate little cunt would sink that low.
the shitty haircut and from what is seen from the face is a shame though
>Have slept with plenty of girls
>Loads of one night stands, fwb
>Currently in a LTR
>Still slay escort pussy every so often
If you haven't done it than you don't know what it's like. Paying an escort is a completely different experience.
You sound pretty upset. Is this what shame feels like?
Good enough?
Is this physique what happens when you do only bodyweight stuff?
this is what the female gender wants and will always want
Work on your core mang
To fake crying while being dryhumped on scene by an australian?
The real answer is
Social status
Being fit
this is what woman will always want
Tried did this before for 2 years.
If you approach a girl, you're a fucking cuck. They have to approach you.
>he thinks third world women are any different
A woman's nature transcends culture.
Excluding girls who are still on daddy's credit card, a woman is attracted to the security a man provides. In this day and age, money=security
Social status
Being fit
Daily reminder this is what women (and men) want
I don't think that someone rich enough to keep a 10/10 bitch by his side cares if she fucks someone else on the side.
>>tell them i just got back from the gym
Money and social status > height.
Granted, only Americans care about height to the extent of being retarded about it.
Only intelligent response ITT
>t. ugly tourist
Worked for me and i was still dyel
Completely unrelated
This, look at Melania Trump.
>hey babe I am a billionaire
>when is wedding
If you have enough money literally nothing else matters.
At that age they are still dumb cunts. I prefer women 25 - 30 and I'm in my early 20s. Current girlfriend is 26. Living together for a year. She knows what to do with my dick and gives me space to chill with friends. Isnt needy or always looking for validation and attention. Can hold an intellectual argument , is clever, i actually laugh at her jokes. Younger girls ive dated from 16 - 20 are too stupid and are fun for pumping and dumping.
Oh yeah another thread where men sit around and talk about what they think women want.
I've seen beauties with ugly guys. I've seen rich women fucking around with poor men. I've seen fit girls fucking around with fat guys.
Every women is different. They all want different shit. Most just want cock.
>Living together for a year
big big mistake. Why the hell would an early 20s guy live with a woman
>Women are in their prime when they're 16-22.
Nah, prime is 13-18.
All females are dumb cunts and you probably have a low IQ and small penis if you think otherwise tbqh fampai.
Fuck no. 99% of women will hit peak physical attractiveness between 17-25
However, women with good genetics who stay in shape will never really drop off from that peak and will remain hot into their 30s and even 40s (think hollywood stars)
>you've never dated an intelligent woman
>you have a small penis
>you're an inbred cunt with low IQ
this just killed me with how true it is
>tfw 5'8
>some people know what they want in terms of relationship
this didn't answer the question. Living alone as a 20-something man is about the most liberating thing you can do. Why squash it and live with a gf?
objective prime is 13-18, cause that's when your period starts
if it starts later you're fucked genetically anyway
>be 15 year old me
>mum enters relationship with my current step-dad (good bloke)
>meet stepsister
>she's 15, goes to popular school, is quite popular
>she introduces me to her friends
>low self esteem, DYEL me, gets introduced to entilted, hot 15 year olds
>they treat me with little respect, not surprising
fast foward 7 years
>they've all gotten fat, pregnant and sad
>maybe one decent looking one left
>just finishing up 150/w test p, 350/w tren a
>see one of her friends again yesterday, first time in years
>that destroyed look in her eyes
it's what i /fraud/ for
I mean, height compliments are nice, but I'd get compliments for my face or cock tbqh senpai
>tfw 6'2 with rosacea and a 5x5 benis
First day of period is objective prime breeding age.
*rather get
girls don't know what they want
>lifelong marriage
Gtfo you cuck
Why are you linking to the board we're already posting on?
We dont pay for sex. We pay to leave after
>he doesn't disarm her gun-wielding pimo with aikido and then gut him with Japanese steel folded at least 1000 times
Virgin detected
>oh my god, he's so dumb
>oh my god, he's so poor
>oh my god, he's so weak
>oh my god, he's so fat
Does that sound like a positive statement you'd hear women say?
If you replace dumb with smart, poor with rich, weak with strong, fat with ripped it obviously does.
Kind of makes you think that replacing a negative statement with a positive one sounds like a positive thing.
There is literally 0 purpose to marriage after your firstborn son has come of age. Why the fuck would you stay with an old hag who can't even make more children?
>find young wife
>produce children
>let firstborn son take care of youngest children and find new wife
>repeat until death of old age
Lifelong marriage is white genocide by choice.
>There's literally 0 purpose to marriage.
Corrected that for you.
Women are bad at raising children.
Not that user, but all you've done is confirm his point that being tall is an inherently positive point while being short is not
>overpopulating this hard
>spending that much money on raising so many kids until death
>leaving your children fatherless
>burdening your children with your responsibility of raising a child
>complaint of white genocide
No, user, you ARE a nigger
That anons point was height is #1 most important thing ever. It's not.
Your firstborn son gets a job when he hits 16, he takes care of the rest of the children. Reading comprehension nigger.
A complete meme
>Women are bad at raising children.
>Your woman is not raising your children? Fucking numale.
What is it?
Good. Thats exactly what I want. I'll hit 1/2/3/4 and then get to that afterwards.
>Your firstborn son gets a job when he hits 16, he takes care of the rest of the children
>They then live in a trailer park
>All other kids quit school, become teen parents and criminals
>They become 'that trashy family' everyone in town speaks poorly of
>None of them accomplish anything ever
>All these loser kids and your ex-wifes want money from you
>This is somehow a good idea