/fraud/ - steroids general
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Before asking first time beginners' advice, read through the steroid reddit's wiki and post the following:
Body fat %
Time spent lifting
>pls have penis
3rd for this is our summer 2017
is she supposed to look younger or older
No special trickery. I guessed 22 and was wondering how off others would be.
Her face says 17 but her body says 30.
16-25 is honestly all a blur, it's impossible to tell 90% of the time
girls age super differently
>no "so and so edition" tag line
that is not my concept of MAGA at all
Depends on their lifestyles desu
In Uni, it's very easy to tell an 18 year old freshman girl (low bodyfat but not fit, still has that sparkle in her eye) from a 21 year old girl who's been chugging hunch punch for years at frat parties, fucked 15+ guys, and is noticeably skinnyfat
>day 5 nofap
>user actually posted moar
Want me to say anything to her?
Otherwise I'll just hit her up for meeting at a nearby pub.
the legendary senior belly. too much alcohol, too much shit food. not that it keeps me from trying to tap dat but it's a shame to see it on some otherwise good looking people
moar of heavily pigmented kiera friend
>even her friends have ass/tits/nice faces
I must leave this thread
thanks a bunch. face looked better from the side, would hit body at lightning speed.
as a side note, what the actual flying fuck is up with the second from the left?
Same question she poses, directed at you. Got any? :^) I know sfw board and all, but hey, I'm trying.
user this is sfw board.
I was shitposting, also I meant nudes of HER. Thanks for providing a hearty kek nonetheless.
It's okay user, give in to your desires.
They are what fuels my very being. I am quite literally >lifting for girls (with great success I might add) lol
>third day of DNP
>hands yellow
what the fuck
''Heavily pigmented''
top fucking kek
DNP stains everything yellow, it's probably fine.
dnp makes fluids stain yellow
not your fucking bodyparts
you're dying
Yeah, but this is my third day. Shouldn't this stuff start happening after a week or so?
Anyone here use HCG during PCT? I just have nolvadex I was wondering if I should look into it
its a bonus, helps your balls kick back into working again. also reduces chances of fertility after long cruises.
Would say its a waste of money if you plan on doing maybe only a few cycles, more suited to advanced roiders.
Well he's not lying lol
>reduces chances of fertility
Ok thanks
>as a side note, what the actual flying fuck is up with the second from the left?
im wondering this also
face is busted but that body is bangin'
if penelope cruz was half as hot, had a beer gut and also a demonic hellspawn possessing her. still would hit that with no regrets whatsoever, but that's hardly quality proof still
Body parts tend to contain fluids.
im looking at the one with the baseball cap on. shes got a serious gut peering out from under her shirt
I read that as second from the right
my mistake
that face really is busted though
yeah second from the right looks like a witch too
You have a way with words user. And you're spot on too desu
If your strength is going up fast as hell does that mean you're gaining size too? Looks like my strength is going up fast but not putting on too much size in comparison to strength gains
That is what literally thousands of threads a week are about. Welcome to Veeky Forums kek
From personal experience, lifting heavier weight gives me bigger mussles, thus I need to be strong to lift heavier weight. But lots of whatever aesthetics I might claim come from high intensity isolations.
Looking to run an 8-10 week cycle. Any suggestions?
20 y/o
~15% bf
2.5 yrs
>15% bf
sorry friend, I mean 13%. Misread my calc
well regardless of your bf (which you're most certainly underestimating), if you really want to go for 8-10 weeks then you're pretty much limited to test p, i.e. pinning every day
also I'm sure you didn't read the r/steroids wiki like we told you to do
Might have some better luck if you explain your thinking behind doing such a short cycle when you've read in the reddit wiki that a normal beginners cycle is 16 weeks. Or explain your goals (i.e., what you're expecting).
Might be that you're looking for the sort of low-complexity low-gains cycle that a course of SARMs could provide. Or maybe you have a fear that anything longer than 10 weeks is going to do irreparable damage to your body and need to grow out of that fear by doing more reading.
Post some more details. I'm a TRT-fag for now with no experience blasting so I won't chime in but it's just something that might help if you're serious about getting help.
that pic ruins me every time. well done
Thanks for the suggestion. I was thinking prop, but I know its harsher and wanted a second opinion.
I would go for the usual beginners cycle, but I will not be able to pin for several months this summer due to travel. Really, I'm just looking to get a small boost. I know that with such a short cycle I will lose a lot of it.
If I go for this short one, I will do a normal cycle either late winter or next spring. If not, I will do one in the fall.
"Accordingly, we
administered to our patient pilocarpine hydrochloride
drops orally at the dosage of 2.5 mg bid., and we
obtained a relevant reduction of parotid and palatal
swellings over a period of 2 months, without significant
side effects."
>today glands bigger and harder again
>135 lbs
No special diet. 10mg var, and heavy squats every day.
404 titties not found, otherwise superb and mirin
>abs on a girl
fucking gross dude
Bimbo why is your roomie always rockin the tape pasties
Bikini barista
Mmm I don't give a fuck i would suck on those titties for hours while both of my hands had full palms of that ass
>my last night
There's fluff there it's cool
Hnnnghg this dude lookin THICC and JOOCY.
