>be Bradley Martyn
>Dwarf everyone
Be Bradley Martyn
Other urls found in this thread:
lmao doesn't the guy on the left claim natty
>be Bradly Martin
>pretend to be an honest and nice guy
>fake advantage of everyone and treat them like shit
everyone in that pic looks way bigger than they really are
I think all of them claim that.
Kai's the only one who looks small lel
Yep, even did videos on it showing himself being tested lol. Lie detector etc
in both autism and baldness
Kai looks pretty small in the pic actually
just hard work and dedication
>next level outangle-ing
>knowing the foto is stretched on the sides because of the wide angle lens
Fuck hes insecure. He would probably an hero if he wasn't blasting.
im out of the loop, i just watched his newest video, what happened
Dont tell him that or he'll fuck another grapefruit.
He wasn't cool with Calum cheating on his girlfriend and constantly bragging about it. Also I'm about 95% sure it's a fake beef
>his feet are completely in front of ulyssies Jr but his entire body looks completely behind him
This level of myspace angling would make pythagoras vomit with rage
seeing this pic just reminds me how autistic a sport bodybuilding can be if allowed to go unregulated
fuk off baldy martin
The flight plan i just listed at the agency features
Will he and Dom stay friends?
>Natty Avengers
>All of them claim to be The Hulk
Yep. So does Dana Lynn Bailey and Ulysses Jr
I don't know of a single time Brad claimed natty. Although I don't watch his stuff very often.
I'm not sure if he ever explicitly said he is natty, but he definitely hasn't admitted to juicing
Thought it was the other way around?
Bradley would you please stop shilling yourself on Veeky Forums, it's getting old
I can't. It's all I have!
Well of course. Juicing is illegal. He does that he goes to jail.
Literally why would anyone say they're doing steroids?
why would he admit he's juicing though
Could you imagine hanging out with this group? Not sure if it would be awesome or the worst experience ever
nigga r u dumb
you can say you're doing steroids without going to jail
here's a little how to:
>Do steroids
>say you do steroids
>keep steroids in a hidden location
>police come to bring you to highest court in the land
>"where are the steroids bradley?"
>what steroids
Oh he definitely wouldn't, I was just stating that (to my knowledge) he hasn't actually said he's natty, he just hasn't admitted to roiding
I went to barbell brigade once and only once. It's a temple to instagram vanity
think of an 80's Golds Gym environment, but then change all the Arnold types to attention whoring 48kg asian girls
>juicing is illegal
Things nattys believe smdhtbhfam
why do people worship fitness youtubers? its beta as fuck
you can say you killed someone without going to jail
here's a little how to:
>Kill someone
>say you killed someone
>keep the body in a hidden location
>police come to bring you to highest court in the land
>"where is the body bradley?"
>what body
Raw powerlifting is to blame. Goddamn uspa.
now you're gettin' it
There's no legal ramifications if there's no evidence against you lol
>injecting homemade salad dressing is the same as murder
Are all nattys this jealous and stupid???
/tv/ pls
why's the red guy in the shirt included in the pic?
0 definition and pressing his arms as hard as he can to his sides/armpits like every fat motherfucker to make their arms look better.
he just looks like a fat motherfucker.
>okay guys lets do a picture, but please, only shredded beasts are allowed to be on it
this is not how it works you autistic fuck.
>okay Bradley, we're gonna do a photo without hats on now
"nah, im good, ill sit this one out"
because it's rob bailey and he's a cool guy and a friend of the animals
always the fucking hat
jesus christ
kai greene is natty tbm
It is. You're talking to the pinnacle of naivety who calls himself #squad
train naked to good look wanted to make a video with bradley to get some views out of his audience, so bradley probably said "yeah bro, sure, you can even stay at my place, stop calling me" so he went to his place and bradley was avoiding him while he was there, so he cried about it on youtube and now it's the video with more views on his channel
I think tren ate your brain away. Or you were born that stupid
well, if there is no body and no weapown there is no crime
>be Bradley Martyn
>here are my alternative facts
Still nowhere near as big as Dom
I love how everyone is putting goofy faces except for Bradley, however he manages to look the stupidest of them all.
>be bradley martyn
>be a shit fake instagram whore who has to wear a hat 24/7 because ashamed of balding
>What body do you want fampai?
>I want to look like someone just discovered the liquify tool
your right lmao
So if we know now that Bradley's morals are trash, is his "lean bulk powerlifting" routine also trash?
Ngl, its actually a pretty good gym for an autist like me. I went there last summer when I was on my holiday, pretty cool to see how chatty the qts were. The only problem was getting stares from the manlet Asians when I was chatting with their gfs