Veeky Forums I just wanna let you guys know about my experience using mk-677 and lgd-4033.
I'm on week 4 of both every day and I've lost body fat despite eating 3,000+ calories every day. Went from 16.9% at the start to 15.7% today. I'm eating junk food a lot more often than I did before too but it doesn't seem to matter. Sunday I ate 20 wings and 2 large orders of fries from buffalo wild wings and I look more jacked than ever before.
So that's an obvious benefit, but more than that all my muscles look a lot better and more full. My workouts are a lot more intense, I'm sweating more than before because I'm lifting heavier weights with no difficulty.
Also notice an improvement in the general sense of well-being. Life just feels good.
I would highly recommend these "supplements" for your next bulk because they are magnificent at slowing or reversing body fat gains. Just wanted to set the record straight because everyone says don't expect crazy results from sarms, and for muscle growth maybe, but for fat storage no they help out a ton.
and yes I know mk is not a sarm.
Andrew Bell
Neither of them are supplements. You are doing drugs.
I am 3 days in to mk 677. I take 10mg morning and 15mg night. I am slightly underwhelmed by the effects. Slightly increased appetite and slightly sleepier. People have been saying you eat beyond fullness and sleep like a baby. I feel pretty good in general but I think that's mainly just because exercise.
How long till you got significant effects? Would I notice it more if I did 25mg at night?
Asher Barnes
Split dosing seems like it would lessen the sleep and appetite effects. Have you tried the the 25 at once yet?
Andrew Taylor
I know bro that's why I said "supplements". and yeah I take 25mg every night so I would up your dose, but you also have to give it time. I only noticed hunger and mild lethargy at first. Both got less noticeable, but after 3 weeks I started to notice I was feeling way more rested in the morning.
I've heard guys say you have to take it for 3-6 months to start getting the full effects.
Christian Gomez
yeah irc
up your dose at night*
Adam Barnes
Wow increased IGF-1 systemically circulating around making everything in your body grow and is linked to lower life expectancy and greater cancer risk All so your fat ass can eat a sloppy diet Good trade off
I'd rather IV pharma Gh If u can't stomach needles or afford pharma what's the point
Elevated systemic IGF is retarded desu
Angel Lee
mate all that "progress" is all in your head.
I suggest you use proper drugs if you really want to go that route.
David Lewis
as opposed to igf-1 nonsystemically circulating around?
Kayden Watson
You do have some igf-1 in your blood, however, most igf-1 is internal to tissues. Each nucleus produces the igf-1 when chemically activated/stimulated. Thats what AAS and GH do. They massively, and constantly stimulate the internal production of igf-1, mgf, and all the other hormones that *actually* cause growth.
Joshua Lewis
You wont see anything except water retention and increased hunger within the first two weeks of taking mk677. Mk, just like GHR peptides, needs to be run for months and months before you'll see any real benefit. The best thing about mk is the increased sleep, and deeper REM cycles.
I ran mk677 for 7 months on a 5 day on 2 off schedule, at 25mg/day. I believe 99% of what I got from it, from a physical performance perspectove, was due to better, deeper sleep, even when sleeping shorter periods (2-4hrs). I retained about 15lbs of water within 2 weeks of starting it, which dropped off slowly over time. My skin, fingernails and hair grew significantly faster than before, and I had several scars fade significantly.
Dats abou' it boiii. Better sleep alone was worth it through, as I was damn near in need of sleeping pills when I started mk.
Also: no SARM is strong enough to be able to overeat and not get fat. You may be feeling great now, OP, but you'll wake up 6 weeks from now and hate your gut.
Jaxon Hughes
So a guy cheats not to get better results
But to be able to eat Doritos more often
Nothing to see here
Jace Richardson
you're missing the point. it's not about eating doritos at all. it's about eating good food at a caloric surplus and gaining much less fat compared to a normal bulk while being able to lift heavier because you're eating like crazy.
Gabriel Morgan
>being this fucking lazy There will come a day where reality will hit you and reality will hit you hard
Lincoln Lee
I've also been o a ligandrol/mk cycle for around 2 weeks, I've gone from around 205 to 216 lb. eating a lot though obv and could stand to lose about 15 lb. Allmy lifts are progressively going up.
Jeremiah King
nice looking stack there. How much does it cost tho?
