Are there any doctors or medical professionals here?
I want to ask about x-rays. Personally I will avoid them as best I can unless I absolutely must have one to save my life. But I am wondering why medical professionals push them so hard.
I understand that they do give a clear image and this can make a doctors job much easier, and also that there are some doctors that even have investment in certain machines, which makes sense for them to push it even more.
But do they actually believe the stuff they spew about x-rays being safe? I think most of us know better that there is a major risk with each xray.
I even had one doctor recently tell me, that they give off no more radiation then my tv does... Now unless he thinks I own a tube tv from the 50's, hes full of shit, as flat screens give off none.
What bugs me is that, lets say you did get damage from an x-ray that for sake of argument triggered cancer in your body. There would be no way to trace it back to that event, and doctors are basically absolved of the responsibility, and will continue to tell us oh they are safe.
Whats worse is that if you bring up any concern, most, not all, but most doctors will give you condescending attitude for even doubting their almighty word.
Have you ever asked a physicist instead of a physician?
Jaxson Butler
Watch the radiation video by veritasium on YouTube for more information. In short: getting a full body CT scan is completely harmless. Tinfoil on.
Wyatt Murphy
And what qualifies you to say x-rays are so dangerous?
Luke Kelly
well hes posting on Veeky Forums so hes more than likely batshit insane
Owen Hughes
I bet you're one of those retards that will pray really really hard when your kid gets cancer because doctors are evil.
Evan Jenkins
Yeah because I need a degree to do my own research and learn on my own.
By that logic I cant cook a meal unless I went to culinary school, or I cant work on my own car unless I am a certified mechanic.
Carter Murphy
I knew replies like this would come, of course, since this is Veeky Forums. But if you guys cant contribute to the discussion, perhaps going back to a fat person hate thread?
I clearly asked for opinions, with or against my belief.
tl;dr "the risk is quite low compared the natural risk of cancer" /thread
Sebastian Lopez
honestly though you should be more worried about the upcoming race war than xrays
Brandon Flores
Are you the guy from a while back who was offering cash for someone to track down a doctor who would perform a nose job without blasting your head with xrays first?
Michael Hill
Radiation damage is caused by the dose, length of exposure and area of your body exposed. A single x-ray to a single part of your body for under a second like in a diagnostic image is next to nothing. You get hardly more than the dose you get every single day from background radiation.
Adam Torres
The amount of radiation is minimal, you get more from a short haull flight
David Jones
Why is the public so fucking insolent toward the medical profession?
Doctors are way fucking smarter than you. Their advice is based on huge, rigorous studies. The fucking health system is set up so that a radiologist or radiographer with god mode knowledge of cancer risk specifically assesses the necessity of every single x-ray case you fucking asshole.
Do exactly as your doctor commands, pleb
Andrew Peterson
But you have no evidence.
If you have no idea how to cook, you shouldn't cook. If you have no evidence that x rays are dangerous, you shouldn't be so aure they are.
Julian Howard
Because everyone knows something that works better than modern medicine.
Though I disagree with swallowing any advice said by doctors. Or more in regards to popping pills. They really like to push prescriptions and not all of them are that good so you have cases where you should never be taking that certain pill in those doses or at all. And a lot are straight up hacks.
Though x rays aren't really relevant with doctor information since different people actually study the effects in depth.
Colton Cook
It's really not much, go look up the seivert limits given to people and you won't get near the top with X-rays.
They only have proper heavy protection in the rooms because the radiographers will be doing nearly a hundred a day.
Liam Sanchez
I appreciate your input man. I guess all I can say here is, haven't we known since the 50s that radiation is dangerous? Maybe even sooner if you want to go into the radium craze of the early 20th century. Maybe even sooner than that!
What we do know is that cancer is a cell malfunction or DNA damage, and we all know, as it is common sense that radiation causes those things.
In company with all the radiation we get daily from the sun, flying on a plane, etc what ever else. Does is not seem a bit crazy to expose ourselves to a high concentrated dose of radiation during an xray?
Again, if it is to save your life, I am all for getting what needs to be done, but a lot of time doctors seem to hand that shit out like candy, just to make their jobs easier, a lot of time an ultra sound for example would suffice.
Josiah Ross
Yes there is a risk to CT/ xrays/ etc which is why there are only given when the benefit outweighs the risk. A CT of the abdomen gives off 7 mSv. That is equal to the same amount of background radiation one will be exposed to over 2 years. An old fashioned x-ray emits about 0.001 mSv
Jack Gomez
Well most medicines are directed poisons in some regard - shut A off in order to help B work sort thing. You have to be clear with your doctor how medications are affecting you but what they prescribe is tested on huge scales and will do good 90% of the time. Sometimes chronic illnesses do leave you in a position of taking tablets to help side effects of other tablets etc etc, but modern medicine really only started in the last 100 years - there's a lot to work out.
