Really makes you think.
Really makes you think
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wtf I love HAES now
Should have never skipped leg day
>Skipping leg day.
Not even once.
This post really stimulates my prostate.
So because we're all going to die we should have no passion or hobbies or do anything remotely physical.
Kys, obviously made by some who is jelly as fuck. Most likely hopeless at everything they've ever tried.
really makes you think
> weight lifting
> passion
> hobby
It's an obsession user. I see you fucks complaining all the time when doctors don't prescribe you on TRT when your test levels are well within the normal range.
Really makes you think
never leave your house. you might die. hell, even being in your house is not safe. check yourself in a mental ward with 1x1 padded room for your safety.
I work out now so I can shit easier then.
he's depressed because those images remind him of the glory days when he could do those things and had a great body
he's not depressed that he regrets achieving those things
lmao i love how you weebs immediately assume it has to be a critique of weightlifting and not just a melancholic image of an old man, who is in a wheelchair because hes old, missing the good old days.
persecution complex much
That's such a condescending picture.
did he snap city or sumthn? story?
This just motivates me even more knowing how precious time is.
Def snap city
Who wants to be normal when you can be exceptional?
Probably written by a DYEL faggot sitting in the library as Chad has 4 smoking hot chicks "helping" him study even though we know the professor is just gonna pass Chad with an A anyway
is that how you read it? not sure if i'm seeing this correctly but eventually we all end up old. so the question is what will your accomplishments be? dude has a wall full of gold medals in a home presumably surrounded by people with walls full of nothing.
Sup oslobro?
>t. someone with no passion
to some people even collecting tooth picks is a passion. you should focus less on how to label how other people spend their time and instead figure out what you yourself are passionate about.
>Might as well just kill yourself but first try to kills as many people as you can with homemade nukes because there is no point to existence on earth or the universe
I remember some time a few years ago in high school
we talked in class about how in ancient Greece people killed themselves and it was considered a heroic act because for athletes and artists were getting depressed because they couldn't do what they could because they were getting old
I think everyone is missing the point of the comic.
The guy is sad cuz he natty lifted his whole life. Just look at the pic on the wall.
did you also happen to skip English class in high school?
>tfw too intelligent to lift
authtistic as fuck
That place is fucking disgusting bro.
>living to an old age
Men are meant to die young, modern medicine is degenerate and EVIL.
You talking shit about stargate sg-1 son?
I will fucking wreck you
He is still working out though.
>not a wheelchair
>its a fucking platechair
>Soon I'll be 70 years old, will I think the world is cold, or will I have a lot of children who will warm me?
Think of the kids man before dying young. What about the kids and your legacy.
>implying your kids shouldn't be adults by the time you're 40-50 anyway
They won't in today's generations where people marry and have kids at like 40.
A result of a degenerate culture based on fear of death and the satanic technology that create unnatural antihuman lifespans.
Exec pen isn't an artifact/legendary? Also wtf are those keybinds?
>Clean and jerks ~100 kg
>1st place
Man, baby boomers had it so easy
Really activates your almonds
a picture where you can see a father after losing his ability to walk due to shame for his once great olympic lifting son who turned bodybuilder
LOL, this one is retarded
Women should die young too. Most old women are literally useless
My gramps is 95 years old, he still goes shopping and cooks his own dinner.
He had a real problem with docs constantly trying to do MRI scans on his brain, I think they wanted to figure out why a white bloke would live to such an old age and not be destroyed by dementia.
First thing I thought of, KEK.
Fuck if I know, I dindu muffin but save it.
His wheelchair is drawn to look like a dumbell. Its a critique to weightlifters who snap their shit up.
Really makes you Stand
>Really makes you think.
Yeah, it makes me think he shouldn't have stopped training. You can look good and still be healthy and strong even when you're old. Maybe if he had kept it up he wouldn't be so sad, and even if he is in a wheelchair because his legs don't work; he can pull a Lieutenant Dan and work out upper body
Not really people who lift have a completely differentretirement than people who dont.
