I hope you're chewing thicc gum for face gains.
At least 2 pieces.
I hope you're chewing thicc gum for face gains
Other urls found in this thread:
say hello to lose teeth
> not chewing wrigly's extra sugarfree
Only if you're a cuck who fell for the jew meme of getting wisdom teeth removed AKA oral circumcision.
The point is it's supposed to be hard to chew
>artificial sweeteners
>being a jawlet
wasting activation and transcription of salivary amylase in mouth.
>not going to make it
we both know that doesn't mean anything
Does FALIM do international gums?
If they do are the fals english or whatever in them?
I have so many questions about this
if you know thats full of shit, then you must know that TMJ is more likely than any sort of aesthetic change to someones face from excessive gum chewing.
arent majority of wisdom teeth removal done because of impacted growth? this meme is news to me.
Alex, please.
>arent majority of wisdom teeth removal done because of impacted growth?
Yes, and impacted growth is caused by mouthbreathing and lack of hard chewing
depends heavily on the case. If your mandibles are underdeveloped and your chewing asymmetrically or unnaturally, yeah it's very possible. Similar to how you can get injured deadlifting too much weight or deadlifting with bad form, that doesn't mean deadlifts are bad.
The fals don't happen, been a virgin for 22 years now
ill admit chewing some t h iiiii c c ass gum may recruit some minor muscle and tendon strengthening, but it cant be significant to a drastic facial adjustment ouside of puberty/growth...
>only hormones & puberty change bones shrill.
im still skeptical on this since ive experienced a few patients come in suffering from bruxism, doctor advised no gum and change of eating habits.
>currently a scribe
Lol fucking chinlets go get fucking braces
Have no fucking idea where to get them outside of turkey
Where do you guys get yours ?
>get the thing that compresses your palate and cucks your face
Further proof that orthodontics is a vicious jew weapon created to subjugate the aryan race by turning them into unaesthetic mouth breathers
Stop breathing through your mouth.
new long video from our lads
umm... most people remove their wisdom teeth because they grow out sideways and impact other teeth. if they grow in fine dentist won't touch them. but i agree dentists are mostly unnecessary.
This thread is full of bad memes
>implying memes can be good
I'm 24 and haven't had them pulled, will I ever need to? Every 2 months or so my gums around that area will hurt for about a day or two. But it goes away. This has been going on for years
>because they grow out sideways and impact other teeth
they do that because there is not enough space, because of weak jaw and poor tongue posture
this is where i would say to see a dentist. I had mine checked when I was ~18 and my doc said I didn't need them removed, but they never hurt aside from when they first came in.
oral pain is not normal