shit hair tho
Is that a trap in your goal girl quadrant? Klokov is cool. Not sure about the rest.
moosefix is mine you scum
based klokov
>Is that a trap in your goal girl quadrant?
it's a girl, but she used to identify as he (fucking tumblr) but didn't make any effort to appear more masculine besides lifting. she's also fucking perfect.
Steve Reeves' chest bother's me so much, Something looks off.
Girl is moosefix, an yes she's a girl.
Pretty solid across the board although the hair is kinda weird (unless you got god tier facial structure). Who is the toon girl? I'm mirin I'd say 6.5/10
Classic all the way across, the girls are top tier. 8/10
Goal body is sick, everything else is not really my style but if you are yolked you can pull it off for sure 7/10
Please rate mine, even though it is kinda bare bones
thicc/smart & stylish/smart & stylish/cute af
all in all, good goals, 9/10, respectable, but pretty basic
I've got a square head blue eyes and blonde hair in the summer, I think it looks good on me
Thanks man!
Then rock it brother! We're all gonna make it
Bod and hair are solid, style has me cracking up! There is something about girls rocking the 80's hair look that just get me going and the bottom left girl is a smoke show
Sorry no template.
Whaddya think, boys?
heyy, effayy
Thx. I've gotten a lot of shit for these goals, glad to see someone else doesn't think I'm crazy for once.
not that other user, but that style is rad
Who is the top right Anglo looking qt?
Sarah Ellen
My autism made do this for like an entire hour but at least I won't have to change it ever again.
These are cool
Especially yours
no ideals thread without GOAT
post the template faggots
Is this possible natty?
are you of the japans
That's a 160kg lift. That's pretty average.
The back definition is achievable natty.
whats the name of the brunette??
that's a snatch.
the dude in the pic is lu xiaojun, he's 77 kg. you're calling that average? don't be fucking delusional
he's definitely natty but keep in mind he's an olympic lifter..
Honestly i just wish i was asian
>i wish was a mongorian ^___^
Are you fucking retarded? That's a world class lift and basically impossible for anyone his size without drugs.
>he's definitely natty
>Olympic gold medalist and world record holder
Pick one.
Every country in the world other than the US has an "Olympic anti doping agency" that helps them pass drug tests for the Olympics. Communist countries like China are the worst when it comes to helping their athletes cheat.
If he switched to bodybuilding and trained his mirror muscles the way he trains his back and legs, everyone and their brother would call him "fake natty" and with good reason.
Thank you! I thought she looked familiar.
the fuck are these faggot threads, autism collages?
>wanting to be kloklovs trap bf
that real gay.
>wahh why are you guys do you have the goals I don't like you
yes you shit eating faggot they are autism collages based on our goal gfs and goal aesthetics
>Every country in the world other than the US has an "Olympic anti doping agency
Is this why the US wins the most medals out of all countries in the olympics? American agencies are just as bad, you delusional idiot.
America crushes at the Olympics because America is fucking awesome. We're the land of the fucking free. Obviously American athletes are doping too but they do it on their own, with no government interference or cover up. In America, people stand on their own two feet. The government isn't your parents over here.
Bite it, commie scum.
>nearly 50% of the population is overweight or obese
>slowly being indoctrinated into believing that all our american culture is rayciss and sexist and that shaming anything including murder should be illegal
>literally ruled by a superstate that continually overreaches it's power
America on it's best day in 2016 was 'pretty ok.'
Patrician taste incoming
>he wants to dress like a homoerotic tuff guy
ayy man mike ness is bretty cool imo
trump will fix that
>nearly 50% of the population is overweight or obese
It's all muscle, faggot.
We put those brown people to work. We don't invite foreigners to come here and rape our daughters, unlike shitholes in the EU.
God bless America.
>slowly being indoctrinated into believing that all our american culture is rayciss and sexist and that shaming anything including murder should be illegal
That's just a meme. Stop getting all of your information from /pol/.
>literally ruled by a superstate that continually overreaches it's power
America does what the fuck it wants to do because it's the fucking land of the free and home of the fucking brave. Eat it, pinko commie Eurofag.
>useful idiot thinks he's a patriot
>calls others pinkos
You went for Carlito's Way because you didn't want Stalin's pic in there, didn't you?
>Not >he wants to fuck a bunny
I wanna fuck Autechre as well. Maybe one day.
best grill
I'm not very good at this
brains and looks, man. fuck me up