How did you fags quit cigarettes?

how did you fags quit cigarettes?
i sometimes make 3-6 days smoke free but i always go back to it.
i'd like to quit to swim better and be less out of breath at the gym

stories/advice welcome

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I never started smoking cause I'm not a fucking retarded.

dont start smoking in the first place

I became depressed and stopped leaving a room for anything besides a delivery man.

then I didn't go buy cigarettes again.

Quitting is real easy to do when you get into other hobbies.

thanks a lot guys

have you ever been young? went to fucking social events with buddies?

Hindsight is 20/20 user, no need to be a cunt.

OP I don't know man but I switched to having a black an mild everyday and eventually the cravings get a lot better. Unfortunately I still smoke cheap cigars frequently, but it keeps me from buying a pack of cigarettes.

>have you ever been young? went to fucking social events with buddies?
>I decided to make mistakes because I was told to make mistakes as a kid and not an adult


yeah, but it's hard not to reach for a cig when you finish your 8h of class

friendless spotted
do you think you're that fucking slick when you're 16? kys my man

I am both of those people.

drink bleach

Every time you want a cig, cook or eat something, this is good if you are on a bulk, but bad if cutting.
I find my appetite increased 10 fold when I quit. Maybe that can help motivate you.

i didn't realise you were perfect, excuse me
tell me how to b more like you

you could try killing yourself like I've mentioned multiple times now.

or you could stop being a little faggot bitch and making excuses

Stop buying cigarettes you fucking retard.

Basic willpower, motherfucker.
Do not buy cigs.
Do not ask for cigs.
If you feel like taking a cig, don't.
If you take one, give it back.
If you put it in your mouth, run to the nearest store, buy a bottle of bleach and down that fucker.

DAY 2 15 year smoker here.

I'm vaping. It's tough. My plan is just to vape and then lower the nicotien in the vape. See how my body reacts off nicotien

have you got out of it?

nice fucking advice
>dont b a fag XDD
>just stop brah
yeah this is what i asked from you, meme speech
kill yourself, i don't need to hear you vent about you being superior for not making mistakes in your life

One day I didn't feel like smoking, the next day the same thing, and so on until today.
The only times I now want to smoke now is when I drink but I don't want to ruin the non-smoking streak so I don't.
I think it's all about mentality, you have to naturally stop smoking, forcing it is only gonna make it harder.

For some actual practical advice, switch to vaping. It's healthier in the meantime(certainly not healthy, but less carcinogenic than tobacco) and you can measure your nicotine better and slowly wean yourself off. It also sounds like you most likely aren't having as much trouble with the nicotine addiction as you are from just habit since you can go so many days before relapse. Maybe you can do something to fix your oral fixation. Like sucking dicks.

The reason you still smoke is because you are too much of a pussy to quit

Phase it out with a schedule and punish yourself if you break that schedule. Allow yourself a cig every week then make it two weeks.. so on. But if you break it you gotta throw out all your tobacco or wait way longer till your next one.

Basically i started doing insanity workout and didnt smoke at the time. I stopped doing that workout for a month and in that time i started smoking. So I retried workout
>only lasted 15min in cardio
Threw away all the cigs right in the bin.

yeah, i struggle with swimming rn, hoping to get sick results when i quit

> "not a fucking retarded"
>is in fact retarded

I smoked for 8 years, and decided to quit last year. I got a vape on jan 5 2016, used it for like 3 months, noticed i wasnt getting cravings anymore, then finally stopped using the vape. Nothing but fresh air and pollution in these lungs since.

do you feel alot different?

You need to have disciprine

I can take a deep breath without coughing. I feel less tired throughout the day. I can run without my lungs feeling like fire. I don't have a cough year round. I smell better. I'm saving almost $2000/year. And it has led to me creating other good habits and helped me quit drinking too.

Ex smoker here
It really is like that, just stop cold turkey and never go back. I quit two packs a day like that and I've stopped drinking the same way. It sucks, but in the end it really boils down to "just don't fucking do it".

For alcohol I'd recommend getting blackout drunk, trying to fuck your best friend's gf in front of him and your own gf and then taking a good long look in the mirror with a major hangover the next day. For cigarettes I'd recommend chainsmoking until you puke. It might take 4-5 packs depending on how addicted you are.

Live in Australia.

