Have I made it guys?!

Have I made it guys?!

your brother has


Pics of your brother?

You made it if made it is beeing a cuck


thats it i can't take you people anymore

why is everyone here dyel as fuck

I hope that isn't you in the middle.
I'm so sorry if it is.

>i don't smoke lol
hol up dope is heroin fampai

> that bio
Why is everyone on her sperglord supreme

Bro if that's your brother on the right I have some bad news for you, sit down for this.


It's okay I'm sorry it's me too. I've lost 30 lbs tho

>that bio
You will never make it.

I seriously hope this is bate.

>that bio
>that pic

dont do that

Is that your mother on the left?

Why is your mother's picture in an account made to find bitches to fuck? AUTISM!

the bio didn't give that away?

That's a classmate

>that bio
>that picture
>21 and in community college
You might as well neck yourself breh, it ain't getting better.

>exact same nose and mouth as you
Hell bruh if you swapped her face and yours I wouldn't be able to tell the difference tbqh.

Grats man. I hope you find purpose in life by lifting like I do.
Or you can settle for a 4/10 wife and divorce after 5 years of marriage and 2 kids.

I know what route I'm picking friendo.

Thanks man

Save up money. Get on roids and get $15,000 worth of plastic surgery. You might come out looking okay if you do that. And stop dressing like an autist of coursh. Maybe ask muslim breh for advice he looks like h's smashing bitches and probably does haram shit.