Why does he look so fucking strange?
Vagina Pains
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certain forms of mental retardation also affect muscle and bone structure
very little muscle mass with low bodyfat
His skin looks sickly
I've always thought he looked slightly yellow almost jaundiced, it makes me uncomfortable to look at him
why does he have a greenish brown skin tone? wtf
lackin dem micros and protons breh
he is turning in a vegetable. you are what you eat and all
coz man let
Probably something to do with test levels.
the gnome guy has amazing delts
He is turning into a shit pickle
He looks like he wants to retake the Kingdom of Erebor
Pretty sure I could break his neck just by slapping my rock hard dick against it (no homo)
looks like a dyel scrub
Not a fan of the green man but it's amazing how much he looks than Lex there. Manlets just get destroyed in any side by side comparison with full sized humans. Lex might win a bodybuilding posedown but he'll always look like a goofy little try hard.
>but it's amazing how much he looks than Lex there
*how much better
I don't see it
>le manlet may may
Kerosine from vegetables gives skin a yellowish hue.
Surprised he hasn't killed himself over those bicep insertions
desu apart from horrible chest insertions and a weird head he looks pretty good for a natty
mixed race to be honest, that's why
Why do you care so much about what other look like?
His insertions and proportions are fucking disgusting seriously
He is a failure on some many levels it is hard to describe with words.
and incredibly flammable.
Richard pls go
LEFT: 6'1
RIGHT: 5'11
Yet Lex is not only stronger and healthier than him but looks better than he does. Manlet>being a weak idiot who believes in pseudoscientific bullshit
Jesus fuck, he is flexing and his arm is still much smaller than the shorter dude's.
he has the worst shoulders i have ever seen on a humna being and i see skellingtons every day
it's like he only trains biceps
>pseudoscientific bullshit
It is a well known and proven scientifc fact that red and processed meat causes cancer.
no, it is a well-known and proven scientific fact that red and processed meats could increase your risk of getting cancer from 1% to a whopping 1.25%, provided they make up all you ever eat
herbivores GET OUT
>provided they make up all you ever eat
>could increase your risk
Do you understand what risk is?
>Why does he look so fucking strange?
>yellowish skin from eating carrots all day
>skinny lanklet but curls 7 days a week so he has disproportionate biceps
>psycopath grin
the WHO put out a Q&A saying that diets HIGH in processed meat cause cancer
the 'high in processed meat' diet they used in the study was ludicrously high - like it was the vast majority of what was being eaten
> could increase your risk
Do you understand what a type 2A carcinogen is?
Something about that neck development just throws off the whole physique
Doesn't matter what mental gymnastics you're trying to make, studies (mechanistic and statistic) show that red and processed meat can cause cancer; thus eating it increases your risk.
Pseudoscientific bullshit is exactly what it is.
>It is a well known and proven scientifc fact that red and processed meat causes cancer.
>the meat causes cancer meme again
The only thing that's well known and proven is how you desperately want to believe in your pseudoscience
Actual science says otherwise
>Do you understand what risk is?
Do you understand that you're retarded
>Doesn't matter what mental gymnastics you're trying to make, studies (mechanistic and statistic) show that red and processed meat can cause cancer; thus eating it increases your risk.
>This level of projection
I can pull hundreds of studies out of my ass as well.
Or I leave it to experts to assess them and condense the results. who.int
Carotene***** my bad
Are we playing the 'pretend he's natty' game
I was extremely surprised at how weak retard gains was, there's some pictures of him where he actually looks pretty big but he can't even DL 4plate for a single he's been lifting like 10 years or something pretty sad desu.
idk about you guys but pic related makes me think he did a cycle or something
>processed meats could increase your risk of getting cancer from 1% to a whopping 1.25%
>I can pull hundreds of studies out of my ass as well.
>This level of projection again
Unlike you I don't pull studies out of my ass and shitily try to interpret to conforn to what I want to be true rather than what is
>Or I leave it to experts to assess them and condense the results.
