Guys under 6'0 are manlets
Guys above 6'3 are lanklets
What are 6'0-6'2 guys?
Guys under 6'0 are manlets
Poop comes out my bum
5'11-6'2 are called optimal human beings.
major cope
being taller is always better
Stop trying this hard faggot.
why do people here obsess over something like height which is genetic? shouldn't you guys be worrying about body fat and muscles and how much weight you can lift?
Manlet detected
That's exactly it. Muscle and fat can be changed, height cannot. Height is the dubs of real life, you only get one shot.
In Europe we start at 180cm and don't use Body Parts to measure something like a retard.
>tfw 5'11.995325
>have to tick the sub 6' box on dating sites
>sub 6 foot box
Fucking ameritards
>going on a dating site without a manlet filter
>jared leto is a 5'9 manlet and it doesnt matter
>its always about the face
it doesnt matter because he's rich and famous.
are you rich and famous?
I invented tampons
he wasnt rich and famous to start with. do you think he would be either of those things if he wasnt pretty? use your brain
6'1-6'4 are called perfect human specimens
I'm 6'1''. Its called perfection.
>use your brain
oh really
lmao no girl says "yeah I want a guy who's 5'11"
fucking rekt. god bless
i'm 5'11 and girls assume i'm 6'0 all the time. they have no way of knowing from their perspective
>good hair
>wide shoulders
>okay face
not too bad
i know the dude on the far left in real life and he's a beta orbiter to a whore who is 18 and fucked over 50 men. she makes him buy her stuff and let her drive his car everywhere and she doesnt even touch him. she actually brags about it
also they all look inbred
I'm exactly 6' and I gotta say it feels just right. I see tall guys working just as hard as me to appear smaller in the end and shorter guys lookings angry all the time.
Too perfect
Yeah, you use stones instead, you fucking caveman
Got a suggestion for you: before you use anything from now on, figure out what country is responsible for it. If it's America, then fuck off and don't use it, since we are so worthless and you are so great apparently. Now get off this website.