is it possible to pick up girls at gym?
anyone already pulled it off?
Is it possible to pick up girls at gym?
fuck off nigger
you go to gym to work out, not to pick bitches. you'll annoy them, you'll annoy other guys and you'll look like an idiot.
The gym is not a goddamned club. People go there to do WORK, and want to be left alone to do it. Women especially don't want to be harassed by horny guys when they go to the gym. What you do is leave them alone, do not approach, don't walk up to them and try to start a conversation. The ONE EXCEPTION is if they approach you. Otherwise you leave them alone.
Don't do it. I asked a chick for her number and she gladly agreed but after flirting for a bit it turned out she was married and things became fucking awkward and I had to mess up my schedule to avoid going in at the same time as her. Luckily I moved to a newer gym.
Here's what you do, OP:
>Go to the gym
>Do your work
That's all.
You want to try to pick up girls, go to a bar. Or your school. Or whatever. Not at the gym.
t. numale cuck
>is it possible to pick up girls at x?
If you have to ask, not for you. You are ugly.
>that cuck mentality
guess how I know ur a burger, u shit cunt
This attitude is retarded.
You can meet people anywhere. Don't go up to a girl like you might at a club and grind on her or give her a pickup line or something, but fuck man, if there's a girl who matches with your schedule or something there's nothing wrong with talking to her and even asking her out like a fucking normal person.
I've dated girls I met at the gym, at the bank, at school when I was younger, incidentally at work (work in the same building for different companies), at the specialty shop I buy my boardgames, etc. If you think you can only meet girls at the club, you're retarded and will only get equally retarded girls or else club sluts that you can't handle.
Shut up eurofilth. You're just mad because no girls are impressed by the autistic faggot trying to teach them propper form, when they didn't ask for your input.
Of course its possible. I did it, we dated for 2 months before she left me... I still see her in the gym cople times a week, we dont talk just say 'hi' to each other and thats it.
Go to the gym and work out, and if the opportunity comes up to speak with an attractive girl, take advantage of it.
I have made it a habit to be more outgoing and if someone is working out on a bench/rack next to me I will talk to them between sets. There's 2 girls who I see every time I go to the gym and I started out with generic small talk "how's it going, how was your day so far, hows your workout", the usual bullshit. After a few weeks of seeing them we've started to talk quite a bit and I know a decent amount about their work and personal life, we've become friends and usually do cardio together or grab a smoothie together (there's a cafe inside my gym) when we are done lifting.
Just don't be a weirdo. Make it casual and have zero expectations for an "eventual payoff" (if I'm nice I deserve sex with her mentality).
>you can't aproach them
>they can aproach you
Kek, stay beta friendo
>at the specialty shop I buy my boardgames
I really like how subtle the bait is.
lol u beta as fuck, mate
Trump is a jew lovin fuck, just like Hillary
>enjoying fancy board games means something other than you enjoy board games
I'm not that guy, and I've only played board games once with my sister her commie husband and their stoner alcoholic friends but I enjoyed the game.
what does liking fancy board games mean?
Dont shit where you eat. Befriend gym girls only.
>Dont shit where you eat
>finding a gf to potentially live the rest of your life with is shitting now
>you're not supposed to eat with your gf
>or shit
>finding a gf to potentially live the rest of your life with
you're right, there's no point in life.
I'm going to go drink and kill myself now.
noticed this one girl would always hover round reception and "coincidently" leave at the exact time I would finish my routine (she clocked i did 10 minutes cardio after every workout). Eventually "bumped" into each other when leaving the gym, took her number in that convo, fucked her for about 2 months, not had anything other than passing conversation with any other girl at the gym since