Thread dedicated to the SPORT of POWERLIFTING.
>solid black edition
Other urls found in this thread:
no gays allowed
First for thicc
Sheiko Programs:
>Beginner (/plg/ internet exclusive)
>Intermediate Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)
>Intermediate Medium Load
>Intermediate Large Load
>Advanced Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)
>Advanced Medium Load
>Advanced Large Load
1st for BLACKED
but this is Penis Licking General!
hows the Korean twinks?
This one
Will doing good mornings help with my mobility or just make me more tight? Anyone have any experience?
Repost since my phone took 30min to post in the last thread so the thread was dead by the time it got posted
Koreans are rarely twinky, they are surprisingly stocky.
well like most resistance exercises you will be more mobile as you do it and seize up later. Standing ones are a good stretch for hamstrings.
>white swoosh
>not solid black
It's like you don't even wanna go to the gym as goth ninja.
now, actual /plg/ related
i seem to have hurt something in my upper right back doing bent over barbell rows. it hurts to cough, will sleeping on the floor help?
fuck it, white is right
>bent over barbell rows
Also, holy fuck how fucking frail can you be
Roman chair though
Stop trying to make lunarcore a thing
Probably not, unless your bed is super soft.
Sounds like your pain is a muscular issue, maybe a strain. Try icing the area and maybe using Ibuprofen if it's hurting too much. And don't stretch it for now, keep it immobile.
Koreans are always doughy, Chinese and Japanese are the twinky ones
Cherry sips are the best pre workout
dont forget Indonesians. my ex is Indonesian, he was beautiful
such a pretty princess
Yeah all of the southen ones are. Thai, malay etc.
I need another pair of gym shoes
would I be able to wear squat shoes during other
stuff or would it be odd.
I got to stroke samoyeds today
New favourite breed
Ok, where the FUCK do I buy a pair of these, or any powerlifting shoes for that matter?
They look awesome, but how can a person justify that cost?
They're £10 cheaper than the 2s when they were retailing.
> how can a person justify that cost?
by having loads of money, trust fund counts too
Big deadlift and bench PRs planned for Saturday.
Anybody else going through good weeks in their training? I'm PRing so often and I'm bretty happy :)
>tfw waited too long to buy the red colourway
I hope Adidas makes them again...
Should I get out of bed? I'm at 7 hours of sleep
Wisdom wank it lad
I want to fuck a milf so bad do you guys think its possible if im 20
>deload squats today
Bleh. Anyone doing something actually interesting in the gym today?
>inb4 a bunch of Sheiko spreadsheet screenshots
Yes, though you're gonna want to take them off for deadlifts.
d-delete this
They are not going to.
Comments on programming slingshot benching into sheiko?
You are literally obsessed with posting that you have to ban evade
I'm sending feedback right now letting them know of your alt trips.
Last time I sent feedback I got a moderator to ban Sean posting
You can sub the board press for them. If you don't wanna have to rewrite the program, look into the advanced medium load.
I'm not banned lmao
Good luck with the mods though.
>he's back
Just when I though plg couldn't be worse
>3rm front squat, 3x1-2 @3rm
>5x4 bench press @80%
>Good mornings
>Bunch of bodybuilding shit
Yeah I am :^)
If you're going to shit talk trappy at least have the balls to say his name
>tfw actually successfully cutting for the first time ever due to being too depressed and lazy to cook properly most days and trying to cope by running sheiko over and over and doing cardio instead of resting
>Trappy still exists
Jesus fucming christin guess ill just exit this thread now
I was busy banging sexy jungle asians
one day you'll lose your virginity, and you'll understand
You're actually hot now
>this gives me hope
when i'm fat i'm a 4/10
when i'm lean my face is a solid 7/10
it's like my face didn't hit puberty until 25
Anyone know how the Adidas Ironwork 2 sizing is compared to the other Adidas wl shoes or other Adidas in general? I have tried the pp2's and adipowers and they all seem to run 1 euro size small and my zx700's are actually 1,5 sizes bigger than my usual shoes.
are there any good mobility/streches/strength exercises i can do everyday to fix my weak wrist/forearms/elbows?
i work as a programmer 8hrs a day, play guitar & piano, and powerlift
i feel like my arms never get any rest, or any love for that matter. they're constantly aching or hurting, or getting injured. just writing this hurts my wrists a tiny bit
i don't want to quit any of these activies, help plz
I competed in my first me today and got following lifts
Squat 385
Bench 255
Deadlift 450(with starps)
1090 total, is this good for a 5'9 185lb male lifting for 5 months am I making good progress
Anecdotal evidence but barbell curls have strengthened / lessened pain in my wrists, along with barbell reverse curls.
I started with the bar for 100 reps, then linearly progressed 3x10 up to a 1pl8 barbell curl.
Make small jumps, otherwise your wrists will hurt.
Got them 2 days ago, fucking amazing
By having a job?
Aware me on which is the worst combination for someone who currently is lifting for general strength/athleticism but want to compete in powerliftin in very near future
>high bar olympic squat and conv deadlift
>high bar wide stance hybrid squat and conventional deadlift
>low bar narrow leg width stance and conventional deadlift
>low bar wide leg stance and conventional deadlift
>low bar narrow leg and sumo deads
>high bar olympic and sumo deads
>high bar hybrid and sumo deads
>low bar wide stance and sumo deads
I'm very slightly stronger on sumo. The squat the same strength between high bar olympic stance and low bar narrow stance
Trappy ruined plg
Fucking livia cavalcanti
I think people obsessing over that tranny and bullying other people for no reason did even more damage.