What are the downsides of running test with BF% 15 and up?
Not on wiki
>when a girl has better abs than you
More estro
Take more ai
So if I just upped my Armidex I should be fine?
Or should i grab Letro just in case?
Is it possible to overtrain on halo? I felt some symptoms last week because I figured since I'm roiding I'll just double training volume
my lifting coach wants to change my next cycle.
Competitive lifter here non tested fed.
been on 500 mg of test
wants to add 300 mg of NPP.
I love npp.
What pins do you guys like the best? I have a bunch of these nipro 23g 1.5" ones that pull my skin when I withdraw them afterwards and it's really fucking annoying. Never had that problem with terumo but I can't find them.
Oh shit I'm a competitive lifter in a tested fed, do you know what the best cycles for strength and with short detection times would be?
What I personally run (not competing atm but similar goals I suppose), and I'm still alive and frolicking kek
he said could decrease libido, but wouldn't be an issue with the test, and increase blood pressure. anything else to worry about?
can't go wrong with terumo or bd
terumo luer locks are my GOAT
Nothing less than 25g for me. I once made the mistake of buying a shitload of 21g because I was dumb and tempted by the bulk price. Jesus fucking Christ the agony.
Nandrolone always increases my libido. Nandrolone aromatizes at a Lowe rate than test, but up regulates the aromatase enzyme. Depends on how you react to increased estrogen. High e2 makes me horny as fuck.
No blood pressure issues and if you're competitive I assume your diet is well tracked; if so, bloating and bp related issues from bloat should be mitigated well.
Overall it's a great drug that adds some quality mass while being relatively light on the sides. Most recommend ed or eod pinning but I've pinned it e3d alongside test c. No issues.
Forgot to add, terumo is bae no matter what
Why is it that Test E 250 E3D 12wks, with a 2 week break, is considered a bulk cycle (500g a week)
But Test E, 200mg E3D, with PCT starting late week 13 is considered a cut?
I get that the Cut is a lower dose, and that the Bulk requires more time to clear out and level before PCT
But is it really that significant of a difference? I have enough Test E to run 500mg?
I have 7500mg of Test E. If I wanna get lean shredded, can I cruise at a lower dose like 200mg for 14-16 weeks?
Shit ignore
>I have enoguh Test to run 500mg
Was changing sentence from phone
hey guys stupid question here
how much does it hurt when you do your injections
I've never injected myself with anything before and the idea of it sounds unnerving
not to sound like a pussy or anything idk, I've never intentionally jabbed a needle into my body before
i do track diet pretty well but during the 12 week cycle of test e BP definitely increased.
I added CQ10, and im tracking salt better. Really i just need to drink more water a day.
Just nervous about adding anothing drug... was already nervous about taking test.
It's not exact rocket science, I've successfully cut on a supposed bulk cycle by just by keeping diet and lifting intensity in check. Then again, someone who can be arsed to do the math please chime in.
Injecting itself is no big deal if you're not doing it horribly wrong. Pip is what ruins you eventually, and even that can be toughed out if you're not a pussy, as you say yourself.
Get ubiquinol; the reduced form of coq10. 400mg of that dropped my bp 15 points alone when I was blasting heavy and chewing tobacco.
Otherwise make sure to hit daily cardio. Reducing sodium isn't the issue, it's a needed electrolyte. The issue is making sure sodium is blanaced with potassium and magnesium.
How long is your cycle going to be?
>Pip is what ruins you eventually
fond memories of mtren straight to the pecs come to mind. well, not all too fond if i'm being honest kek
I guess it would help if I add that I'm 165lbs thicc manlet with 6 years lifting XP
I ran a brief course of Oral T 4 years ago before I really understood it, and got extra bulk.
I guess my real question is this:
Are there any disadvantages to cruising 300-400mg Test E a week for like, 16-18 weeks?
>165lbs thicc manlet
post butt
Letro is extreme
Adex will be fine
12 weeks of test
6 weeks of npp
where can i get that?
i googled it never mind
I'd say you could get away with 10 weeks of NPP depending on your PCT. What were you cycling previously?
I'm still using regular coq10, is that stuff really more effective?
>ads at the bottom promise to lose 85lbs in 4 weeks with this weird trick
DNP btfo I need this shit immediately.
i ran 12 weeks of 500 mg test en.
then 4 week of post cycle with tamoflax.
my comp is in 12 weeks so i dont have time for a 10 week cycle lol ill order not and probably get it and around 7 weeks before comp.
Have shitty insurance and cheaper to get the blood work done myself. What tests should I get to see what my test and estrogen levels are. I'm 26 and these past few months I've been getting worried especially as I've been ramping up my hair loss treatment. If I'm low t I'll hop on test. Rather be bald and jacked than bald
any issues with gyno? i had none when i took 500 mg of test, but i heard this could cause gyno worse then test.
Do not get your panties in a bunch, I clicked it and it seems to be a standard forskolin fatburner thing, not even a strong one at that. 45kg my pale ass. DNP thug lyfe.
Before you ask, yes I was THAT bored lol
Total testosterone, free testosterone, estrogen.