is there any exercise that will fix maxillary prognathism?
Is there any exercise that will fix maxillary prognathism?
Just do your best Fire Marshall Bill impression for like a year you'll be good
Exercise doesn't change bone structure ya dingus
so what now
holy shit i got mandibular prognathism
i hate smiling
>Got braces polly my upper teeth forward.
>Bottom teeth bent themselves backwards as a natural reaction to the underbite.
>Front teeth still can't make contact.
I'm surprised that it's not very noticable from the outside except a bad smile.
Your teeth edges shouldn't touch when you are biting normally. Bottom teeth should sit just behind your front teeth.
Pollen allergy made me breathe through my mouth, now I got a weak chin.
just get an implant its only 5k
There's surgery for this you know. They split your top jaw from your skull and graft/staple it into its proper place.
Game changing appearance gains.
being white
>its only 5k
But I'm a NEET.
I am white european, none of my parents have this.
I just do not know
you can adjust your muscle memory through continuously monitoring your jaw position and changing it. you can even do it while sleeping,
source: t. overbite cured through self-therapy
are you irish?
shut up you cunt, let me guess england is only white? or germany? two cuck countries filled with 20% foreigners and 50% feminist's. the irish are true europeans, the richest, the smartest, and will put a bullet in the head of enemies.
I am from norway senpai.
Both of my parents have normal face. I have deep overbite, but I am not sure if overbite caused maxilarry prognathis or it is another point if my proud genetic lottery ticket
kek irish are the niggers of europe
pics? how bad is it
I am too shy to post pic, but I was not aware that I have maxillary prognathism. I was talking with orthodontis last week about my overbite and she said that I have this face.
So its not self diagnosed she was using cephalometric image to calculate % and type of prognathism
My face is ugly in general + I am almost bald.
I knew that there was something wrong with my face aesthetic but I thought that it was due to my chinletism. Unfortunately diagnosis was even worse.
I know, which only makes the underbite worse.
Can confirm, this worked for me
2 things. One, is proper oral posture with the tongue on the roof of the mouth creating enough pressure to remodel bone over a long period of time. (Dr. Mew has a lot of information on this).
The other method, is going to see an orthodontist. I went and saw an orthodontist about tmj pain. Because my overjet was severe enough, the only solution is jaw surgery. It's probably going to be double jaw surgery.
If you have a weak chin and a nose that tips downard, like a hook nose, you likely have a recessed maxilla. The diagram is a little innacurate. It's not that your maxilla is too far forward, its the maxilla is recessed and that causes the mandible to slope down, which gives a hook nose and weak jawline.
So to help everyone out. Take a side picture of your face.
1. is your forehead sloped or is it nearly verticle in line with your ears?
2. Is your nose hooked or pointing downwards? Sort of an arch in it?
3. Does your jaw/chin not line up with your forehead?
This means your maxilla is recessed or grew downward. Which causes your mandible to swing downwards to fit in place. Maxillary prognathism isn't the proper terminology. A forward grown maxilla will force the mandible to be forward grown as well.
Dr. put a retainer which made my overbite worse then refused to treat it with surgery because of my mental health
Yeah but your molars don't line up and you're just going to increase tmj symptoms.
Your nose still looks like a hook nose as well.
You didn't fix anything. Talk to a professional like an orthodontist or a maxfac.
me too. Move in with your parents and work at a grocery store for 3 months
1. Sloped as fuck
2. Yeah, hooked nose that looks like broken in at 2/3 of nose height
3. My chin is like 1.5cm inward in compare to lips, but is more outstanding than forehead line (but my forehead is like ski slope.
Was it even possible to fix it during youth/puberty?
I am almost 30yo
If here is a example of proper white person face aesthetic (mild orthognatism?)
forgot pic
So I'm normal!?
then what about person from this pic?
Is it proper face aestetic for white/semi-white?
Her maxillary and mandibular are outie and far from forehead line but she does not looks bad.
But I would say that aesthetic blonde from previous pic is much more comfy
My forhead is slope, my nose is hooked, but my chin line up with line of forehead.
It looks like my maxillary part is too forward.
mike mew
is he legit?
how are you going to change bones structure with positive thinking and tongue pressure?
Same way people with facial strokes get fucked up faces but reverse. Basicly his most legit point is if adult people can/will get fucked up face due to paralysed face muscles, healthy person should get more aesthetic face by following proper posture both in body and mouth.
Just watch the god damn video and decide for yourself
It's not like he is selling you snake oil. You have nothing to lose.
I have the same problem, though I'm still in puberty. Any hope for me brehs? Just want to have a good chin. This is the biggest flaw of myself and I'm literally always bothered by it. I just want to be normal.
reroll and hope you don't come out ugly and retarded
is sloped good or bad?
Get an orthodontist to check you out. Braces and other work with get rid of any under and overbite. Other then that chew gum and see if there are any exercises to strengthen jaw muscles.
its good if you are cosplaying neanderthals
I don't know but I wouldn't mind having a bit of mandibular prognathism.
no you dont, you want a forward/outward projecting chin/jaw. they are 2 different things. mandibular prognathism gives you an underbite.
Not that user but it is just keep the latter third og your tongue pressed to the roof of your mouth and your teeth together until it becomes habitual?
Or am I missing something, like that swallow thing?
Yeah, you're right actually. It looks more masculine and attractive according to most people I've talked to. And I remember my gr. 12 bio teacher talking about it as a better trait in males when women look for partners.
>You have nothing to lose.
No amount of chewing, mewing or nose-breathing will have any effect on that, only jaw surgery and to a much lesser extent, braces.
What cause it?
