As you know Australia day is tomorrow
Are you fuckers all looking shredded? Or did you fail a cut over the summer...
Also are you guys planning on getting absolutely wankered or conserving gains and not drinking?
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Gonna have a sneaky gym sesh in the morn and then go to a bbq pool party right after. Gonna be good.
got damn Australia seems to be the greatest place on earth
what could I do to honor straya from afar tomorrow?
bbq some snags and chuck em on bread with some tomato or bbq sauce.
are snags hamburgers?
and listen to this on loop
snags are sausages
like hotdogs
Isn't Australia full of zyzz wannabe cunts?
Zac perna is pretty funny though
have a durry outside a maccas
Working 12-7, Uniform doesn't show gains in the slightest.
Gonna get that double pay tho
I was thinking about "land down under" too
looks good. I'll do this.
I will also GLASS a CUNT in honor of the holy PRISON ISLAND and run off into the BUSH in my HOLDEN while drinking VB
Finally I will watch crocodile dundee
I'm a New Years fag so my 3 weeks of gains isn't enough to show off on the beach.
> jizzing in my pants from the thought of a bunnings sausage sizzle
Aussie's are known for their riding.
I give you 2 more month before you hop on gear for summer
The missus is out of town for the day and so are me parents so I'll probably go drink tinnies with the boys all day
Picking up my new VE II SV6 ute after straya dayin honour of all the mad cunts who died to create this great land
ha, you think it fucking matters? 20 years in this country and i've literally never not once been invited to an 'australia day' pool party or bbq. probably gonna spend the day with fucking asian exchange student friends, yeah, what a way to celebrate australia.
Also i've unfriended 9 people so far from facebook, anyone who shares an 'invasion day' or buzzfeed type video claiming we need to change the day to May 8 because it sounds like 'mate' gets unfriended
Not our fault you don't have any sick cunt friends to have fun with
just bought one in black myself brah, up the fuckn utes
fuckin oath
> several of these and god knows how many bottles of XXXX
RIP gains, hello fat fuck bliss
Would've got an SSV redline for mad skids but still a P plater
They fuarken hammer for 6 cylinders tho
You honour all the fallen cunts who passed away doin heaps sick skidz for the boys!
XXXX is literally abo piss
desu I've taken a strange liking to it lately
rural QLD fag though so the bogan is in my veins
ive recently found out i can get wasted about once a week and still make good progress on texas method, feels good lads
gonna get well fuckeyed tomorrow
fuck brown cunts
thrown your own party and invite kunts.
even if half the people don't show it beats sitting home alone being a nigel no friends
>looking shredded
I literally started last week
All I look like is a skeleton with too much gym gear
Das it mayne
iktf bro. feel like such a beta wearing a shirt at the beach. but it beats showing of my skelly mode torso and getting laughed at
I plan on getting absolutely messed and seeing if i can stick any slags. Looking shredded as well so my confidence is through the roof.
Any other cunts downing the Sunnyvale goon tomorrow? The only true way to feel Aussie
M8 gold is good. Dat midstrength, can drink all day and not fall over. Music festival beer of choice
Cairns by anychance ?
Nah Gladstone, moved to Brisbane a couple of years ago though but in my home town for aus day
too many poofs in Brisbane would rather enjoy my Aus day without a bunch of spoiled white academic cucks spewing over "muh invasion day"
>Going overseas to meet a group of friends in a few months who all live in different countries and are getting together for this one trip and most of the time we're going to be on the beach
>Have 5 months to get fit before then
>mistakenly told one of the girls there I started working out as well so now I have to impress
I really fucking hope I get off to a running start and have something to show in five months
just come fucking south brissy and logan mate, we'll fuck up those cuck poofs.
Live in Graceville kek, too cozy there to go to logan
might have a belated pint in the city's Irish pub when i get back from my holiday
> 5months.
you'll be swimming in noob gains
Cronulla 2.0 when?
brisbanes alright mate but yeah 100% at uni these fags are everywhere with 'muh invasion day'
Better be talkin about Fat Fuckin Louie's
Tbh brisbane isn't bad enough to get a cronulla
most people don't give a shit about them bloody leb loving fags
I was gonna drink about 1/4 to 1/3 of a bottle of bourbon, then the day after mesage a qt i went out with today, asking if she would like to help me finish it/come over for dinner and movies.
I haven't got laid in a year, hopefully it works bros.
ayyyy im hitting up corinda tomorrow. Happy Australia day cunt
>you'll be swimming in noob gains
Ill take any gains at this point
Just not a gain in autistic babbling when I fail to make any muscle and have to take my shirt off...
Yee boooy
either that or O'Malley's
> sitting in some dark irish pub drinking pint after pint with no cunts bothering you
hahahhaha fuuuccckkkk fat louies is sick though im hitting up the RE for a spell then my mates house
Who else is gonna be the /CHAD/ of the pool party?
might have a few sips
> not sugarfree
sipping dangerously i see
better get your ass to the gym tomorrow and start picking up heavy shit and putting it down
Iv already got a PPLPPLx routine going, feel like death at the end of it most of the time
This is going to be a long five months
Never heard of O'Malley, wheres that at?
>sipping on the edge
cos fuck teeth
if so they will go away after 2-3 weeks. depends on how hard you worked the respective muscles wether its quicker or longer
Across-ish from the David Jones shops in Queens Street
The pub is underground, wooden everything
comfy as fuck
perfect for me when i just want to sit somewhere dark without any windows and just drink to forget
Ah I never drink alone but always with the boys. I'll check out O'Malleys though sounds sweet.
>Ah I never drink alone
Lucky you
Yeah DOMs, mainly for leg day. Walking around like I have a dick in my ass for two days later.
Im taking it as a sign that I must be doing something right for now
glass a leb and then do burnouts in your torrana
It's gonna be alright bruh
Hey, O'Malleys man! Might catch you there.
I'm the sod sitting around drinking a pint of Guinness
So everyone at O'Malleys.
Obviously I'm gonna drink the Very Best and do both.
I'm a foreigner living in Perth, tell me where can I go and what can I do on Straya day? I don't have any Aussie friends who's barbi pool party to crash since all my friends are other fellow Scandi cucks.
Just get pissed and ark up to the bikies and hope they don't kill you. Should be a laugh
>ark up to the bikies
I didn't understand anything of this sentence desu m8.
It's like Aussie trolling
Go find a derro looking cunt ask him for a sparky and knock him in the gobba
start a fight with bikers
fuckin exactly my plan; great minds ay
think of it this way bro if you don't show everyone your bod now they won't know how much to mire when your gains start coming in
mirin bro, you're killin it
Got invited to a mate's BBQ pool party and I have lifeguard shift tomorrow, feels good man
Ausfaginese is like a different language.
Also my name is Nigel, does that automatically make me a nigel no friends?