>lat raise
>gps coordinates remain the same
Lat raise
Yeah, no.
>working out
>ask to work in
>Jumping Jacks
>My name is Timothy
>Military press
>have never affiliated with army newsprint
>suicide grip
>I was murdered by the iron
Lat raises are so fucking dumb, I barely feel them in my lats
never gonna make it
Are you rocking your shoulders back?
>someone says "decline bench"
>dont know the context
>leg extensions
>still manlet
>Gain machine on sale
>only a quarter for 5 gains
>hack squats
>my data doesn't get compromised
>plank a ton
>get eaten by a blue whale
>calf raise
>no cows for miles
>farmers walk
>sounds corny but "no wrist, no reward"
>dumbbell curl
>Still hear nothing
>clean and jerk
>jerk and clean if I can find where the cum landed
>Morgue not open to the public
>people think you dont know what they are asking about
>Shrug for better traps
>why bother, every ladyboy in this joint has big hands.
>scheduled cheat day
>wife sees fridge calendar and accuses me of having a mistress, categorically deny since I technically have more than one mistress.
>chest flies
>still on ground
>not at designated shitting street
>not made of wood
>cable cross over
>bomb has been diffused
>guy tells me he is training
>no locomotives in sight
>don't come to gym
>gym doesn't come to you
Stop using momentum.
>preacher curls
>never went to seminary
>room is still dirty
>Power clean
>Vacuum cleaner not plugged in
that's because they're dumb bro, like hellen keller.
i find exercise hard as shit to spell too
>barbell raise
>im unemployed