>hybrid squat
Its just a fucking high bar squat ffs
>what is hip structure diffrences
>first two weeks include 1rm and 80% AMRAP testing
>several training groups for lifters of varying wilks decided via the testing
>4x weekly full body workouts
>not like project momentum 2k16
pretty hype to see what madman mike has come up with this year!
Day 3
Well you're wrong.
>shit posts
>posts off topic frequently
>has a very rude and obnoxious know it all personality which encourages orbiters
>he also encourages people who don't pepper lift to post here
>he SHILLS and SPAMS sheiko, to an obnoxious degree
>he doesn't compete or lift but acts as an authority on lifting
He is a toxic dude.
His personal toy is extremely toxic and he's caused notable damage to an otherwise good general.
Take a look at any PLG thread from 2015 and you'll see HUGE differences.
More memorable and lovable trip personalities, friendlier discussion, the majority of discussion was on lifting and powerlifting, lots of banter, lots of useful links, videos, sharing of info.
And even Sean's trolling was creative and fun.
There's not really a significant difference in muscles used between highbar and lowbar. Do what you want but learn lowbar at some point so you can use it for competition. Stance width doesn't matter either, do what feels comfy.
Neither does deadlift stance, do what feels comfy.
Megan has quite a wide stance deadlift but it's not sumo, why would she widen her stance like that without the additional support from adductors?
personally i just ignore his posts, he's a total attention whore who literally only posts in /plg/ for attention and doesn't seem to actually care about power-lifting instead of some very low level knowledge that impresses normies as he regurgitates shit he read in the SS book verbatim without any clue how to interpret or apply that information
It's an Ed-Conan style semi-sumo. Chances are she does it purely because it's the most comfortable / advantageous position for her.
Or possibly because she wants to be a special snowflake.
yes great for 5 months
so she wants to shorten the rom without being called a sumo cuck? :^)
I don't think those was her intentions, no,
yeah I know im just being a nob is all.
Im aiming for my 3pl8 gunna be doing 110 3x2 next week... gittin big
>neither does deadlift stance
But thats wrong you retard
Do conventional for general strength.
Sumo for pepperliftan
the hero Veeky Forums deserves the hell did you get that strong? I thought you were doing 90kg for 5
Any lifts you guys enjoy but can't justify doing frequently?
I love rack pulls, but they don't drive up my lifts, so I only really do them once every few months.
>creative and fun
You're an idiot.
Anyway, the solution is easy.
>ignore trappy posts
>hide trappy posts
>don't mention trappy
>report for any rule violation like little boy bulges
>complain to Veeky Forums feedback if you're super upset
I haven't met anyone who feels comfortable in the semi-sumo stance yet. I find that a bit odd.
I been busy. I did 90kg 5x5 on Tuesday.
God bless the free market and FUCK EUROPE AND BRAZIL
>those final drinks before bed
half a litre of milk with a scoop of Casein
half a litre of water with a tablespoon of orange Metamucil, 4g of grapefruit DAA, a heaped scoop of creatine, a HMB pill
and tomorrow i have the day off work, but i'm not sure if i can lift because i hurt something in my upper back bentover barbell rowing (for the last time, fucking hell that movement is too much rick for too little reward) yesterday and the gym might actually be closed but i don't know becasue the signs are in fucking Korean
fuck you :DDD
fat burger
>people who unironically believe everyone is stronger sumo
It *literally* depends on your proportions as to which you will be stronger doing, and what feels comfy. For example sumo gives me actual pain in my hip joints for the next two weeks if I do more than a single set of it, so I pull conventional.
>too much rick for too little reward
whos rick :DD
Your hair, face and body looks like shit regardless of your bodyfat. Go away, ugly faggot
Whatever you think, virgin.
Not to mention the fact that almost every single strong deadlifter ever pulls conventional, and the fact that it's really only an advantage in twink classes, presumably because they have less meaty torsos on average and thus can't keep a decent back angle to save their lives.
Sieg heil mein fat führer.
Is this what peak white male genetics look like?
>watching porn compilation
>about to climax
>cuts to some gay tranny sucking dick
>right as I'm climaxing
>have the weakest most unsatisfactory climax ever
Define strong and twink.
The 105 bryces are twinks compared to strongman competitors, but they're touching 800lb/365kg+ with sumoi, which is bretty fuckin stronk
>tfw adipowers were too narrow for me
>tfw PL3s look like shit
>tfw managed to still cop a pair of these in europe and they fit like a glove
>20g of protein out of 440 calories
Garbage. Might as well bulk on mcdoubles.
okey so its recovery day and I did lots of back work and curls on Tuesday so should I do triceps and core todaaaaay?
Barbell Overhead press
Dumbbell overhead press (seated)
Dumbbell lateral raises
Dumbbell bent over lateral raises
Dumbbell front raises
I call it miko fun day
ow my delts
I also have an 8*6 cock
Any tips for tall guy squat technique? I am struggling lifting 80kgs 5x5 with good form. I am 190cm (6"2?) with quite long lengs. I feel like such a noob when i can't squat low with good form.
Bench 105kg
Deadlift 3pl8
Stop taking advice from a trap
I can squat same weight high bar wide wide stance with low bar narrow stance,
Which one should i do, i find them both equally comfortable, im leaning more towards high bar because they look classy also less core activation = slimmer waist?
Idc really about aesthetics and want to lift the most weights but at the same time im not falli g for the fridgemode meme
I like this meme