Trap Body Workout

Is this actually legit?

Also, any tips to get a cute body?

i can give you the best cardio workout every day, complete with your daily protein needs. injection location can be negotiated.

where are you from? also post pics

If you want to become a trap then you first need to lose your upper body muscle mass. So do a typical anorexic diet becuase thats how you lsoe muscle mass. Then build up lower body muscle mass for a more female-like bodytype.
Focus on hamstrings and glutes. Not too much quads. No upper body lifts, maybe some abs. and drink a shitton of soy milk.

Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables for nice skin and basically starve yourself


So I basically need to lose a lot of weight and then work out my lower body?

Would a lot of cardio help with that?

Yes, do the couch to 5k program in the OP pic, it's honestly the best thing in it.

Now, eating healthy isn't really a problem to me, but is there any good exercises to help on losing weight?

Slim down to anorexia mode (extremely small over-all muscle mass) and then only build ass muscles, and then only eat a small amount of fish/lean meat with vegetables and enough rice to have a coat of fat so that your body is soft to touch.

Alright, thanks for the tips Veeky Forums, I appreciate it.

Will eventually post results with before/after in another thread.

All the posts in this thread are on point. Veeky Forums is objectively best board.

1. Post boipucci pics
2. Lose body mass (fat+muscle)
3. Consume soy-only diet so your body will become more estrogenic (fat deposits will change to more female-like)
4. Get on a chocolate-only diet so your hips and butt will gain weight, don't do cardio
5. Post boipucci pics


where can i find more images like this? asking for a friend

>but is there any good exercises to help on losing weight
this might be the single most retarded question I've read in all my years here


You mean Veeky Forums traps or traps that are working out?


The muscle and trap tags together should get you some pretty nice stuff. You could try using the bike_shorts and trap tags together too.

What's the point of becoming a trap if you're still gonna be 3DPD?

Sometimes a beta male becoming a trap is the better solution

You can look pretty good if you put in the effort.