>be a lanklet
>read this thread
>a realization hits me
>please read the first letter of each sentence

ok men will sometimes raise a stink if you care about their height. i dont get whats hypocritical here

I guess this shows women logic might be a thing.
How do women actually justify this?

hnnnnnngh dat ass MOMMY!


women expect not to be discriminated on beauty standards yet uphold men to even harsher standards that can't even be changed.

who cares though? this isn't news. women can be shitty people who woulda thought


but men also seem to expect not to be discriminated by height? its exactly the same, how are women hypocritical and men not?

because there is literally almost no societal pressure for women to date guys who are short. in fact, it's commonplace for women to be encouraged to uphold this standard.

there is very little societal pressure vice versa.

Fucking kek

that sounds like when blacks "cant be racist" because they have no
who gives a fuck if a bunch of women say you cant discriminate based on weight or waist size? im pretty sure 90% of guys continue to do so anyways. definitely as much as women discriminate against manlets

god damn

you got it backwards. its the other way around.

in society, women get the 'blacks can't be racist' free card. again, doesnt work all the time just like blacks dont get away with it all the time, but there's certainly more societal weight on 'whites' than 'blacks' in this analogy. just like most whites are probably still racist, but it's the fact that there are special standards that's what they're pointing out.

i agree with you that this isn't anything worth mention because it was long accepted and nobody gives a fuck anyway, but i do want to point out there is a level of hypocrisy involved with women, just like with black people who say they can't be racist.

>How do women actually justify this?

height is one of the most important parts of physical attractiveness in men. women are attracted to it by nature. no need to "justify" anything about it.


now this... this is shitposting


>Come in thread expecting the ususal
>Not dissapointed

>muh hypocrisy
>muh double standards
quit being obsessed with moral superiority you fag
just accept the facts of life

height and muscles are attractive in men
big tits and wide hips are attractive in women

damn those chicks got intellectually and logically BLACKED

i never denied this and said nothing about morals. he asked what this had to do with double standards and i explained the thought process.

Women are shitty by their selfish nature

People are attracted to physical traits, this is totally acceptable. The hypocrisy in heightism is the probably not heightism itself, his video is pretty spot on.

For guys, feel free to tell people you don't find them attractive if they hit on you. For real people are ashamed of being seen as shallow but physical attraction is an important part of a relationship. You will be never satisfied unless you think your woman is the hottest piece of ass around.

PS: If you do fall genuinely in love with someones personality you will feel this about their looks anyway. My ex is probably not the most attractive person I've ever slept with, in fact I know thats not the case, BUT I loved who she was and honestly came around to thinking she was more attractive than 99.9% of girls I saw. Hell these days I still can't see how I didn't think she was stunning when I first met her.

>is the problem

FUCK, been doing maths.

>height is based on genetic lottery

t. never ate my vegetables

he is right that both cases should be considered acceptable. I think it's fine if a woman isn't attracted to short men, she should be fine with it if a man isn't attracted to fat chicks.