I have overbite and over years due to fucked up aligned teeth I developed advenced bruxism, now my jaw muscles are strong as fuck but my face is not less ugly
What caused forward jaw + nose in second pic?
jesus christ dat ass
>what are genetics
shut the fuck up you dumb chinlet
Actually it does
As you strengthen the muscles the contraction of the muscles puts more pressure on the bones causing the bones to thicken in order to not be broken or fractured from the stress the muscle is placing on them during contraction
No way to fix your shit though OP you'll just have to see surgeon
Exercise your ability to get jaw surgery
>tfw pollenallergy and asthma
>for some reason thought I looked stupid as a kid breathing through my mouth so I forced breathing through my halfclogged nose
>years of heavy breathing gave me strong breathing muscles that basicly cancel out my asthma
>have now mandibular prognathism and the lower jaw is like half a tooth out of alignment
>always smile with my mouth shut so people rarely notice
>underbite gives me a strong looking jaw
>be white
>blame genetic for maxilliary prognathism
do you even biology 101?
Prognathism in white people is not normal.
He had some mouth problems as kid, maybe wrong tongue position, soft food or other shit.
am I normal?
You can calculate it by yourself
left abo, right white european
I'd say yes
Far left prognathism in black people is considered normal.
Far right orthignathism in white people
If you are white and you have prognathism face, something went wrong desu
You would have to count some shit to be sure.
Your % of prognathism or orhognathism is calculated by angle in degrees
Well I'm a brainlet so I can't calculate shit.
I do snore a lot though and so does everyone in my family and if I try to breathe in deeply through my nose I imediately snore.
dude your wisdom teeth will rot in future
its hard to tell from that pic because it is not whole celo pic.
Post your face profile
I went to a dentist about my wisdom teeth and she said they were a little impacted but seemed fine and she also said that wisdom teeth tend to look way worse than they actually are in x-rays
dependent on race, blacks look normal
this is why I kek at tryhard mewers who perfectly align their teeth upper on lower, as it will do more harm than good in the long run and make them look like that one alex fag grinding his teeth in every pic
not even anti-mewing bait, I couldn't give less of a damn, just saying. perfectly aligned suburb garden fence teeth are unattainable without spending a fortune for a hollywood-approved dentist kek
When I smile, my upper gums and upper 2/3 of upper teeth are visible.
Not aesthetic at all desu
fuck this shit
my dad is an oral surgeon and I asked him about these retarded exercises. you can do them but they will really fuck up the joints in your jaw. TMJ? anyway the best way to fix your atrocious face is to get your teeth straightened and then whitened. Straight teeth will help reshape the face, specifically nose throat mouth area. Wearing retainers and having proper tongue posture is good. Also having your teeth whitened helps so much
It may be true for kids and people during puberty.
but if you are over 25 you are fucked, your body is not growing anylonger.
Its much easier to set teeth in proper position in kids, but in adult teeth are trying to move on old positio so its require to wear reatainer on back on your teeth whole life + plastic retainer at night.
KIds are not aware how important teeth are, but when they realize why they are ugly its usually to late.
>The aim of this study was to investigate the differences in the maxillary and mandibular morphology related to the overbite.
>The results showed that there are statistically significant differences in the maxillary and mandibular morphology among the overbite groups.
your face looks normal, but your neck is short
are you fat?
If you use utensils like forks, spoons, knives or chopsticks, yes, it's normal.
pic related is King Richard III of England (or was). If you notice the teeth, they fit together on edge and ground each other flat. This was because wrenching food with the teeth was common at the time. When forks and knives started to be used, the overbite that is now common today developed.
It's actually possible to determine if a specific skull is of a peasant or an aristocrat in a certain Asian period, because aristocrats have the overbite, while peasants don't. This is because aristocrats ate with chopsticks, and peasants didn't. It was not yet popular to use them, and they still wrenched food apart with the teeth.
so is it a good thing or just "meh, the price of progress r-r-right?"
No, but I am short.
This is perhaps a better picture
the resignated thousand yard stare fits the ironic autism t-shirt perfectly
My mommy got me it for christmas, it's my lucky shirt. I might wear it for my first date this weekend.
despite your blatant autism, you seem like the kind of stoner bro everybody of us wants to deep down have for slow weekends
Ah, I may come across that way, but I just like to goof around. I don't ever smoke weed, unless someone offers. I still go to the gym and lead a healthy lifestyle like most of us here.
Maybe we'd have been friends user.
>racial pseudoscience
You remind me of my younger brother, so yeah, could be cool. Keep up whatever you're doing m8
dude you looks good, there are people here and on /r9l/ with deformed faces, but usually people who are really ugly never post pics because they are too shy.
Its pretty shitty when random people on public transport would sit next to hobo than you or when stacies in public make this ewww face when passby
Some people tell me I have a cute baby face and some people tell me I look disgusting and malformed, but that means at least some people find me attractive (/r9k/ told me I was seriously fucked up looking and needed to go on lookism and get surgery for a variety of things but fuck /r9k/ I promised myself that after years I would never go there again and would instea make Veeky Forums my homeboard)
best choice ever. besides buying that shirt
Yeah, seriously, it's such a horrible and toxic place, I realized how much it damages your psyche. It's not an asylum for the damned, it's a place where one goes to become damned. A festering infestation that draws more people in. It's a toxic chamber where if YOU have anything to feel bad about, you'll make others feel as bas as possible and draw the other crabs back into the bucket with you, so people feel like they're inherently doomed and don't even try.
Poetic. And true.
Die four?
So my bottom front teeth should be slightly behind my upper row, and they should overlap slightly?
Is my underbite noticeable? My dentist recommended surgery but that means no gym for 6 weeks
Better picture