Anons who have had sex
how proportional is a woman's vagina to her size
Anons who have had sex
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Might as well not bother once they're older than 17.
do you even 12 yr olds bro
its not as proportional as one would think. some are super tight, others not so much. the worst/loosest ive been with was 5'10 and thick.
Man I've been with girls I thought would be tight And weren't as well as the opposite.
However typically I'd say the more Veeky Forums the tighter.
Ex gf cycled and played waterpolo..She gripped like a dam suction cup.
Puerto Rican girl did oly lifting and she could only take 3/4.
White girl who looked like cardio bunny but never did anything, felt loose.
I've fucked fatties who are tight as fuck, in contrast my first gf was almost anorexic and not tight at all. Plus every combination inbetween
really its more about the kegel exercises. Find a woman that does that shit and even if she is loose it will still be great.
>tfw I can lift 10lbs with muh dick
who /fitdick/ here
It's based off of hip angle for the most part.
I've only felt one, and it's the only one I ever will.
I've only been with rather fat girls, and every time it's felt loose with little sensation and I lose hardness. Maybe it's mental block, death grip, or them, but I don't know anymore. I've given up on sex for the foreseeable future
The petite chicks I've been with are almost all rocking the meat curtains and normal to bigger chicks usually have nicer looking vags in my experiences
But Trump's on his third wife. Like a real man he pumps them and then when they get too old he dumps them.
I have been with 5 women. My dick is pretty big, 7.4 inches, and its proportional in thickness, and none of them have been very tight. But that is because they are wet as fuck and their vaginas are completely soaked, opened and aroused. Often I can't even feel anything, its just a wet slippery mess, although I am not very sensitive because I fap to much.
Pretty sure you are doing something wrong if the girl is too tight, or you have a coke can for a dick.
>ITT literal faggots who wear condoms
If you have never had sex without a condom you are practically a virgin tbqh.
>The petite chicks I've been with are almost all rocking the meat curtains
I've noticed this too and been super curious about it for a while. Can anyone explain ?
very. if her bone structure is big, her cunt is wide.
bunch of kids in this thread
size doesn't correlate to pussy depth or wideness.
Iv been with a good share of women and just like some skinny small girls can have wide vaginas so can they have tight ones. Iv been with almost every combination so far.
id rather have a short chubby gf with a tight vagina than a loose bitch with a nice body.
>i'd rather have a short chubby gf
why would you think your input means anything
Honestly you never know. With tightness or looseness it's totally different with every woman and really doesn't have much to do with any of her physical characteristics.
But pussy depth is correlated to height, taller women tend to have deeper pussies.
The last woman I dated was insanely deep. I am almost 8 inches and could barely hit her back wall. Shit was crazy. She was like designed for massive nigger dick.
> fucked 20 women
>muh big bones
She's just fat and sloppy loose
more fat around the vag = more flesh to cover up the curtains. Pretty much the same as when your dick is longer (ie more exposed) when you lose weight
This has been the exact opposite of my experiences.
But I've only had sex with Asian girls.
None at all. I've had sex with a woman who was 5'8" and could barely take my cock without extreme pain. Had a short 5'1" girl take it in her stride and enjoy it.
If you are talking tightness. Literally zero correlation. It's all elastic and stretches to how big it needs to be.
I've been with almost 30 women and honestly I don't see any correlation between a woman's vagina (be it depth or tightness) and her height / size. It's just like men, size and thickness greatly vary independent of the body characteristics.
Asians are tight, blacks are loose, white varies.
Ethnicity doesn't make a difference. It's just a myth to sell porn dvds
I don't know, I've only ever had sex with men.
Guys have different dicms girls have different vags
Some shirt some wide some long some bent etc..Etc..
Veeky Forums
def true. a lot of it is how much use the girl puts her vagina thru.
the shorter the girl the tighter she will probably be by default though.
a lot of girls loosen themselves up esp in their 20s. ever fap so much your dick gets sort of used to the level of sensitivity? women can be just as if not more aggressive shoving phallic objects up in them.
yes and no. kegal exercises aren't really a popular thing irl. mainly online.
maybe it's just who you've been with or your dick shape and size. you should really fuck other kinds of girls before giving up man.
from my experiences the fatter girls tend to have poofier pussies and fupas. as for being meaty, maybe it's just the fact skinnier girls don't have as much fat around their crotch area.
interesting. i'm also same size but i've been with some girls who are really tight, others loose. i often can't feel anything because 1. the condom and 2 i can't seem to get balls deep like most guys. so i can't get that full thrust.
it does to a degree but it's generally false. a 6'7" chick PROBABLY isn't gonna be as tight or small as a 4'9" chick.
i'd rather have a thinner chick with a loose vagina than a tight vagina'd fat chick. but this is personal pref and rating.
basically this.
when i was 18 my dick was 7" my gf at the time was 5'4"ish and my dick fit perfectly, tip straight to the cervix. funny thing most girls i've been with can't take it balls deep at all and before i even gently touch the cervix they are in pain.
I never found a correlation.
I've been with tall girls with wide hips who could barely handle the size of my cock, and I've had tiny, petite girlfriends who could probably handle two dicks in the same hole if we tried.
I bet u dont have any secks bc u reply to al of the pists in the tread. Lol
No, this is from having sex in person, not just watching on a computer.
>the shorter the girl the tighter she will probably be by default though.
>maybe it's just who you've been with or your dick shape and size
I mean my dick is pretty much as average as you can get, so it's not like there's going to be a huge enough variance to make a big difference. Besides, fat chicks are the only ones that have been willing to fug in the past 4 years.
>you should really fuck other kinds of girls before giving up man.
Too late for that, my dude.
>pic semi-related
haven't had sex since dcember. been with over 30 women not that that's a lot/little.
ever considered call girls?
>ever considered call girls?
Hard to afford them while living alone on neetbux (aka disability income)
It's not, as evidenced by this documentary:
any gloryholes around your area?
The best i've had was a 19 year old white girl, but the tightest ive had was a 30 year old Asian hooker, the Asians don't seem to be any tighter then white girls, but i found that their vaginas can squeeze your dick, which i think is from doing them kegals.
So its all different, gotta put your dick in and test.
Vaginas are the most deceptive things ever. You can't tell from looking at a girl how deep her vag goes, you can tell how nasty it might be but not how deep it'll go. Just stay away from the diseased ones unless it's worth it and make sure you don't go looking for Alice's "Wonderland". It's not worth it. No amount of strange vag can bring back the vags that matter. I will say that every time you fall in love it's like doing everything for the first time again. Fuckin women, can't live with them and you can't live by yourself or with a guy either (no homo).
Less about size and more about health. Besides just the general random variety among women (much like men and penis size), in my experience the more athletic they are the tighter they tend to be, as well as just generally tasting and smelling better.
They're all different, last girl I was with was like 5'5 maybe and it wasn't tight but it wasn't super loose either.