Sleeping and gains

So sleeping more obviously means you'll get full gains, but I'm a student and I have a shit schedule this semester.

Will I still get full gains and development if I get 4-5 hours of sleep, go to class, come back and nap for 2-3 hours? Overall I'm still getting the required sleep for the day, just not all at one go. Pic mostly unrelated

i'm actually wondering about this aswell for the exact same reasons

That depends entirely on your specific cycles user. Outside of going for a sleep study and spending a fuckload of time learning about the endocrine system, you're just going to have to try and see what happens.

Check if your hiring the right wake up times for the phases of sleep you get, gotta protect brain gains bro

>according to science
This needs to stop. I'm happy that people are interested in the sciences and scientific research, but this 'well science said X' is getting out of hand. The paper they're quoting probably said something like 'There are some possible correlations between intelligence and amount of sleep, but here's a bunch of reasons why there might be errors in our study'. But normies will still east it up as gospel.

Anyway, that should be fine, so long as your body is getting rest. If you constantly feel tired, then it isn't working, but if your gains are increasing and you don't feel awful all the time, then you're alright.

wow totally not made to make fat slobs feel better and give them clicks

Man wasnt meant to sleep 8 hours straight.

Its only the jew corporations doing that since you need to adhere to a ,working schedule"

Before the modern era man woke up halfway at night and slept again hours later plus a bit in the afternoon.

>not wanting 8 hours work, 8 hours rest, 8 hours recreation

What comrade, do you not loving equality?

>why are you late for your shift, user?
>tfw to smart too get out of bed on time

>8.5-9 hrs at work for most employers (8hrs actual labour after the jews deduct your brakes)
>0.5-2 hrs commute daily
>5-7 hrs for morning and bedtime routines, dinner, obligations etc.

This is slavery if you make 100-120% minimum wage. If you also do manual labor you're double fucked.

>10 hours rest
>14 hours Veeky Forums shitposting

yee what the fuck :D get a non nine to five job or start your own business

jew take your brakes so you drive head first into the swastika

Actually the opposite, humans were meant to sleep in small intervals. Like 2 hours or something. Look it up, I'm too lazy, but all old humans operated on this cycle. I think it had to do with survival from predators.

I work 4 days a week

>9 hours work, including break
>5-10 minutes walk there
>14.5ish hours free

Even then I feel like a fuckin slave.

Yea you will get gains. I am getting around 5-6 hours sleep & then after my college thing 5-10 min nap & then hitting the gym for just over 2 and half hrs & im making good gains. Is this good? idk i guess my body is just used to it now.

Agreed, Satan.

Articles like this especially aren't meant to inform, normies don't really care about science. The point of this article is for somebody to read the headline and say "Hey I sleep until 11am every day, that means I'm super intelligent like Sheldon and Howard xD"

>get a non nine to five job
that doesn't change the total hours

>start your own business
this is even worse, expect 50-70hr workweeks and equal pay as a 9-5

I think you're not fully utilizing your free time then

>tfw to intelligent to get out of bed

Humans used to have a "first sleep" and "second sleep" I think around the 1920's this started to really be phased out completely.

People used to go to sleep at around 9pm/10pm and sleep till 1am/2am then stay awake till about 4am/5am and go back to sleep for another 3 hours (waking at 7am/8am).

Then sometimes had a 30 minutes - 1 hour nap during the middle of the day as well.

Not sure. I think it'd be fine. Try it and see how you feel.

Why do we need sleep to make gains anyway? Couldn't we recover by lying still for 8 hours awake? Obviously there are mental effects to not getting enough REM sleep, but I'm sure someone savvy on a polyphasic sleep schedule could use recovery time to study or something