QTDDTOT - Sqoats and Uats edition

Is doing Squats and DL on the same day counter productive? I've been noticing my quality of DLs declining proportional to my squats increasing. Should I have them separate on the days I need to DL?


Both are taxing for your system

seperate or do both but one heavy and one lighter

had the same question some time ago, here's what a kind user said to me and i am indeed doing fine with this (also the powerlifters in my gym do it also and they squat like 4pl8 so...)

You can divide the deadlifts and the squats to different training days, means you can go really heavy (if this is your intention instead of high volume reps) on those exercises.

BUT you can also do them on the same day, with a little difference. On day A you go heavy on the squats (start of with them and do your thing) and then do your deadlifts with a "lower" weight but more reps. Day B you do the opposite.
I myself do that on my leg days + legpress and few other exercises and i'm making good and symetric progress.

This works for me, some others do it might give it a try or just split them, hope that helped and good luck

Thanks for the answers. I've been slacking on my diddies because of the fact that I struggle on my working weight when I know it's just peanuts. I'll probably try that today by using a lower working weight on them.

I'm 6'4" and 190lb.

I have extremely skinny arms and narrow shoulders but i've gained a large gut and love handles want to lost some fat before I start getting serious about bulking and working out. Would eating only 1700 calories a day plus cardio every day and lifting 3 days a week help me lose this extra weight fast? my TDEE is 2300 calories

Depends all on your intensity. It's what they say "go hard or go home" so doing heavy load will burn callories and fat "fast". But then you say you want to get serious with lifting and do a bulk after you have lost some fat????
Do yourself a favour and pick a good routine that fits you, don't forget the cardio. just start working out and eat properly and your fat will decrease while your muscle volume grows. For starters concentrate on compound movements, strenghten your core and start slowly fixing your diet.

Just train dude, you'll get there, good luck!

If you're still below 2pl8 on both lifts, stop being a pussy and suck it up. If you get into early intermediate numbers, you may do light squats or front squats on the day's when you do deadlifts.

the reason why i want to lose weight first is because i want to lose the large gut and love handles that i've gained before packing on weight everywhere. I look sort of like a goblin with my skinny arms and large gut. Is it still the better idea to just start bulking now or should i cut?

pic related is me.

Im a dieting fatty, is it ever ok to have a cheat MEAL, and I only mean meal. I really want a subway for lunch tomorrow. I've read that its ''good for your metabolism to have a cheat meal'' but Im thinking thats psuedo science?

Compete broscience. Cheat meals are purely mental and only encourage shitty eating. Try to avoid them.

Shit, alright, thanks.

Can someone give me the official lowdown on counting calories?

I've been trying really hard to just follow calorie-in-calorie-out for cutting, but I'm concerned I'm underestimating a lot of things.

Do I mass things before or after cooking? My lunch today was 500g of chicken thighs, massed before cooking; do I log that in my calorie counter? Or do I log whatever weight it became after cooking?

Does pan-searing/frying increase the calories by anything more than the oil I used? For example, if I added 1 tbsp of olive oil to my chicken thighs, do I just add 120 cals on top, or does the reaction that happen when it's fried add even more calories?

Linear gains are no longer possible on several compounds, so I switched to PHUL (Only have four days available to work out, and I wanted to incorporate some isolation exercises).

Now, how should I approach progressive overload? For instance, my bench is stuck on 180lbs for 5 reps, with the last set being 4.

On a beginner routine, it was easy, just increase the weights. How should I handle it now?

I'm doing GSLP and using kgs, is it okay to add 2.5kg to my lifts if I feel like it or will I stall quicker? Getting around 7 to 9 reps in the last sets and it feels like I could progress quicker than the 1kg.

After reading the OP and answer I'm now worried about my routine. I'm doing PHUL which has squat and Deadlift right after on lower power day. Should I pick one and move it to the lower hypetrophy day instead? I'm always hesitant to mess with routines.

I've been out of the lifting game for almost a year now because of some bad depression and transferring colleges. I'm really having trouble finding a good workout routine for someone who knows the form and major lifts but is looking to build his strength again.

I forgot the second half of my post

does anyone have any ideas or good routines that they can use? I can go to the gym almost everyday but can only spend an hourish tops there, because I have to share the car.

Honestly, PHUL went a lot better for me after I tweaked it a bit.

On Upper Power day, I'll focus on heavy benching and rowing. OHP and Chin Ups are done with lighter weights and more reps (6-10 rep range).
On Upper Power day, I'll focus on heavy deadlifting.
On Upper Hypertrophy day, I'll focus on heavy OHP and weighted chin ups. Benching and rowing are done with lighter weights and more reps (again, same rep range, 6 to 10).
And on Lower Hypertrophy day, I'll focus on heavy squatting.

