Ask me why I'm a fat personal trainer

>ask me why I'm a fat personal trainer

>I'm relentlessly optimistic
>spread happiness to others
Why am I so repulsed by such individuals?
Why am I so bitter?

Because you know it's a facade. Not even in the edgy cunt way. I mean the only people that go on about how optimistic and positive they are are so full of their own shit.

Life isn't just joy, happiness, and positivity. Half of the human experience is suffering, and it should be that way because in getting beat down, we either grow stronger or die out letting those who can get stronger take our place.

Why is she wearing a wedding dress in her dating profile?

can't you see she is leaning on her husband, the fridge, in that picture?

Life is about responsibility and dedication

bettering yourself.

happiness is a shit emotion because it breeds complacency with standards that are less than perfect.

Pride is better.

Pride pulls you forward and forces you to improve with shame (the opposite side of the coin) pushing you to be better.

a happy man will live and die changing nothing and letting the rest of the world collapse without protest.

A proud man will change himself and hold himself and by proxy the people around him to a standard or he will actively try to improve himself. this changes both him, the people around him and the society which he will leave to his children.

Happiness in the face of all despair is not strength it is laziness and an attempt to blind ones self from all the negative things in the world.

Go check out Helene Drage on instagram..

Because you are jealous and too egotistical to change yourself.

On the otherhand, if someone says they're happy publicly on social media, they probably aren't. She has an agenda to push (I'm fat and happy! That proves being fat isn't bad!). But if you mad that people are happy, then its you.

>Life is about responsibility and dedication

Not true. Life is about whatever you want it to be about. If I want my life to be about laziness and apathy, then so be it.

>happiness is a shit emotion because it breeds complacency with standards that are less than perfect.

Eh, happiness is good, but you can't will happiness. Happiness comes from events and actions, but always fades. Contentment is actually a good thing, though. But all in all, everything in moderation.

>Pride is better.

Pride is retarded and comes from out lizard brain. It's not better. It's dumb. Pride is the foundation of all horrible acts caused by humanity. All flaws, sins, whatever, are rooted in Pride.

>a happy man will live and die changing nothing and letting the rest of the world collapse without protest.

So will an unhappy man. So will all of us. The most influential people in human history are nothing but a tiny splash in it's wake.

>A proud man will change himself and hold himself and by proxy the people around him to a standard or he will actively try to improve himself.

So does a happy man.

>Happiness in the face of all despair is not strength

You just don't have the strength to be ok with the fact that you have absolutely no control over anything ever. You are born nothing, you will die nothing. Pride is an illusion, born of evolutionary pressures. nothing more, nothing less.

>the fact that you have absolutely no control over anything ever
you're fucking dumb, kill yourself