What are the best smelling deodorants that keep you from stinking?

What are the best smelling deodorants that keep you from stinking?

old spice gives rashes


It's all poison that has absolutely no business being near your body, if your natural scent is unpleasant, you're a genetically inferior subhuman.

Arminhammer baking soda deodorant sticks

I know, but I keep using it even though it burns and irritates it my skin. It's the one that's worked the best but theres still a slight BO smell.
I used this once and it made me smell fucking horrible. It mixed with BO and it amplified it by 10 and the whole classroom smelt like ass because of me.

kek, holy shit man that sucks. whats bo

>old spice
>any but original

Body odor. The smell that comes from your armpits.
>Wanting to smell like your grandpa

Old Spice Swagger. Smells great combined with cologne when going out and is strong enough to cover up any armpit stank. Be sure to get DEODORANT, not ANTI-PERSPIRANT. Tried it once and covered my armpit in an itchy rash for a few days.

I don't know a single person who doesn't have smelly armpits after a hard workout. You must suck at working out.

oh i got scented one which i thought was a antiperspirant with no aluminum but its just deodorant w/o aluminum. im not a smelly person but i did sweat alot, i wear shirts slightly bigger now i think my armpit hair is what caused majority of my sweaty ness and pit stains on tighter shirts

sodium bicarbonate and daily showers

>I don't know a single person who doesn't have smelly armpits after a hard workout.
Ever heard of a shower breh? They have them at these places called "gymnasiums" you know to like clean your body and shit after you work out.

>not wanting to smell like a member of the greatest generation
Numale cucks, I swear.

>I don't know a single person who doesn't have smelly armpits after a hard workout. You must suck at working out.
That's one of the many problems God created water to solve

>Be sure to get DEODORANT, not ANTI-PERSPIRANT. Tried it once and covered my armpit in an itchy rash for a few days.
Strange, it's the opposite for me. I use Fiji but I'll try Swagger.

Fucking idiots, I'm saying you wear deodorant TO the gym so you don't stink up the place while you're working out. Of course you take a shower there/after. I'm not advocating for going out without a shower and trying to use deodorant to mask your stench, I'm saying wear the shit to the gym so you don't smell like some pajeet


Old Spice Fiji, Swagger, and Aqua Reef are my go tos

OS Amber is a COMFY scent

OS Wolfthorn is fruity, citrusy, got a few FWBs to wear it

AXE Signatur Oud Wood & Dark Vanilla is bretty comfy and subtle, like a better version of OS Timber desu
>inb4 lmao axe
AXE Iced Musk & Ginger might be a new fave too, crisp clean smell to it
OS After Hours smells like clean laundry to me, but a couple of girls I've fugged really dig it.

Just picked up OS Krakengard. Smells like a better version of Aqua Reef. Might be a new fave, but it's hard to find in stores.

Liked the Arm and Hammer deoderants.

Gillette makes some good scents, but mostly antiperspirants which are NOT good for skin.

>inb4 deoderant collecting autist
Aware, but it's not the most autistic thing one could collect.

Old spice after hours is GOAT