Adrian Davis
Enjoy your permanent shut down mong
Christian Morris
I need this. (OP) I need the source.
Jason Mitchell
On 15mg of ostarine trying to cut down about 15 more pounds. Im on my second week and starting to notice a bit more endurance gains and my shoulder impingement is practically gone despite lifting heavy with my bench and ohp again.
I need to stay lean until mid may but also want to add more size so should I run a second cycle of ostarine at 25 mg for a lean bulk a month after this cycle?
Austin Cox
user, I live in a barren land where shit is almost impossible to find. Would you be kind enough for me to hook me up the source?
Parker Ross
Lincoln Richardson
No point in lean bulking on osta since its only purpose is to preserve muscle while going on a hard cut and it does just that.
Why bulk on it when LGD exists for that reason?
Ryan Rogers
The most ligandrol does is suppress after awhile of taking it. Test levels bump up to normal after a couple weeks even with a shitty pct
Ethan Anderson
Ah, I thought I read somewhere that osta was good for minimizing the amount of fat gained while eating at a surplus.
So I guess my best bet would be to do a 8 week cycle of lgd at like 5mg a day?
Nathaniel Sanders
Use osta for cutting, 25mg every day it is godlike for that. On my 4th week of cutting at around 1300-1400 kcal (i have one cheat day a week)
Have lost around 1.5 pounds a week and all my lifts have gone up. Mainly bench went from 205 3x5 to 225 3x5 and it has helped with a foot injury i am recovering from. Went from 225 3x5 squat to 275 3x5 squat all while on a massive deficit.
8 week cycle for lgd at 5g is fine, some people say just take 3 mg but it all depends on if your body responds well to it in regard to suppression and whatnot. LGD you MAY need pct for, entirely dependent on the individual.
Jaxon Thomas
What dose of LGD are you running?
How long are you planning to run it? Running a test base alongside it or no?
Anthony Young
Anyone on fit have experience/ source is it really almost as good as roids with no sides ? nothing when coming off it ?
Jayden Ross
No. It is not as good as roids. Not for building muscle or gaining strength, especially conpared to orals.
I have run ostarine, lgd, mk677, rad140, all at various doses at dofferent times.
I tried cutting on each LGD and Osta, and bulking on each LGD and Osta.
IMHO, Osta is not good for bulking. Its not a mass builder, even at 25mg/day. Likewise, I didnt like LGD for cutting, it dodnt preserve strength to the same extent osta did.
Low dose osta is great for tendon and ligament issues/strains/tendinitis.
Lgd doesnt seem to do anything to for tendons.
RAD140 is more suppressive than LGD (my nuts shrank much more and quicker), even at a similar dose, but I did not feel anywhere near as sluggish and depressed/low energy as LGD, a point in its favor.
Cut with low dose ostarine. 10mg is more than sufficient to mai tain strength and muscle mass, even on a steep cut (I cut 1000-1500cal/day, with one cheat meal per week). The same dose is great for dealing with tendon and ligament strains. Dont bother running it higher. Its not good for bulking, and it absolutely *destroys* HDL cholesterol levels ag a higher dose.
Bulk with LGD or RAD140. LGD is a little better for mass, but RAD wont make you feel as sluggish and suppressed (although it is significantly more suppressive).
Josiah Barnes
I don't feel any suppression at all on LGD. Been on it for 2 weeks now at 8-10mg a day along with mk677 at 25mg. Feel fucking great actually. Already put on over 10 lbs of mass. People at work have commented that I look a lot bigger. Even my stepsister who I hadn't seen for over 2 months was pretty freaked out. When I started I was 6'1" 205 lb. Now I'm hovering around 216 lbs. I take a lot of other shit like multis, DAA, creative, etc.. don't know if that matters or affects anything. Lifts are consistently going up and I have much more stamina overall. Libido hasn't been affected negatively either as I'm horny all the time. Also I'm 28 years old and lift at least 4 a week of that matters.
Ethan Wilson
based on your systematic measurements and evidence
Excuse me if 'bro i hate hot wings and didn't gain 10 lbs of fat!' doesn't convince anyone
you just want to cheat but are too much of a pussy to actually gear up properly
Michael Morgan
Not allowed here friendo. Check reddit sarmsourcetalk.