20 pack of smokes is $30 here.

pretty sure 4-5 packs will fuck me up bad
and my money too

Just didn't start smoking again after quiting. Your problem is that you come back to the habit

i switched to vaping for a long time
to start with id always crave an actual real cigarette but if i forced myself to use my shitty vape the craving would go away
after a while think i stopped associating the nicotine hit with real cigarettes and vaping became normal, then i just worked my way down nicotine strengths. i had a cheap-ass vape pen and gradually mine crapped out on me, wasnt getting as good hits which i think helped me wean off in a way
i thought about buying a new one but didn't

i had a few relapses along the way mostly triggered by smoking while drinking and having left over tobacco/cigarettes but that happened less and less. i started smoking sober as a result of smoking while drinking from age 16 or so onwards but i haven't even smoked a cigarette while drunk for over a year now. well maybe i have but i dont remember doing it and you cant get addicted to doing things you cant remember

Have some fucking willpower and stop.


i tried quitting a couple of times, only ever stayed clean for a couple of days then smoked again. each time i did smoke though, i got a sore throat the next day and sometimes even a full on cold. haven't smoked for almost two weeks now and i'm pretty confident i'll stay strong this time, the negatives are just too obvious and immediate for me.

enjoy your popcorn lung

>be 6 years ago
>tired of smoking, decide to do something about it
>go to public bathroom at uni and begin licking toilet seats profusely
>get worst flu/cold of my life within 3 days
>16 hours of alternating between vomiting, diarrhea, and sleeping
>going outside to smoke was furthest thing from my mind
>wake up next day feeling better, but also proud for going 1 day without a smoke
>decide to see how long I can keep this going

And here I am, 6 years later. Get lickin' OP

>has never done anything interesting with his life

Look at this big fella

stupid nigger, this is that gay shit redditors type to take screen chots and post online..


Just don't give up. Quit a hundred times if that's what it takes. My personal method of getting through cravings is simply holding my breath.

Just, like, fucking stop. Idk what your problem is here op.

Or you could keep on smoking, but in moderation, and enjoy it instead of being a bitch and letting boring faggots dictate how you live your life? I have like 2 or 3 cigarettes a week when I'm at the bar and I love them. Don't particularly want to give then up.


Holy fuck I'm trying to quit dipping and have been kicking ass on this diet. Man not dipping has made me so fucking hungry it's driving me nuts

I quit doing heroin so then I was like "well I guess I don't want to die anymore" and I started lifting and eating right and doing cardio and stopped smoking.

>have you ever been young? went to fucking social events with buddies?

Wait I know the thing they're suggesting is retarded, but going out with friends doesn't mean you have to be a smoker...

1. Smoke to satisfaction then surpass it(preferably until you vomit.)
2. Commit to memory.
3. Don't hate yourself if you recoil back, and increase intensity of item number 1.

I quit nearly 4 months ago.

I smoked cigs for about 4 months then just quit
Same with vaping for 2 months
I can't drink more than a few times without getting addicted though

4 months you cunt. Of course that's easy to quit. Do the same shit for 10 years then quit


4 months hahaha shut the fuck up you fucking infant

I used a similar technique
>buy nicotine spray
>go as long as you can without it
>when you cave use enough that you feel sick
>repeat for a month and when the habit of smoking is gone then quitting the nicotine is alot easier

Maybe you shouldnt have smoked for 10 years you giant fucking retard
Enjoy lung cancer you cockgobbling piece of shit
Die in a fire or neck yourself

how is being 18 treating you?

>smoke a few times in highschool
>never get addicted because it's disgusting, tastes like shit, makes you smell bad, turns your teeth yellow, and makes it feel like there's moss growing on the roof of your mouth

i smoke cigars occasionally but no idea how you get addicted to nicotine in the first place lel

Theres an established link between low test and an aversion to nicotine.

makes sense


Maybe that's why op asked about quitting you giant bag of retard. And I would definitely take you with me.

man I made a long post at some point, literally explaining everything in detail. If you google "this is more or less how I quit smoking", you can find the Veeky Forums thread, but google hasn't cached it.

lol what the fuck? I just realized there is a "cached" button and it's there. Anyway let's start bros.

Back in summer 2015 I felt depressed because my research as a PhD student was going no where, and I felt underappreciated in my group. Add the tfw no gf feels, my confidence was crippling and I wanted something to forget how shitty my situation was at the moment.

I was on holidays and basically bought my first pack of cigarettes and started smoking. It was cool, until I realized I was addicted. I was not smoking too much, however if I didn't do 3-4 cigarettes a day, my guts would be screaming for a smoke. Usually I smoked in the morning 2 cigarettes and the rest after work.

I forgot to say I felt ashamed for smoking, so I made sure I didn't smoke in front of others.