It is working so far. No clue if I'm just memeing myself, but it is working.

Is it possible that I pinched a nerve or something while doing shrugs? Did them yesterday for the first time and now i feel a weird spot in the upper right side of the back. It also hurts when I bend my neck to look down.

Cheat meals are never okay. But *sometimes* circumstances of life get in the way and you dont get to eat as healthy as you'd like. Dont sweat it, it happens. The difference here is doing it when you have to, not when you want to.

Example: my friends and i drove 3 hours to go to a hockey game. When we got there everyone wanted pizza. I wasnt gonna be the asshole and say no, so i had the pizza cuz i needed dinner and that was the option. Its not like i was at home around all my healthy food and said "i deserve pizza because ive been so healthy the rest of the time". My eating habits are the same. That one day was the exception. And in the long run wont really make a difference.

If anything i noticed how much worse i felt after eating shitty food. That is encouragement enough to keep eating well.

Tl;dr cheat days are bullshit and reflect a lack of willpower. But sometimes life forces you to eat something shitty, just roll with it, everythings gonna be ok.

I've been doing low-bar squats to focus more on my glutes but I still feel them mostly in my quads. Does this sound like a form problem or are my quads just lagging behind my hamstrings and glutes? I go slightly below parallel.

Gonna give this a whirl. Looks solid to me even though I'm no expert. I appreciate the advice user!


Weigh before cooking.

The browning of food doesn't appreciably increase or decrease the caloric amount so don't worry about it. Since you're cutting you should count all the oil you use even though some of it will evaporate/remain in the pan. Best to err on the side of caution.

What is a good routine for legs, starting basically from 0? I had a stroke 3 months ago and now my right leg is extremely weak

you can run a very basic linear periodization type deal

pick 3-4 big lifts to focus on

start with higher reps, more sets, add weight weekly and lower the reps and sets when necessary

once you get down to like a few sets of 3, take a light week, then hit a new 1rm the week after


Weird fatass with muscle here. Built in a strange but unflattering strongfat way, I hate looking like a weird play doh action figure so I've been on a diet for about a month.

I'm 6ft, 290 lbs.
I stopped eating like shit and cut out caloric drinks (no diet soda either). I'm at 2000 calories a day now.

I work on my feet for 6 or so hours of the day, driving the other 2. Based on my phone's pedometer I average about 3-4 miles walked a day, plus some lifting at work and shit.

Is this enough to lose weight at a reasonably fast pace? Should I cut down to 1700 or 1500? I don't want all this gross fat anymore.

Relatively healthy despite weight, resting heart rate of 56 bpm and have decent cholesterol if the Indian medical men can be believed.

Your bmi is 23. You dont really need to worry about losing weight right now. Once you start lifting weights your fat/love handles will start going away regardless of whether or not youre actually losing weight.

Tbh eating at that big of a defecit + exercising means that youll most likely feel like shit and won't be able to lift as hard. You want your new lifestyle to be sustainable in the long run. Eat around maintenence +/- 100-200 calories and workout daily. Do cardio every day that youre not lifting.

Your TDEE should be over 3500kcal a day. At 2000 you would lose about 3lbs a week.

My main plan is to be less disgusting by summer, so 3lbs a week isn't bad I guess. My stomach has mostly adjusted so I don't feel terrible hunger pangs anymore so I thought I might try to trim another 300-500cal, but probably shouldn't for now. Thanks.

How far will the "Starting Strength" workout plan take me if I follow it for one year?
Pics would be nice
I'm your average 5'10" 160lb white guy

Starting from 0? Heres what i did and it really helped set me up for later:

Start with no-bar squats. Sets of 25x4. Youll be surprised how hard it is. Do it in the mirror and make sure your form is good. Doing this now will still give you a great workout on your legs and when you get to the actual squat rack your form will already be solid. Superset with 12x4 leg extensions. Then superset 20x4 leg press with lunges.

Push yourself as hard as you can. The first leg day should/will leave your legs totally fried for days. Going up/down stairs will suck super hard. But the first leg day is by far the worst. Once you can easily get through your 25x4 squats with good form its time to put a bar/weight on there.

thanks buddy

>First day doing SL 5x5
>accidentally do 5 reps of deadlifts instead of just one
>also do the full 5 sets of squats

My legs hurt real bad bros did I fuck up or what?

Brian ulrushes linear progression

YouTube it, sounds perfect for what you need/want and the days you train

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night because my muscles (specificly arms) hurt. Why is that?

