/plg/ - powerlifting general

Welcome to /plg/ - Puppy lovers general.
Primarily for the purpose of becoming a better athlete on the platform, but all forms of strength training accepted!

>bully hard edition

Post progress, PR's, meet videos, schmexy lifts, or anything strength training related!

Other urls found in this thread:



>OK so
>I've been following an lmaosplit for some time, make decent gainz and added heavy compounds to my routine. Now my lifts are 60kg/85kg/85kg/125kg
>>TFW patella tendonitis. I squat what I bench. Used to squat 100kg tho
>What routine would you recommend to further it. Should I just cut and go for aesthetics or lmaobulk through and start with powerlifting. I don't really know. My goal is to get as huge, as strong and as lean as possible while natty

Routine is
M - chest/tri/arms
T - rest
W - shoulders/OHP/traps/lat
T - dead/row/back
S - squat/abs/lower back
S - 10-15km run

Thoughts on this routine for an intermediate lifter?

It's wave loading i.e. each week higher weight but lower reps, which makes each week different. Then after 3 weeks putting the weights up and starting again


That's my picture how did you get that

M - squat + accessories
T - bench + accessories
W - rest
T - deadlift + accessories
F - OHP + accessories
S rest
S rest

secret program for gains, dont share it with anyone

pls m'lady

Y'all are fatasses.

- Finn

Ur all fat :DDDDDD

Stop following a shitty brosplit.
Just do a 4 day upper/lower split if you wanna get stronger and look better. Texas method is also a very good option.

Should I do more volume or less volume on a cut?
please help im not a smart man

whats the tl:dr of programming for a cut?

>ohp PR
>deadlift PR
>curl PR
>all in the space of 3 days

Riding the gains wave

Only 1.

Back the fuck off????

Oh man I want to fuck that so bad

Why camera on face
why gut tucked in pants
why hand over belly

why the long face? - Finn

Who is the man called trappy-chan

because low raise pants come down and I sit with builders bum.

>and im ugle

is that girl or a guy? confused since there are only traps on this board

My girlfriend

you mean boyfriend

I am NOT gay


God damn, you're exactly my type.
I'd most likely be able to pick you up IRL, but damn, unfortunately I live in Continental Europe and afaik you are from the UK, tough luck.

Wait, why do I even care?

>Weak, skinny, frail

Bulk harder

liking cocks doesn't make you gay, just cockcurious

What's the stack

HRT for how long

I bulking at the right speed, I weigh 72kg rn.

(Ok one more)

post tits bitch - Finn

Post your eyes too, I love this dark colur.

Seems pretty solid. You could probably get away with doing a bench variation like 2-3 count pause bench on day 2


let the nose jokes commence

that nose has to be photoshopped, right

You need to enhance your lips and fix your nose kylie jenner style - Finn

I wish.

im biting my lip in that, I have nice lips.


who the fuck is Finn

Your right eye is more stimulated than your left. It happens when you're focusing too hard on taking your picture, gives you a crazy eyed look. Try relaxing your gaze when you tske pics of your face

I agree this always happened to me when taking pics lol - Finn



I have sex with young children - Finn

woah is that kim kardashian?

Remarkable really


your face is more masculine than mine, and i'm a guy

>mfw esmeralda is a trap too



>tfw creator of humanity

is it because you have a weak jaw and a fat face?

Take these

How's life my friend?

Pick up anything heavy lately?

Lifting again but it's shit so I want to Katana myself every time I do.

uhh thanks friendo

Been strength training for 2 years.
140kg squat 180kg diddly 95kg bench
@65kg bodyweight. Just did PH3 for the lols and now i'm beat up as fuck. Any program recommendations lads?

Why is it shit?

Even if the numbers are small, that feeling of overcoming resistance is the best.

It gets old after years and years of it lad.
You'll see.

do you compete or something? don't you want to up your weight?

Cheers lad.

not competing anytime soon. I'm bulking atm, was 57kg ;_;

Nah that's you, my man. That's you.

Eric Burgerman has been lifting almost two decades now and still has a blast


He's not a balding gde manlet tbf lad.

r u a girl

just find a new hobby and move on lad

What do either of those have to do with lifting heavy things?

What's on your face?

>grown man
>65 kilos

what the heck

>tfw only 20kg heavier than a girl




IF YOU WANT TO HOP ON THE INJURY TRAIN, INQUIRE HERE docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfOdP02ufyc0_IQ7dC85YmlpF8yLklD9XWr9pRvGcMmKoCbpQ/viewform

Blest Early Intermediate Program


doing a cut down to 65 tbf so I can get lean and then bulk again from there.

>tfw already on injury train


One of us

One of us

19 inch arms as a fat sack of shit good job

my first snab and im training through it.

An honour to be with you


The guy who wrote it (Eric Helms, right?) seems to know a great deal about strength training, so it's a routine you can trust in.

Yeah it's from his book.
Some user said that it needs more assistance lifts and isolation fluff work, so I'm not sure who to trust desu senpai

>Eric Helms



Why is my thread used for bullying

Come on lads.. i'm trying to hit 70kg by december

Thanks i'll look into it

Tf did you snap

You need to rehab that immediately
True snabs don't just go away

Hip flexor strain.

Its an old one that been angered and resurfaced. Stretching it 6 times a day and using heat and ibuprofen gel. Doing leg press instead of squat but still deadlifting.

Feels alright when I deadlift.

>leg press still kind of feels like aids tho

It's a cookie cutter program designed for people to just plug and play. He can't offer specific assistance movements because he can't know exactly who picks up the program.

I suggested mostly more upper back work, and light isolations, both kept to a reasonable degree so that they don't interfere with recovery. I don't see why that's causing you analysis stress.

Kinda want but fairly certain my body couldn't handle it.
I saw his post. I get where he's coming from and I do agree, but I'd rather you run through it for some weeks and see how you respond before you change things up. Still, the best would probably be to adjust it right away based on your own experience with exercises, frequency, weaknesses, and recovery. Would be wise to also cycle/wave the volume of the assistance work you choose to put in.
Helms himself said
>It’s important to note that the primary purpose of this program is actually not for you just to take it and use it exactly as written.
For anyone else interested, it can be found here: rippedbody.com/intermediate-powerlifting-program/

His bodybuilding program could perhaps work wonders for anyone wanting to bulk up/needing to build some muscle, for the record.

If its just strained then be careful not to over stretch it, it needs rest and it needs blood flow.

Have a look at this

only light stretching, nothing that angers the beast.

>trappy sed

But yeah i'll give it a go. I don't really feel it during deadlifting so is this ok you think?

Its just a muscle injury, what I would personally do in your situation is ice it and do that injury protocol. Nothing else. I would want to get as much blood flow to it as possible so it heals.

That's just me.
Do what you want.

sick lips

too bad a nose job would only frame ur jaw more

arrite it makes sense. I'll use it to work on lumbar tightness in squattos as well while im at it.

I like my jaw

Go masticate some bricks u jawlet


Watching anime again

Shit taste

It tickles my autism

>gives compliment
>recieves insult

"women" baka desu senpai

It just seems low quality to me. Art is very uninspired, what little theme I managed to glimpse was just rehash.


A backhanded asshole compliment perhaps.

Issue for me is that I don't want to re-watch anything I've seen before, and I've already seen what I would consider to be "the best".

So I'm watching what I just glazed over while to fill that time between now and death. :)

Whatever helps you sleep at night bro

Lmao, I just checked MAL, recommended me a show from the winter 2017 anime list


>Implying I'm a weeb
I just can tell when something is just a factory-produced cash grab as opposed to something someone genuinely cared about and put their soul into.

You got me