>about to finish stretching >cute girl comes in, sits down opposite of me so she is directly looking at me then starts stretching >look up and see her looking me >she smiles >nod at her, give out some halfassed affirmation smile and then look at the floor instantly >get up and walk past 5 squat racks and take the last one >start squatting >when i'm doing my last rep i notice her in the mirror watching me again >sit on bench behind squat rack and browse Veeky Forums while i'm resting >as i'm about to do my second set i catch her looking at me in the mirror again >she stops stretching starts to walk towards squat racks >goes past all free ones and occupies the one next to mine >she starts to squat >perfect ass >she sees me watching at her in the mirror >she smiles again >look down immediately in shame and start browsing Veeky Forums again >even though there is tons of free space on the bench she decides to sit literally next to me >get up and do my last set >as i'm done and i turn around she is looking at me again >sperg out hi >her eyes get big and she genuinely looks excited >she says hi back >tells me she never saw me here and if i'm new >a few seconds pass and she keeps looking at me >pressure becomes too much, i tell her i have to use the bathroom >literally shaking, don't even want to go back >left my towel and water bottle up there >leave the gym >didn't even finish my workout because i was too afraid to talk to her again
how can i kill myself? everything in me was screaming to talk to her but the fear was too strong. no matter how much weight i can lift, i'll never be able to lift my autism away. just fucking kill me already
Levi Reyes
Jose Parker
>typing out all that shit kys
Grayson Wright
Luke Sullivan
Tyler Long
>mfw these autists cockblock themselves
Man it feels good not to be socially retarded
Jaxson Fisher
go out to parties and drink fake it till you make it brah it will come eventually, though you have tough months/years ahead of you at some point you will miss the excitement you once felt
Anthony Watson
You are right, you can't cure autism by lifting. You cure it by starting to defy your fears by talking to people. It's harder to talk to cuties in the beginning, but the lesson is that everyone is the same. A perfect looking babe may be just as insecure and autistic as you, and a less-than-average girl may be a total bitch. Don't let looks fool you, start talking to people! Everyone! The end goal is to be comfortable striking up a conversation with anyone for any reason. If you do this, you have cured your autism.
Sebastian Hill
you do know that your suggesting somebody to drink and consume poisonous substances on a fucking fitness board right?
Alexander Young
You do know that being this autistic will never get you anything in life right?
Evan Lopez
Jonathan Moore
Thomas Hall
you do know that i only care about my health and my gains right?
Ian Garcia
Yes, we are on Veeky Forums after all
Chase Martin
women are worthless and their opinions are too
nod, smile and shake your head until youre choking them in bed >literally this easy act confident, if you say something and they didnt hear(dont worry if they can hear or not), just keep talking. if they go back to ask what they missed hearing - theyre the one feeling autistic and nervous - this should bring you more confidence
confidence and a smile is literally all it takes, they just want a real life smiling poster sexy man to admire while they finger themselves with your real life penis
Benjamin Gonzalez
Browsing Veeky Forums will give you neither. So what are you doing here?
Landon Evans
Unfortunately, that is the best way to become a normie, or at least appear as one.
Adrian Roberts
i don't have any friends so i don't go out
talking to others makes me really uncomfortable
Austin Ramirez
Fuck her, she wasn't good eniugh for you anyways, to be honest, family.
Juan Morgan
>talking to everyone Do americans really do this?
Jonathan Baker
Yeah it's def the way to cure it. Kys you know nothing
Juan Rivera
i need my daily meme refill and al the other boards are full of loser twats telling me to kill myself reddit are full of PC cucks fuck that
William Thompson
You are phasing weak people like yourself out of the genepool. Mother nature knows best, you are too weak for this species.
Michael Gutierrez
Blow me, I work out to justify my functional alcoholism
Caleb Lee
where we want to end up is more important than where we are since the former follows the latter but not vice versa
Chase Scott
Mason Turner
>she says hi back (to the receptionist)I'll have 1 squat rack and one for this lady *tip $2* Cheers. So what have you been up to these days?
So easy. Interaction with sluts is almost systematic
Dylan Robinson
They actually do. I've been in burger land once (NYC) and almost every single person I sat next to or interacted with at some level startin yapping about something. This was nice to some degree, but I live in a cold scandinavian country where this is not socially accepted, so I was a bit weirded out. I hadn't become full on frog yet, so I chatted a lot with the burger people. Really nice people I must say
Gavin Rogers
>a cute grill at the gym is always looking at me and checking me out >seems kinda mousy, shy, reserved and probably around the same age as me (26) >one day I catch her staring at me again >decide to finally go for it - you never know, this might be the one >go up to her and say "hey, what's up?" >??? >get her digits >turns out she's a "bikini fitness model" whatever the fuck that means and her instagram has +60k followers and is filled with slutty pics >clicked on a random pic >the text says "oooopppsss, forgot my shirt..." >googled "bikini fitness" >threw up a little in my mouth >deleted her number
Henry Rivera
Forgot to add that she is 18.
Eli Price
did you get disappointed because she doesn't have a dick?
Julian Sanchez
No, I got turned off because pic related and the stereotypical attention whoring on social media.
William Moore
kys please
Jackson Rogers
and? you don't need to marry her, fag
Jayden Miller
Yeah but I have to get it up to fuck her.
Jaxson Hughes
>those faces >they are probably 25 but look over 40
tanning bed, not even once
Austin Russell
but they look normal outside competitions, bro
Isaiah Gutierrez
She will never look normal to me again. Ever.
Aaron Cruz
Post a pic of her
William Wilson
Hunter Hill
Yes americans are very sociable with strangers. A lot of it is superficial though
Ethan Moore
Joseph Morgan
Sounds like you're afraid of judgement and rejection.
Maybe you have some issues with pride you should work out? Maybe talk yourself through it.
Adam Davis
>this much autism
what are your stats on the main 4?
Matthew Mitchell
THousands of generations of men attracted women and bred with them, just for it to end with you. Good job.
Jose Phillips
This, so much. Holy fuck.
>>be me, 12 or 13 >>in chinese buffet place >>had to bio >>walking to bathroom when someone calls my name >>spin back and accidentally slap hot - not Chinese - waitresses ass >>get scared and make the sorry-cringe face >>she smilles >>spin back and slap it again >>shocked expression now but still smiling >>i shrug and go to the bathroom
The point of the story is that is the moment I realized most girls aren't scary monsters. They aren't going to scream rape or recoil if you accidentally touch them. So to be scared of one actually trying to engage you in any way is absolutely fucking ridiculous.
Adrian Anderson
>slapping a waitresses's ass Thats fucking hot
Grayson Scott
Contain yourself autist
Eli Sullivan
Logan Cook
I have gropped/slapped women's asses hundreds of times fuck you
Ryan Myers
Carter Roberts
If you let fear of rejection or social interactions (whatever this is) influence your actions this much, it has to be affecting your life in a lot more ways than just this.
Talk to a therapist. Do more things to improve your self-esteem. Increase test levels. Not saying you have to pin test, but maybe order some clomid and just take it for a few weeks.
Justin Martin
>browsing Veeky Forums
well theres your problem
Alexander Wright
This man knows what hes talking about. /Thread
Zachary Stewart
>They aren't going to scream rape or recoil if you accidentally touch them
This entirely depends on how attractive you are.
Brayden Roberts
Hahaha you're doing it user! You got this man! Ask her out for coffee! Keep us updated my mang!
Hudson Martinez
Owen Jenkins
Ayden Garcia
Hence why you have autism Talk more and make social gains and it won't make you uncomfortable anymore
Juan Ward
That's good because you won't be getting any pussy ever.