Sometimes after I squat I get a pain in my quad on my right leg (always the same leg) for a couple of days after. Not sure how to describe it, but it's uncomfortable to press down on, and at its worst it's uncomfortable to walk on. Any ideas?

you form is shit, obviously

So I read that you can only gain about 1kg of muscle per month.

This seemed a big vague to me, so regardless of how hard I workout and diet "perfectly" so to say. I can still only gain 1kg of muscle per month?

Say I only work out my chest for 1 month - will the 1kg muscle go there? (Metaphorical question, I am not interested in doing this)

If I work out everything (chest,abs,legs,back etc) for a month does the 1kg get divided equally based on how hard you trained them?

That being said, the whole 1kg thing was for non beginners, what are the limits for beginners? Of how much they can gain per month? I'm not in a hurry but it just seems like there's too many variables to give a flat number like that

Is juicing(fruits and veggers) a meme? Im cutting and trying to eat right, someone reccommend I do so. I can always get the same amount of nutrition just by eating the food, is juicing what it seems,convinient?

My rotator cuff, glutes and hamstrings are sore, so I'm planning to do just hiit and abs. is this okay?

Dont juice, juicing gets rid of a majority of the substance of fruits and vegs. leaving you with sugar water and the remains. I instead just blend the fruit and vegs throwing nothing away

I do it for convenience sake, since i premake all my food for a week and vegs dont hold well over time

I fucking love hip thrusts.
Can I do them twice a week instead of once? Right now I work out every other day, so I would be doing it twice in two days. Too much?

i did cardio today for the first time in months and it was amazing
i jumped rope for 15 min on and off and when i took my heart rate it was about 200 at times
is this safe and can i do this every day it was fun and got a massive calf pump

A week ago I started getting this sharp pain in my right trap muscle that I feel whenever I do a press lift. I feel it when I overhead press and especially when I bench, as soon as I bend my elbows. I can do all other exercises including chins and diddys without any pain but it's gotten to be so sharp on the presses that I'm going to have to take a break from them until it goes away.
Has anyone had an issue similar to this? What can I do to speed up the recovery? I am dying to get back to being able to press.

If I wanna start working out for the sole reason to gain muscle and I'm currently 5 pounds over my standard weight, should I just start to work out or should i cute until i am on my exact weight?

You should start lifting.

Using 'ideal' or 'standard' weights as a goal is a pretty useless thing. They're all based on a theoretical average person and very few people are exactly that.

Please review the routine I've put on GSLP:

>2x5, 1x5+ Bench Press / OHP
>2x5, 1x5+ Squat
>2x5, 1x5+ Barbell Rows
>4x12 Lat Pulldowns
>4x12 Facepulls / Lateral Raises SS 4x12 Triceps pushdowns / Hammer Curls

>2x5, 1x5+ Bench Press / OHP
>2x5, 1x5+ Deadlift
>4x12 Lat Pulldowns SS 4x12 Facepulls / Lateral Raises

>Same as A

Reason why I chose pulldowns instead of pull-ups because I can adjust the weight in order to get all reps without burning out, same as other acc work. B day is shorter because it's mid-week

I will, but I mean, being 5 extra pounds over my ideal weight? (5'11 and 165 pounds and currently 170) should i cut or just start bulking for gaining muscle?

any user have any experience with adjustable dumbbells?

thinking about purchasing a pair but they seem expensive.

Is there an alternative to a squat when you don't have a spotter?

the fuck is wrong with you are you retarded

My football coach taught me to always have a spotter for squats.

Does this routine look alright?

Squat 5x5
Bench Press 3x5
OHP 3x10
Incline DB Flies 3x10
Lying Tricep Extension 3x10

Deadlift 1x5
Barbell Row 5x5
Lat Pull downs 3x10
DB Shrugs 3x10
DB Curls 3x10

Squat 5x5
OHP 3x5
Bench Press 3x10
DB Press 3x10
Lying Tricep Extension 3x10

Deadlift 1x5
Barbell Row 5x5
Lat Pull Downs 3x10
Facepulls 3x10
DB Curls 3x10

Lad you're in a fucking squat rack, if you can't handle the squat it'll just rest on the rack.

I would definitely not deadlift 1x5 2times/week. Try doing 3x5 for 80% or so on one day.

i dropped a rep of bench today but i actually locked out with my right arm and my left just cudnt catch up so i ended up needing a spot. should i do something abt this or will it even out if i just keep benching?

Thanks for the response. So would it be better to do something like 3x5 Deadlift on Tuesday, with no Rows, then 5x5 Rows on Friday with no deadlifts? Should I keep the rows on Tuesday and simply add an exercise on Friday, like DB Lateral Raises?