Doing the squats first

>Doing the squats first.

I will never get this. Look, I trust His Excellancy Mark Rippetoe—peace be upon him—as much as anyone... But doing the most exhausting exercise of the day before every other one? Really?

As opposed to when you're tired at the end`?

>doing the hardest exercise last

Are you retarded? Serious question.

squats are a warmup movement to get the blood pumping. the real work is on the leg press

I agree. I tend to do my squats and deads last. Doing bench before squats is not going to have any meaningful impact on my squats, but doing squats first sure as hell is going to impact my bench.

>Most energy available and expended during the most important exercise

I see no problem

you always do the exercise you want to improve the most as the first. should make sense since your max output will get worse with every set and exercise.

Probably why SS creates so many t-rexes. Always putting squats first means the rest of your body will lag behind.

>inb4 squats work the whole body if done right
>do hardest last
>impacts my bench

mmmmmm me want milky MOMMY!

You're right
If I do everything else before squat, I notice no impact on my squats. But if I do squats first, my bench drops by like 10lb


Beginner here, I've been doing compound shit first and then targeting isolated muscles later. If it's the last time I'm engaging a particular muscle in the entire workout, I train it to failure.

Is this a bad approach? I've been very mindful of form and I don't lose it when I go to failure.

>not doing one exercise per visit

Join the 5/3/1 master race, newfriend

used to do bench->squat->rows->isolations

now i do squat->rows->bench
im slacking off on bench and focussin on my back, shit feels SO much better on a day to day basis and my posture is thanking me

bench is overrated as fuck, im done having that slouch forward posture and shit over developed front delt physique

Fuck, I cringed so hard I added an inch to my traps.


I want to bury my face in those titties.


oh user....i made a yummy snack for you...come lick it up ;)


>doing squat the same day as bench

nothin but a bunch of slack jawed gym noobs around here

You're such a virgin you can't tell cleavage from ass?? Fucking kys.

you're such a virgin that a girl has never boobfarted in front of you?

>he doesn't stick his face in tits for a good 'ol boobfart

>he doesn't know about boobfarts

How come all he wants us to do is legs so much?
Bitches aren't looking at my legs I'm always wearing jeans anyway.

Feels pointless

What kind of dyel would you have to be to squat, bench, then DL on the same day without passing out?

Yeah but when you do get with one they notice, trust me. I've impressed many girls with my strong legs and I'm not even memeing. I'm not even that strong but when they feel your firm legs and notice that you have developed muscles that they've never even noticed on other guys they do get impressed.