hi Veeky Forums, started SS 4 months ago, never lifted before then. i was a 23 y/o 5'8 skellington dyel with a 6/10 face. and khv
last month i lost my khv to my current and first gf. she is an 8/10 by /soc/ standards. please dont think im boasting - im hoping this will inspire any of you lurkers who have a defeatist mentality and think it isnt worth the effort. earlier she just told me that im fitter than most of her skellington exes. im extremely dyel by Veeky Forums standards, but SS metaphorically saved my life. thanks to rippetoe and all the fitizens who kept telling me to eat more when i was stalling even though i insisted i was way over my TDEE already (i wasnt)
also rate my progress
Hunter Nelson
>4 months of SS >those lifts bruh you did SS wrong WRONG WRONG
Jeremiah Gomez
What website is this
Aaron Roberts
>do Greyskull for 2 months >already at intermediate levels of lifting
OP, you fucked up
Michael Lewis
i started from the bottom of all purple, like almost subpar pink. and these 4 months included my learning period, which means it had a lot of bad form and non ATG where i had to deload to get the form right. and a lot of stalling because i wasnt eating right. it wasnt 4 months of smooth progress. it was 4 months starting from a DYEL body and DYEL mentality
Camden Anderson
are you guys memeing me? i refuse to believe this symmetric strength
Nolan Martinez
SS is designed for maximum gainz. You're supposed to eat a shitload of food and do all of the accessories. Hardly anyone does SS right, 4 months should've gotten you to intermediate.
Julian Evans
oh yeah i did it on a slow bulk but 4 months from subpar/untrained to intermediate? fuck duuuuuuuuuuuuuude oh well
Isaac Harris
you're not supposed to do all the accessories you fucking retard >hardly anyone does SS right >advises OP to do SS wrong
its decent progress, keep it up opie, remember everyone on fit benched 1pl8 on their first go
Austin Edwards
That is not decent progress at all. 4 months and thats it? You are retarded
Blake Brooks
>8/10 by /soc/ standards So a 5/10?
Adam Baker
yes it's a meme. people claim to become intermediate in a very short time are either already very strong or just lying.
like, one guy was a semi professional rugby player, 6'5" and got to a 4 plate deadlift within two months and gave shit to people who were skinny office workers for not getting as strong as fast
Kayden Cox
more like a 3/10
Austin Fisher
What is that website called again? Where you got that graph
Joshua Harris
R8 me pls. 160 pounds
Noah Collins
Ayden Baker
i started reg park a month and a half ago.
your are not gonna like this. kek
Hudson Bailey
chicken legs detected
Lincoln Lopez
2 weeks into Stronglifts come the fuck at me bro
Michael Gutierrez
you are absolutely right.
Nicholas Reed
6' 150 pounds, 16 y.o Been lifting for half a year switching between SS, Reg Park's 5x5 and now doing Alphadestiny's novice and its bretty good