does no fap have any benefits?
pic unrelated
does no fap have any benefits?
pic unrelated
Not doing it long term, holding off to once or twice a week is better. Doing no fap for weeks on end just lower your test and make you feel like not fapping or having sex
You need to fap at least once or twice a week famalam
>you will never have 16 biceps/triceps
why even live?
No. Having an orgasm once or twice a week is good for the body and will keep you from either becoming too horny and wanting to fuck anything or losing your testosterone and sex drive completely.
No Porn is actually good for you. It makes real sex so much better because you will orgasm hard from just regular vanilla sex. You won't need tentacle hentai nipple porn that you have to watch to get off because you are so desensitized from over consumption of porn.
Just bust a nut in the shower after a cardio workout - takes like 2 minutes if you go no porn and only jerk off once or twice a week.
Yes, though it depends on your personality a lot.
If there's one benefit for all who do it, it's that you'll have more free time to be productive.
not with that attitude you won't
Yes, looking like your pic related at the first day of nofap.
doing nofap doesn't lower your test long-term.
the benefits mostly relate to detaching yourself from immediate and worldly pleasures, choosing to know that you will want to seek them no matter what you are feeling/how good you are feeling, and choosing to not run to them to try to have that pleasure for yourself.
that pleasure doesn't matter. it's hard to realize this fact in your very bones and muscles and mind UNTIL you have nofapped for a reasonable time, at least 90 days is the baseline according to the oldest websites on the topic.
the reddit community says u can do whatever the fuck you want, if you feel like you want to jack off once or twice a week or once a month or WHATEVER, it's just up to you man, nobody gives a fuck that you follow THEIR rules. but speaking as someone who JUST hit 90 days after about three years of struggling and never really getting beyond 30 days in those three years, and who spent like two months just last autumn chasing the pleasure on rules i made up for myself and ending up back in the same no-willpower hole without tangible new happiness in my real day-to-day life, it's hard to realize the essential meaning of nofap until you really choose freely of your own will to commit entirely--body and mind--to making the detachment from sexual and pleasure-seeking urges. the essential meaning is essentially connected to the choice to stop fapping
i'm still trapped in a lot of those urges. i just had a huge raging boner and all i'm doing is sitting in the library trying to do some fucking homework. but nofap is really a learning process, not just a "lifestyle" or "challenge", and personally i am getting a lot out of not masturbating. it's helping me learn to let my urges go and commit to what i know is objectively right and good for me as a human who wants to be fitter, happier, and also more productive.
i wrote this rly quickly so feel free to call me out on whatever doesn't make sense in this post, and i'll do my best to explain it
thx senpai for the motivation i needed, just deleted the fap folder
Is this achievable natty ?
Yeah, the way I did it was 12 sets of cockstrokes at 300 reps per 5 minutes for a month straight. If you use a friend, you'll see results faster.
>Fitter, happier, and also more productive.
I like your posting style.
I don't watch porn, but I feel like jerking off everyday. What to do?
>tow a pig, in a cage, on nofap
Why live
shit meme but made me laff anyways
Well, according to your pic there, it does.
>tentacle hentai nipple porn
I'm on day 84 and i agree with you. NoFap itself alone won't change who you are but you definitily will change during your abstinence, the why i don't know but something in you changes, for the better, much better.
>does not wasting your time and energy on dancing like a baboon have any benefits?
I don't know, you tell me.