Ive worked as a physio on a hospital ward for hip and knee replacement. The difference between a guy who have been active an the average guy is insane. the active guy recovers so much faster. and the average guy is lucky if he doesnt get a stroke by the time he hits 60 then they usually get really fragile after they retire as there is nothing to activate the,. Were as the active guy is strong and fit till the day he dies. isnt affected by pain and injuries in the same way. They are less likely to get mental issues at older age. And if they do it happens later than in the average people.
>so dedicated to lifting that even when he became a paraplegic from saving a baby trapped underneath a car he trades his wheels for 200lb pl8s to keep those upper body gains
I would love to be this guy.
To be fair, high school English classes are garbage.
same time
I never understood it. Is the artist implying you can't be smart and fit?
I think it's implying that yes.
>tfw i'm passionate about labelling how other people spend their time
Yup its also the reason they now push lifting as a good activity especially for post menopausal women.
Nothing is better for bone density and long term health then physical activity.
I don't think so. I think its about leaving things behind and new challenges.
Its not clear why he is in a chair, but his wheelchair wheels are clearly weighs. His old life is behind him now its time to nut up and start using the chair.
he's talking about the
> ayo nigga where u reppin?
>nigga I hit dem books naw meen?
art work between the huge guy and the guy with the brain tumor.
really gets those neurons firing
Live fast and die young and you too can avoid this
Sounds interesting. Do you have anything besides personal anecdotes on that topic?
Impressive. Pls tell more.
>spoonfeed me or I dont believe u!!1
Ignorance is a choice.
I think he was genuinely interested though
Lmao pushing 1.5 pl8, at least he's doing 24 hour arms.
>pushing 70+ lb wheels
that mans fucking JACKED under those pajamas, m8
lol, and Veeky Forums will really believe that.
In reality, hard training makes you a cripple in middle age and lifters get mental illnesses in their teens and 20s.
Source: Look at any lifter over 35.
Physical activity =/= lifting
Asking for sources or actual data to back up your anecdotes is not being pompous, it is literally one of the fundamental tenants of rational thought.
Quit being a faggot and back up your claims or quit acting like everything you claim is reality.
He is clearly interested and wants some more info on the subject you sperg. Having a random 4channer quote isnt a basis for a belief/fact.
Lmao no they're not. You're just in the garbage classes. If you take AP Lang and AP Lit, you'll be much better off.
Holy shit I burst out laughing
What? We are talking about casual lifting here, not autism tier powerlifting where people push themselves for 1 kg more with shitty form on deadlift, squat and bench press.
"It's better to have lifted than to have never lifted at all" *tips protein shake to mouth*
You mean the kind of lifting that people around here call useless shitty bro splits and ineffectual?
The people that claim that have consumed the meme kool-aid.
No experienced lifter would propagate that. Bro splits have their uses, as does strength focused programs.
Anything that people are passionate about looks like an obsession if you're not interested in it.
Then why does he look so depressed?
You must be genuinely autistic because you failed to interpret the emotions on his face. He is clearly depressed and miserable, so the context is that his life of strength training brought him no happiness in the end.
You on the spectrum? Be honest.
>tfw no bumper pl8 wheelchair
Plus look at that picture on the wall. He made no gains lmao I'd be sad too if I looked back on my life and saw I was a DYEL faggot the whole time.
All this image says is if you never skip leg day your body will prevent you from ever being tricked into doing cardio again.
He got old?
I hate images like this. They only exists to make sad cunts feel better about their meaningless lives where they were too afraid to do anything. Yeah you grow old, your body gives in, you decay. You can't change that. What the fuck are you gonna do, be a faggot and never live just so you can live five, ten years longer? FUCK that, Ronnie Coleman is in a wheelchair right now and he doesn't regret shit. He did what he loved and gave everything he had. It wears a man down, tough shit. That happens
Most people, likely to make themselves feel better, seem to think that they are mutually exclusive.
>having kids
Yeah look at arnie and franco, they could die anytime now
>all my friends are heathens take it slow
Really fires your neurons
Er det du som er Benedikt?
That jew nose
t. 41
What the fuck competition awards a vase for lifting? Is it his dead fat friend's ashes?
He's more depressed and miserable that he can't lift anymore.
it's the same for all people who realize that they can no longer do something that they love to do, excelled at and helped define them as people.
>What are life goals