This went on and on for 3-4 months which is when the question of "do you want to grow up and be a smoker" started to arise. Every time I grabbed a cigarette I felt like shit, but I had to do it because I was addicted.

I tried quitting cold turkey three times, the first time unfortunately worked for a week, because something stressful at work happened and it triggered my addiction very bad. It was so bad that I actually found a pack of cigarettes just right next to my home, I opened it and smoked the 1 remaining cigarette that was there.

After that I bought a pack and continued for a month or something. The second time I decided this is it, I don't give shit anymore, I am done smoking. Again, a month later something really unlucky ? happened. After a party I was in, I found an ENTIRE PACK of cigarettes lying on a fucking pavement. I couldn't just leave it there, I said I would take it and just have it in my place.

Of course wasn't just in my place, I decided it would be fine to get a smoke or two every day or so. Sure.... again, addicted.

1-2 months later, it was a Sunday and I bought a pack of cigarettes called "LA".

I had downloaded some English gangster movie, I don't recall the name, and every single scene there had someone smoking a cigar. By the end of this movie I was disgusted as shit because I was smoking as well while watching it.

The sight of someone smoking was appalling to me.

Now here comes the thing, 1 week before I had seen the last hangover movie, and in that movie they went to LA and promised themseleves that they would go there one last time.

I don't know why and how, but my disgust of that movie and this quote alone, AND the fact that my pack was named "LA", made me quit cold turkey and I have been clean ever since.

Summer of 2016 I was on holiday again and decided to do the opposite of what I did in summer of 2015, started working out. I started running, a lot of fucking running. Then I started lifting and feel better than ever.

anyway, a lot of details were ignored, but this is more or less how I quit smoking after ~6 months.

later sent reply with the film


Shut the fuck up faggit

so you are vaping and taking nicotine and it's still hard? wtf

told my oneitis I was never going to buy another pack again

I don't talk to her anymore but I hate her fucking guts and would never give her a reason to look down on me, that stupid fat whore

nicotine is in the vape friend. what exactly are you asking?

This basically. I had to will myself to not smoke. Don't even fucking reach for the pack.
Quitting smoking feels fucking horrid but you'll feel heathier with time.

T. 24 days no nicotine

it's not an aversion you downies, it's just having the willpower to not be addicted to something so disgusting

you're both just guttertrash

>I don't have enough willpower to stop smoking even though it's definitely not good for me
>better get buttrustled and attempt to make fun of people who never smoked in the first place
never change Veeky Forums.

You could replace 'smoking' with 'being a fat fuck' and this thread would look like a fat acceptance safe space.
Stop justifying killing yourselves and actually quit smoking.

Mate it's easy. I quit a few years ago because I realised how dumb it was to work out and smoke.

The actual hardest part is deciding to quit. Not just making a thread on Veeky Forums, not just telling your friends, but deciding to yourself that your future will be smoke free. The first few times I 'tried' to quit I took it back up because I was only doing it because I felt like I should be, not because I actually wanted too, there is a big difference.

Once you truly decide to quit you just fucking quit. Throw out your smokes, or finish your pack like I did, then just don't buy anymore. Every move you make you have direct control over, just don't fucking buy more, if you find yourself standing at a counter buying cigarettes then you haven't been honest with yourself and are purposely self destructing because you think deep down you're too weak to achieve this, you are not too weak. Honestly the cravings aren't even that bad, you're not addicted to heroin here, your body will freak out for a couple days, you might get sick and then you're fine, its all mental after that.

Good luck faggot.

Watch a documentation about COPD patients with blue lips waiting for a new lung.

Shitty part is you never quite craving. I quit for about a year. And started again. My buddy is about 2 years and he still gets cravings every now and then.

Not a safe place. We get it. Never shoulda smoked. We're here to help with quitting tips your here to poke fun hence why you posted you dumb cunt.

I quit for 4 months once and when I broke the streak, it felt like I had never quit. get the book. tried several times with gum, patch, pills, so on. the book literally makes it easy. clears away the brainwashing around smoking.
Quit 5 years now. No cravings at all anymore, lost those around 1 month. Wish I had quit so much earlier.

not gonna buy your book jew.

That's my first post in this thread.
But as a helpful reminder: if you want people to stop making fun of you for being a weak willed little bitch, you could try actually quitting instead saying that you're going to quit on an online beaver trading website.

enjoy cancer

We are trying you nigger

I feel like the word 'trying' doesn't really fit when it's quite literally a one-step process to quit. Even fatties have to dedicate themselves and their time to a substantial life changing regimen, you just have to spend LESS time and LESS money to not go and buy a pack.