Levi Cooper
Even rocks give off radiation, we're bombarded with it constantly and our bodies have a lot of mechanisms to deal with it - avoiding x-rays wont make an appreciable impact on your exposure but it will potentially ruin your healthcare.
Aiden Adams
This right here is confirmation bias. It's the exact same reason why BLM thinks only blacks get shit on, why HAES exists, and why people think dumb shit about "oh they hate me because I'm this way". If you look at nothing but things that support your views, that's classic confirmation bias. Be a fucking real human and accept that you might be wrong. Jesus.
Christopher Green
Ultrasounds really will not tell you very much - have you ever tried to read the image? It's obscure and difficult. An x-ray is the only way to see fractures, tissue, oedema and other issues clearly without going to CTs and MRIs (although MRIs are very safe, but just a hassle).
Anthony Fisher
This. Pilots and flight attendants have noticeably more melanoma than most of the population.
Getting an x-ray once every few years (or months if you're unlucky) is harmless compared to flying frequently.
Isaac Nelson
I can tell you think you are really smart but your IQ is probably Y, imaging would be beneficial. Now lets say a person stubbed their toe, which does -.5 damage to the person. In this case an xray would do more harm than good.
Understand you mouth breathing neanderthal? No one is going around ordering Xrays just for the fun of it unless it can be beneficial.
Also no, ultrasound cannot be used instead of CT most of the time.
Angel Howard
It's worth the very small risk diagnose whatever issue you may have. The doctor also doesn't want to be liable for missing something that can be easily seen via x-ray because you read some new age hippie bs on the internet. Are you getting a small amount of radiation that is damaging your DNA? Yes. Even if by some minuscule chance you were to damage a part of your genome, you have very effective cellular machinery to fix this damage.
Carter Green
The time you are exposed to radiation during a x ray is absurdly small to even do anything to your body.
Joseph Nelson
The fact that you feel the need to belittle and attack, says a lot about you.
I created a discussion with an open mind, if someone was willing to share information that perhaps I havent considered before, I would openly accept it and perhaps look into it more. You sound like you might have some emotional or mental problems, and I hope you get the help that you need.
Josiah James
Let's put it this way. It's far safer for you to get the radiation and risk that infinitesimally small chance of you getting cancer vs you having a bone or joint injury that goes undiagnosed and causes excruciating/debilitating pain later on.
Everything is a trade off.
Charles Peterson
>Hi Doc, my hand hurts I think I broke it >Ok, let's get you an x-ray and- >No, I don't believe in x-rays >Ok, I'll just wrap it up then, why are you even here?
>Doc, my hand still hurts 6 weeks later >Ok, it looks like it's healing badly. You need surgery. I'l get you an x-ray for the surgeon- >No >What? >No x-rays >Ok, we can't operate without seeing the damage
>Doc, my hand still hurts 3 months later >X-ray >No >Ok, enjoy being a cripple
Robert Price
>But do they actually believe the stuff they spew about x-rays being safe? I think most of us know better that there is a major risk with each xray.
I bet you voted Trump.
Evan Williams
At first I thought this was a troll post, but I think it might actually be serious.
OP, I'm sure by now you've been provided a lot of strong arguments as to why X-rays cause substantially less radiation damage than you suspect, and that the chances of developing cancer specifically from the average x-ray procedure are incredibly small so as to be negligible.
Nathaniel Russell
>Everything is a trade off. Fair point.
Leo Russell
To put it into perspective, you gain about 10 microsieverts per day. Yearly you're looking at 3,600 microsieverts. An x-ray will expose you to 100 microsieverts. In order for the dose to increase your risk of cancer, its bare minimum 100,000 microsieverts and in order to become ill you're needing 1000,000+.
So basically - it is literally fucking nothing.
Hunter Sullivan
An occasional x-ray isn't going to make you grow a second head, user.
Blake Barnes
Lmao fpbp
Ian Gray
>completely ignores the point just because "WAAAH HE SAID A RUDE WORD TO ME" >he must have emotional problems
sick bait
Isaac Cox
The radiation emitted from a single X ray is so stupidly low that the chances of it being harmful is too small to worry about.
CT scans for instance use hundreds of x-rays at a time which has a higher risk being more exposure over a longer period of time, and even they're considered safe as long as you don't have one every two days or something.
Working where I did in the hospital, we had our radiation dosings monitored and they set forth life limits of how much radiation we could take in in our lifetimes. I knew doctors that hit the limit of exposure and they were perfectly healthy, they just weren't allowed to work in radiation areas anymore