Be talking to girl

>be talking to girl
>she wants to hang out
>all over me
>jack off
>stop talking to her
>hate my life afterwards

This happens to every girl i talk to.. why does jacking off make me automatically lose interest in every girl?

The same reason people quit their jobs when they win the lottery.

aphrodite's wrath for hiding love and exposing it to your hand

Then stop jerking off? its a reason why no-fap works idiot.

stop jacking off you retard

because you have no interest in those girls unless it's sexual


Always trust your dick.

They do want to have sex with me though. But after i jack off to the pics they send me i lose interest and would rather sleep

They aren't ugly either, whats wrong with me

you're gay, like full blown homosexual gay... just take the dick and deal with it

You, like me, realize its not worth the effort to fuck rando gurls. That there are more downsides than upsides to it. Stay safe from these unstable sluts and find a nice girl to commit yourself to

because you're satisfying yourself by fapping instead of having actual sex
i do the same when i need to be productive

then don't fap lol

>That there are more downsides than upsides to it.
There's literally not one downside to fucking a girl once and then nexting her.


I was literally laughing just like this at my desk
Then when I scrolled down I fucking lost it.

Are you stupid or something? It's because you "deplete" your sex drive for a short time after orgasm. Your sexual interest in them is temporarily numbed. This is Being a Dude fucking 101. If you want to get laid, quit blowing your load before they walk in the door.

And if you ever need to make a serious decision regarding a woman, beat off first and see if it still seems like a good idea afterwards.

>why did you stop responding to me
>because i'm not interested
>than why did you message me in the first place
>because i wanted sex
>omg all men are pigs


>Chat to girl at gym
>Shes has anime eyes and clearly keen
>Has a ring on her finger

Im really scared of shitting the bed here. I like my gym and dont want to get shamed to leave if I make an ass of myself.


>wisdom for the ages


Masturbate before you ask to date, they're a decent partner imo if you still wanna hang at all after jizzing cause then it's not just sexual and you really like them :)

This is howhat people get killed.
One or the top reasons for murder.
Go for it faggot

I don't see any downside there, if she's not part of your social circles, no one will give a shit


Fapping shouldn't do that. Porn could.

i always fap before i go on a date. makes me see if i actually like the girl or not

post the pictures.