You dumb nigger, fat people can still eat fucking food.
Quitting smoking isn't about the money or the energy.

Can't you just be miserable for a few weeks?

Kek. I quit because I got stomach flu once and couldn't smoke for a week. After that, it was smooth sailing. 3 months later I was back to it and still smoking daily.

What I don't understand is how people don't smoke one cigarette, immediately realize that their breath, body, and clothes literally smell worse than dog shit, and then never smoke a second cigarette.

You don't really smell it when you're smoking. I realized it's because I don't breathe out of my nose when smoking apparently.

Ya can't smell it when you smoke
Wish it was that easy. It's all you think about when you quit. Like losing weight you can technically eat the same but less. It literally takes a hold of you. You feel like shit quitting too. Edgy and anxious nervous nausea and weird. Then you get intense cravings hard to explain if you never been there.

You smell it on your clothes the next day. And everyone else around you smells it. Speaking of which, if you're that guy who smokes IMMEDIATELY before walking into a crowded room, fuck you.

>you will never go to a house party with the lads, drink piss and smoke darts, get a sloppy blowjob off a black chick and wake up smelling of smoke, bourbon and sweat

only uptight awkward betas haven't smoked before

Nah doesn't really stick that long, unless you've literally smoked and sit next to someone.

After you awoke for years you don't smell shit anymore lmao. And no I dip now. Cutting it down by 1 dip a week. Down to 4 a day now

Never been addicted to smoking but I used to smoke pot like a degen every day in highschool. It's clearly a vastly different process since getting your hands on a pack of cigarettes is unfathomably easier than picking up another eighth or so, but in the end I still had to spend an entire month feeling like life was objectively shittier and not worth living without my vice.

Lol I do it all the time go fuck yourself you fucking sensitive faggot

Well you might as well shit your pants too because you couldn't smell any worse. Are you seriously that weak that you can't smoke five minutes earlier for the sake of everyone around you?

>tfw you started at 18 as an excuse to talk to girls at work who smoked
>five years later you're still hooked
>tfw remembering how every day for the first couple of weeks you felt incredibly sick because your body wasn't used to it but you kept going anyway
>tfw you were only ever motivated to go through nausea and effort for weeks just once in your life and it was just to start smoking
kill me

It's just about not breaking streak.
Every refusal makes you that much stronger.

I was a on and off smoker, wouldnt call myself that but a cig a day for a few years. Never actually wanted to quit because imo it doesnt do that much harm. However everyday at the same time i would get a craving for a cig and instead of smoking i would look at pictures of almost burnt up cigarettes online.

Dunno why it disgusted me but it would remind me of the feeling as the cig is approaching the end. The feeling that what i have been looking forward to for the whole day is basically over and i might aswell smoke another one. Now i started hating cigs more and more

Does anyone want legitimate advice? I come from a family of heavy smokers and I've seen/heard it all.

Quit because my gf wanted to try if my cum tastes better this way. Began with 1 week testing and then I just thought that I havent smoked for a week and now its ~2 months.
Its literally just willpower. Dont buy it.
I still sometimes want a cig and have had 1-2 when I'm drinking. But it disgusts me now and makes me sick.
Overall not smoking feels so much better. Like holy shit its a totally different life.

Read Allen Carr Easy Way to Stop Smoking.
Get a JUUL, those things are the only things remotely similar to cigarettes.
Stop drinking, even after months of no cigs I wanted one badly when I drank.

Just realize how pathetic it is not to be addicted to something, but to have no will power to restrain yourself. Truthfully, you will always have cravings, but they become less intense and less frequent.

Good luck brah. It's really fucking hard to quit, which is why so many people can't.


I can understand smoking in the 80's or whatever due to the lack of widespread information, but in the 21st century it's widely known that cigarettes fuck up your lungs and health, fucking cigarette boxes have "YOU ***WILL*** DIE OF CANCER" printed on them, and yet people still do it and then a couple months later go "oh I should quit :("

How fucking retarded do you have to be? It's like cutting your hand off and then saying "hmmm maybe I shouldn't have done that, any tips on reattaching?"

eh, you probably won't get cancer. Smoke it up.

I figure a couple a day isn't a big deal.

Yes. Was I so weak-willed that I let other idiots get me addicted to something which literally every adult had previously warned me about? No, sorry. Not my fault you had the impressionability of a three year-old during your teens.