And the experts and science still have my back and tell you to fuck off with your pseudoscience memes and bullshit
>Are we playing the 'pretend he's natty' game
No but even if he's he's not natty, he's still better than pseudoscience green man
Whether or not you guys eat animal products can you just fucking admit that the average vegan diet is healthier than the average non vegan diet? I still eat shit like pepperoni pizza and icecream because it is tasty but youre really fooling yourself if you think youre healthier because you eat "lean" meats or whatever when the vegan diet is full of veggies, fruits, and fibers. Yes you can eat those things on a non vegan diet too but no one does. It is basically omelette or breakfast cereal for breakfast, turkey sandwhich for lunch, and chicken breast or pizza for dinner. Basically think of it like this, if every person in the united states was forced to be vegan the country would be much much healthier. You guys almost have the mental gymnastics of SJWs when it comes to this shit
if you follow him it is pretty obvious he doesnt give a fuck about lifting anymore and he has also had 4 knee surgeries
>pic related makes me think he did a cycle or something
No, this is just the same filtering, angling and lighting faggotry that Instagram losers use.
acorn head, toothpick forearms, pencil neck, small wrists, no traps
>can you just fucking admit that the average vegan diet is healthier than the average non vegan diet?
Anything's healthier than the SAD
>Yes you can eat those things on a non vegan diet too but no one does.
Figuratively speak for yourself
>Basically think of it like this, if every person in the united states was forced to be vegan the country would be much much healthier.
No it wouldn't and can't even come anywhere close to proving this
>You guys almost have the mental gymnastics of SJWs when it comes to this shit
>This level of projection again
>omelette with toast for breakfast
>turkey sandwich for lunch
>cheeseburger, pizza, or at best chicken breast with rice for dinner
>oatmeal with fruit for breakfast
>kale salad with nuts for lunch
>veggie stirfry for dinner
>but but there is no proof that vegan diets are healthier
>but but there is no proof a black person is more likely to commit crime
christ that is disgusting
>tfw too smart to eat meat
>omelette with toast for breakfast
>turkey sandwich for lunch
>cheeseburger, pizza, or at best chicken breast with rice for dinner
>implying this disproves what I posted
>implying all those foods are the meme 'bad for you' and the boogeyman you so desperately want them to be
>implying eating those foods and ones you posted are/have to be mutually exclusive
>Not reading again
>but but there is no proof that vegan diets are healthier
>but but there is no proof a black person is more likely to commit crime
There isn't that's a big false equivalency
I don't know who this character is, but it looks like he's made of cheese!
>Gnome guy
Dude you're too funny. Just lold
Its the fuckboy beard, the style of a 9-year old and the unoriginal haircut
It's cuz he's mixed you fucking retard lmao
He's mixed
Or it's cuz he's mixed
under rated post.
>where do you work out?
>at the farmer's market
that bitesized vegan chick looks like shes dying. and that vid of her eating like 10lbs of lettuce... i dont even
And if every person in the US was forced to eat a healthy non-vegan diet the country would be even more healthy.
he needs it for photosynthesis
I think the key there could be PROCESSED.
Anything processed is usually less healthy than raw.
>Have a health and fitness channel with Gains in the name
>Not care about lifting
hes black
>links blogposts as """evidence""" and calls out vegan diets for pseudoscientific bullshit
Studies showing benefits of vegan diets: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
These are not blogposts but actual scientific studies. Plus check out the scientific concensus (ie what top scientists agree on based on lots of data) from WHO for example on red meat.
No one cares that you're vegan.
Go eat your grass somewhere else.
Really seems like they didn't actually create credible studies and just stacked the deck in favor of vegan diets.
Are people still posting the one with the adventists?
Are there any vegan diets vs healthy omnivorous diets studies?
I mean those people will bring up the china study all day but they always pretend that the chinese didn't actually eat any meat and that all of the benefits they saw in their life came when they didn't eat meat.
No, it's because carotene in vegetables. There are 3 things that pigment the skin---blood (hemoglobin), melanin, and carotene. Hemoglobin pigments the skin a reddish hue. Melanin released from melanocytes usually pigments skin in dark brownish hues. Carotene gives it a yellow pigment and is derived from vegetables.
He's half human half nigger mix
Not him dude but fuck off. I eat meat because I love it, it brings me pleasure. Only reason I have and only reason I need. That said it can bring undesirable health outcomes and he's fucking right, you provide blog fucking posts. And when pointed out you respond with "HURR DURR be a vegan somewhere elze!!!"
Jesus dude, you're the low education segment that makes me want to keep quiet when defending my preference for meat lest I be associated with the likes of you.
No one cares you eat meat.
Go be eat your dead animal somewhere else.